i have noob question how to activate staking is it automatic and do i need to unlock wallet for staking all the time, i have zero connections on wallet and staking is also zero altought i have some coins for more than 24 hours
Wallet start stake every time you leave the wallet open and unlocked (or unlocked for staking only - there's a checkbox into the unlock wallet dialog -).
But if you have no connections you are not able to stake and you are not even able to receive or send coins. No one has connection issues, just because our seeds are set into the source code so there's no need to add nodes in .conf.
If you have no connections probably it's a firewall issue. If your PC is behind a firewall, check if port 15793 and 15794 (both tcp) are open. If they arent, you have to options:
1) disable firewall on your router (not recommended)
2) use the port mapping to open only ports 15793 and 15794 (tcp) and redirect them to your PC's internal ip address
EDIT: i just checked and it seems that the label "Connections" in Statistics page is fucked up. I will fix this issue in the next release of the wallet. Meantime, to get the real number of connections do this:
- go to help > Debug Window
- go to Console tab
- at the bottom insert the command: "getinfo" and press enter.
- you will get some infos, number of connections included.