Activity: 47
Merit: 0
July 15, 2016, 05:12:30 PM |
Hello, I have 4 antminers s7, if I want to put them all to mine solo if I connect them to the pool with the same worker address? In that case they would all be mining on their own right? Would it be better to make them work as a single machine, is that possible? Thanks
July 15, 2016, 05:20:36 PM |
Hello, I have 4 antminers s7, if I want to put them all to mine solo if I connect them to the pool with the same worker address? In that case they would all be mining on their own right? Would it be better to make them work as a single machine, is that possible? Thanks
it makes no difference  you can mine with [your BTCaddress].[different_worker_for_each]
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
July 15, 2016, 05:28:09 PM |
-ck (OP)
Activity: 4382
Merit: 1650
Ruu \o/
July 15, 2016, 08:50:54 PM |
[2016-07-15 12:06:06.856] Possible block solve diff 266523607990.903076 ! [2016-07-15 12:06:06.990] BLOCK ACCEPTED! [2016-07-15 12:06:06.990] Solved and confirmed block 420845 by 12wtJV5P8iEB3qiEQMFtckcoeFm5GhnhdA [2016-07-15 12:06:06.990] User 12wtJV5P8iEB3qiEQMFtckcoeFm5GhnhdA:{"hashrate1m": "726T", "hashrate5m": "732T", "hashrate1hr": "713T", "hashrate1d": "92.8T", "hashrate7d": "14T"} [2016-07-15 12:06:06.990] Worker 12wtJV5P8iEB3qiEQMFtckcoeFm5GhnhdA:{"hashrate1m": "726T", "hashrate5m": "732T", "hashrate1hr": "713T", "hashrate1d": "92.8T", "hashrate7d": "14T"} [2016-07-15 12:06:06.990] Block solved after 236644892748 shares at 110.9% diff
Wow that's me...woke up with a notification on my phone, holy bit! A third blocks after the halvening, what a nice surprise. I rented a 750TH rigs from mrr for 6 hours, luck is working in such a mysterious way  Thank you and wish for every luck for everyone. Congrats! And thanks for the donation too 
Developer/maintainer for cgminer, ckpool/ckproxy, and the -ck kernel 2% Fee Solo mining at solo.ckpool.org -ck
Full Member
Activity: 233
Merit: 100
reality is what you think it is
July 16, 2016, 07:02:02 AM |
Wow that's me...woke up with a notification on my phone, holy bit! A third blocks after the halvening, what a nice surprise. I rented a 750TH rigs from mrr for 6 hours, luck is working in such a mysterious way  Thank you and wish for every luck for everyone. Congrats!! Again those rentals)) Maybe next Friday it will be me 
aka Shammann elsewhere, spreche etwas Deutsch, pyccкий тoжe знaю ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
-ck (OP)
Activity: 4382
Merit: 1650
Ruu \o/
July 16, 2016, 10:53:53 AM |
[2016-07-16 05:51:44.882] BLOCK ACCEPTED! [2016-07-16 05:51:44.882] Solved and confirmed block 420960 by 1Ng6d13H1A3PYi9E8knZqsgn8ubNXhmmzk [2016-07-16 05:51:44.882] User 1Ng6d13H1A3PYi9E8knZqsgn8ubNXhmmzk:{"hashrate1m": "4.35P", "hashrate5m": "4.29P", "hashrate1hr": "3.66P", "hashrate1d": "1.3P", "hashrate7d": "431T"} [2016-07-16 05:51:44.882] Worker 1Ng6d13H1A3PYi9E8knZqsgn8ubNXhmmzk:{"hashrate1m": "4.35P", "hashrate5m": "4.29P", "hashrate1hr": "3.66P", "hashrate1d": "1.32P", "hashrate7d": "681T"} [2016-07-16 05:51:44.882] Block solved after 35550251362 shares at 16.7% diff
Developer/maintainer for cgminer, ckpool/ckproxy, and the -ck kernel 2% Fee Solo mining at solo.ckpool.org -ck
July 16, 2016, 11:47:41 AM |
Good to see some solo blocks being mined 
July 16, 2016, 01:44:37 PM |
I'm sure the question was already asked, but I can't seem to find the answer.
