-ck (OP)
Activity: 4368
Merit: 1650
Ruu \o/
March 03, 2016, 09:05:53 PM |
Ok, thanks for the info {"hashrate1m": "502T", "hashrate5m": "526T", "hashrate1hr": "522T", "hashrate1d": "422T", "hashrate7d": "98.7T", "lastupdate": 1457038878, "shares": 15202727884, "bestshare": 2299222563.52914, "bestever": 3452002494} But my Shares at the stats from me, are my Shares only, Right? Correct. They're there for your information, and in case you ever pool work from different people to the one address with different workers, you can tell how many shares each person submitted.
Developer/maintainer for cgminer, ckpool/ckproxy, and the -ck kernel 2% Fee Solo mining at solo.ckpool.org -ck
Activity: 872
Merit: 1010
Coins, Games & Miners
March 03, 2016, 11:22:19 PM |
That's the whole pool's collective number of shares between blocks, not the miner's. One poor miner seemed to dump 8PH for over a good length of time on solo and found nothing, increasing that total amount dramatically. The pool of course doesn't care, it just happened to be a small miner that found a block. The collective shares just give an indication of how frequently I'd expect to see blocks on the pool. It's only useful to me but gamblers love extra statistics believing it will help them game things somehow so I've added that information there to let them go wild.
We humans tend to love the gambler's fallacy, ain't it?
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1030
Yes I am a pirate, 300 years too late!
March 04, 2016, 01:00:47 AM |
That's the whole pool's collective number of shares between blocks, not the miner's. One poor miner seemed to dump 8PH for over a good length of time on solo and found nothing, increasing that total amount dramatically. The pool of course doesn't care, it just happened to be a small miner that found a block. The collective shares just give an indication of how frequently I'd expect to see blocks on the pool. It's only useful to me but gamblers love extra statistics believing it will help them game things somehow so I've added that information there to let them go wild.
We humans tend to love the gambler's fallacy, ain't it? Yes we do!! "bestshare": 1667839851.586123, "bestever": 13945041540,
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
March 04, 2016, 01:23:10 AM |
That's the whole pool's collective number of shares between blocks, not the miner's. One poor miner seemed to dump 8PH for over a good length of time on solo and found nothing, increasing that total amount dramatically. The pool of course doesn't care, it just happened to be a small miner that found a block. The collective shares just give an indication of how frequently I'd expect to see blocks on the pool. It's only useful to me but gamblers love extra statistics believing it will help them game things somehow so I've added that information there to let them go wild.
We humans tend to love the gambler's fallacy, ain't it? Yes we do!! "bestshare": 1667839851.586123, "bestever": 13945041540, 505194817.32875031, "bestever": 505194817, How many t/h are u running. I'm getting around this
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1030
Yes I am a pirate, 300 years too late!
March 04, 2016, 02:22:36 AM |
Between 10-150T
Belligerent Fool
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1001
March 04, 2016, 04:17:18 AM |
... Total noob here  Noob + solo will probably lead to disappointment. Try kano.is first, then after you have mined some there, come back to solo. Soloing is hard... been 110+ days on that with ~25 THs and i'm still empty handed  No necessarily. I got a block with 100th in 13hours. All about luck . I want to be one of those lucky ones for once, the most I have ever won on the Lottery is $43.75 
-ck (OP)
Activity: 4368
Merit: 1650
Ruu \o/
March 04, 2016, 06:45:54 AM |
Dear users 4everBTC, Biffa and scottlawry, you are all trying to use regular usernames on this pool which will not work. You MUST use a bitcoin address as your username.
