lets play guys .
Start can be huge and come back to 70k , may be 100k it's possible . Start have "something" for it
i Know Start some of real crypto
Please understand that the ambitions is much larger than this. We are not trying to pump a coin but build an economic ecosystem. It's still just one year into the "building process", and I think we are doing fine.
It is so because you still don't know what liquidity means.

What you and other few are doing on last 60+ pages here is nothing except pump a coin, are you dumb or what?
Ok, I admit to the liquidity, I know what it means

My rather poorly stated point was that the volume pointed to a liquidity much higher than what would appear if you only look at the buy and sell books. If that makes more sense.
When it comes to pumping and no pumping of a coin, then my view is this:
Startcoin by itself is nothing special, its just another coin with some not very important technical characteristics. Its the ecosystem around that makes it valuable, so no, we are not pumping a coin, we are pumping a ecosystem. This ecosystem started about a year ago with the coin itself, the platform where it plays a central part (Startjoin) and some enthusiastic backers right from the start. Some of them started with Maxcoin, and also wanted to get in on the new concept. Helped by some known media persons it where off to a flying start. During the last year the platform and its use have grown immensely, and the ecosystem has started to really look like a killer. The cooperation with BankToTheFuture, the Bitcoin capital fund, and the latest addition with Karl Gray's 20M$ startcoin fund is the icing on the cake. Those who think we are pumping a coin is therefore severely underestimating what's being done her. Which really is a good thing since we can still for a while enjoy pleasant prices.