i think startjoin/ startcoin should make signature campaign for growing more community

It's just that most of the Startcoin community is recruited from "real life" instead of bitcointalk, so not many are active here.
And those "real life" people don`t have BTC to buy Startcoin? I don`t quite get why the attention/price is so low. We`ve seen much less serious projects explode in hype and price.
I don't really know the answer to that, but I have a few hypothesizes.
- The general state of the altcoin scene where almost nobody believes in anything else than pump and dump.
- The previous coin promoted by Max Keiser, Maxcoin have made many people suspicious since it was not a very big success, and they think Startcoin is more of the same.
- Yes, many of the real life investors in Bitcoin Capital and users of Startjoin are new to crypto and don't jump in with a lot of money. They don't see the full potential (yet), and don't have the experience needed to get hold of coins. I expect getting a few Startcoin ATM's set up will help mend this.
- Startcoin has not been hoarded to the same degree as many other coins. It has been sold and reinvested to a large degree during the last year. It's used for funding projects, and then often sold for bitcoin or fiat. Bitcoin has not fared so well either after people started spending it instead of just hoarding it.
- The 50% premine makes some suspicious since premine is often used for rewarding the coin inventors.
I think we are starting to see the end of this period now though, and Startcoin will appreciate in value.