Developer/maintainer for cgminer, ckpool/ckproxy, and the -ck kernel 2% Fee Solo mining at solo.ckpool.org -ck
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
March 04, 2016, 07:35:40 AM |
-ck (OP)
Activity: 4368
Merit: 1650
Ruu \o/
March 04, 2016, 07:57:35 AM |
[2016-03-04 01:49:44.988] Possible block solve diff 568556132857.178101 ! [2016-03-04 01:49:45.161] BLOCK ACCEPTED! [2016-03-04 01:49:45.161] Solved and confirmed block 401092 by 1LxergTC4U2pV9HLZF68jiNHYKNBWd5Tg1 [2016-03-04 01:49:45.161] User 1LxergTC4U2pV9HLZF68jiNHYKNBWd5Tg1:{"hashrate1m": "354T", "hashrate5m": "365T", "hashrate1hr": "387T", "hashrate1d": "151T", "hashrate7d": "54.5T"} [2016-03-04 01:49:45.161] Worker 1LxergTC4U2pV9HLZF68jiNHYKNBWd5Tg1:{"hashrate1m": "354T", "hashrate5m": "365T", "hashrate1hr": "387T", "hashrate1d": "151T", "hashrate7d": "54.5T"} [2016-03-04 01:49:45.161] Block solved after 58882081789 shares at 36.0% diff
Developer/maintainer for cgminer, ckpool/ckproxy, and the -ck kernel 2% Fee Solo mining at solo.ckpool.org -ck
March 04, 2016, 08:16:41 AM |
Is "BTCADDRESS.FORUMUSERNAME" acceptable?  see 1st post... Set your username to your btcaddress with any or even no worker extension, and any password. eg: cgminer -o stratum+tcp://solo.ckpool.org:3333 -u 1PKN98VN2z5gwSGZvGKS2bj8aADZBkyhkZ.0 -p x If you enter an invalid address you will be rejected Statistics: Simple total pool statistics can be found at http://solo.ckpool.org/pool/Solo.ckpool.org currently only displays minimal per user and per worker information based on btcaddress. To access this, enter your BTC address at the end of: http://solo.ckpool.org/users/or your workername at the end of: http://solo.ckpool.org/workers/
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
March 04, 2016, 09:31:57 AM |
had a decent share too 95,551,225,098 ... getting closer!
March 04, 2016, 03:02:43 PM |
has the diff fix gone in for the solo pool ck?
tried to do a rental from NH and it keep failing saying pool was dead.
checked address and all info and everything checked out.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
March 04, 2016, 03:11:17 PM |
has the diff fix gone in for the solo pool ck?
tried to do a rental from NH and it keep failing saying pool was dead.
checked address and all info and everything checked out.
erk, my rental runing alive at 3334 port...
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
March 04, 2016, 03:42:43 PM |
... Total noob here  Noob + solo will probably lead to disappointment. Try kano.is first, then after you have mined some there, come back to solo. Soloing is hard... been 110+ days on that with ~25 THs and i'm still empty handed  No necessarily. I got a block with 100th in 13hours. All about luck . I want to be one of those lucky ones for once, the most I have ever won on the Lottery is $43.75  I'm hoping my fortune will change soon. I've rented 5PH, 500TH, 100TH and have had no luck. Being unemployed and gambling away what little you can scrounge up from time to time isn't smart on my part :/ I just rented 5TH for the heck of it. Desperation I guess. Crossing fingers, congrats to the latest winner and good luck to all!
March 04, 2016, 03:59:13 PM |
has the diff fix gone in for the solo pool ck?
tried to do a rental from NH and it keep failing saying pool was dead.
checked address and all info and everything checked out.
erk, my rental runing alive at 3334 port... that fixed it.. was using the standard 3333. switched to 3334 and its alive
Activity: 872
Merit: 1010
Coins, Games & Miners
March 04, 2016, 04:05:45 PM |
1LxergTC4U2pV9HLZF68jiNHYKNBWd5Tg1 got lucky there! Congrats  Btw, three solo blocks in a row! (just one from ckpool though). Solo mining is getting more interesting by the minute. Guess peeps are getting fed up with the pool operators' drama.
March 04, 2016, 04:21:33 PM |
i think the price per btc is helping.
make a couple bucks in a pool today.. or try solo and make 10k
Activity: 1161
Merit: 1001
Don`t invest more than you can afford to lose
March 04, 2016, 06:07:48 PM |
I just put 15 TH here Good Luck to all!
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
March 05, 2016, 12:44:52 AM |
wow! difficulty dropped down to 158,427,203,767.3920 first time I've seen it drop since learning about bitcoin last August.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1083
March 05, 2016, 12:55:53 AM |
wow! difficulty dropped down to 158,427,203,767.3920 first time I've seen it drop since learning about bitcoin last August.
Thats good but unfortunately wont make any real difference to most miners.