How do I get the best performance for staking?
For example: I buy 20000 CON on ccex.
Should I use one or several addresses in my wallet?
And how should I split the coins? Blocks of 1000 or 2000 Coins?
Best performance is splitting your Blocks up into 500 each and they would Stake after roughly 2-3 days. After 5 days if you have Blocks that have not Staked, Blocks under 500 Coins, in the same address, will combine together until larger than 500 Coins (plus reward) into one Block. Using multiple addresses helps to increase your anonymity but you want atleast 1-2k per address to Coins can combine with each other.
You can see an example here on the PayCon Block explorer
http://blockexperts.com/con/height/75742If you are a bit savvy with compiling from source as well, you can also change the split and combine thresholds in the wallet.cpp file to help you split and combine your Blocks more efficiently and at a later date, user adjustable thresholds will be part of a wallet update.
We also have
https://paycon.slack.com/ now which works like an instant messaging and filesharing service, it's free and you can signup with a fake email if you want, you just have to be able to use the email supplied because I would need to send an invite.