ive offered to help with marketing - but OP dropped it
How So? Any help will benefit all here.
Still waiting................................
Update coming soon
BitcoinSanDiego,From reading your comments a few pages back, I find it necessary to clarify many errors in your thought patterns. You might want to re-read the thread from the beginning, you'll come to realize a good amount of the features I developed were suggested by the community and I chose to implement them. You must realize how a business works as well, in that, it must have a business plan and profit model. If you choose to understand things deeper, you will come to see that the patents
[Primarily to my Lower Level Library] will only be leased at cost for commercial purposes, or in other words, if another entity wishes to monetize on the technology that was built for Nexus and its community, they will have to pay to the company in Niro, which in turn will benefit the entire Nexus community by stimulating the market. The patents will not remove one's ability to view and modify the technology, and to spread new innovation within the Nexus community, they will prevent other communities from taking that which was built by and for the people that brought Nexus to life, and using it to create their own commercial entities that will be in direct competition with this community and its investors.
I hope you will find with time, that inquiring rather than projecting opinion is much more beneficial, and you may even discover that through your inquiry, your thoughts and ideas will be embodied into Nexus as a part of the overall vision.
So, with that being stated, feel free to ask that which you would like to know, or suggest other options that would be more efficient means of producing value for Nexus as a whole. If this is not your aim, I don't see of whom you are attempting to be of benefit to, the community, or your own.