Startcoin is now in the top 20 on Coinmarketcap. The price is consolidating quite nicely!
The bankster trolling retards who plagued Maxcoin and this coin are on the run! Their game is up. Startcoin is the coin that they fear. Maybe I wasn't too far off in surmising that Startcoin is about to increase in value at least ten times over and rival litecoin.

I get the feeling that Startcoin is about to make a massive leap into the Top 10 on Coinmarketcap.
Why? Well,
1) Litecoin's block reward for miners is about to halve, and it looks like that coin is on the way out. And
2) those total anonymity coins, like Dash (formerly Darkcoin), might be just about to get their collars felt by the NSA. I don't see any future for them.
Can you imagine if just one anonymous transaction was linked to terrorism? Evan Duffield would be joining Charlie 'Silk Road' Shrem and that other guy who got jailed for life. All those untraceable transactions would be just that, untraceable, lost, locked away in NSA vaults.
And the exchanges that deal with those total anonymity coins might just feel that they too are in peril for knowingly facilitating possible terrorism and drug dealing. Expect some imminent, mighty crashes.
Startcoin to increase in value more than 50 times over? That would only just take it to where Litecoin is now. Maybe Max Keiser was right when he recently said that Startcoin was incredibly under-valued.