How do you calculate the probability to find a block ? Do you take the Hashrate of the network, at around 1 481 065 321GH/s now, and divide it by your own Hashrate ? For example, if I have a 280GH/s Hashrate, I have 1 chance on 5 289 520 (= 1 481 065 321 / 280) to find a block ?
Activity: 872
Merit: 1010
Coins, Games & Miners
July 16, 2016, 02:02:08 PM |
How do you calculate the probability to find a block ?
Number of hashes to probably find a block = (Network Difficulty / Your Hashrate) * 2³² Divide that by 86400 and you'll know how much days before you (probably) hit a block. Mining is a stochastic process, google it up.
Activity: 4676
Merit: 1852
Linux since 1997 RedHat 4
July 16, 2016, 02:42:15 PM |
http://tradebtc.net/bitcalc.phpMy page includes the chance of finding a block in a day for "Your" hash rate
July 16, 2016, 04:14:37 PM |
Thanks to you two.
1 chance on 40 000 per day, that's good enough. It's better than lottery (1 chance on 19 000 000, here).
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1001
July 16, 2016, 09:55:49 PM |
From 185 Total Bitcoin Blocks found to 187 Total Bitcoin Blocks found in such a short amount of time  Congratulations to the block finders !
Activity: 4410
Merit: 9503
'The right to privacy matters'
July 16, 2016, 10:04:22 PM |
I'm sure the question was already asked, but I can't seem to find the answer.
How do you calculate the probability to find a block ? Do you take the Hashrate of the network, at around 1 481 065 321GH/s now, and divide it by your own Hashrate ? For example, if I have a 280GH/s Hashrate, I have 1 chance on 5 289 520 (= 1 481 065 321 / 280) to find a block ?
very close but just a little wrong take that 5,289,520 then divide it by 144 . why is that? we make 144 blocks a day for the network (+ or - 30 bocks) so 5,289,520/144 = 36,732 to one on average each day so a week would be 5,247 to one
July 17, 2016, 08:44:28 AM |
Sorry for noob question but what does best share mean? Are we trying to aim for the 50+billion mark?
-ck (OP)
Activity: 4382
Merit: 1650
Ruu \o/
July 17, 2016, 08:58:07 AM |
Sorry for noob question but what does best share mean? Are we trying to aim for the 50+billion mark?
You're aiming for the current diff of 213,398,925,331. Anything less is worthless. Anything greater than or equal to that is worth a shitload of money. Showing the best share is only there for a bit of fun as it has no other value.
Developer/maintainer for cgminer, ckpool/ckproxy, and the -ck kernel 2% Fee Solo mining at solo.ckpool.org -ck
July 17, 2016, 09:15:14 AM |
So how long will 1ph take to reach 213billion shares that we are aiming for?
-ck (OP)
Activity: 4382
Merit: 1650
Ruu \o/
July 17, 2016, 09:21:56 AM |
So how long will 1ph take to reach 213billion shares that we are aiming for?
There is no "reach". Mining is not a forward process but a random one. On average every 213 billion shares you will solve a block. 1PH will on average find a block every 10 days 14 hours which is pretty sad really.
Developer/maintainer for cgminer, ckpool/ckproxy, and the -ck kernel 2% Fee Solo mining at solo.ckpool.org -ck
July 17, 2016, 09:30:36 AM |
So renting 1ph for a couple of hours isnt a good idea? Better to rent say, 100th for a week?
-ck (OP)
Activity: 4382
Merit: 1650
Ruu \o/
July 17, 2016, 09:34:45 AM |
So renting 1ph for a couple of hours isnt a good idea? Better to rent say, 100th for a week?
It makes no difference either way. 1PH for an hour has exactly the same chance of finding a block as 100TH for 10 hours. The only difference to you is that you get to watch your rental for longer with the lower hashrate.
Developer/maintainer for cgminer, ckpool/ckproxy, and the -ck kernel 2% Fee Solo mining at solo.ckpool.org -ck