PayCon Upgrade!!
Tired of being promised the world? Here at PayCon we show you want can be achieved with only a bit of teamwork and a few crazy ideas and so we have a massive update in store for everyone. Swappable themes - Choose from default Black and Blackwood theme
SplitBlock GUI - split your Blocks automatically into custom sizes.
ComboBox GUI for selection of Coins in Coin Control - Select Blocks based on Amount, Weight or Age.
Deleteaddress GUI - Delete old addresses from your wallet
Return Change GUI - Return change back to the address.
Date range GUI in transactions - View Transactions based on a range, useful for determining Stakes within a given period.
-Added columns in Coin Control by Age and Weight
-Forum icon in social tab links to Cryptoplays
-Youtube icon links to the correct Youtube Channel
-C-Cex icon links to the CON market instead of the C-Cex frontpage
MultiSend RPC callsMulti-Send
"multisend <command>\n"
"MultiSend is a rebuild of what used to be called Stake For Charity (s4c)\n"
"MultiSend allows a user to automatically send a percent of their stake reward to as many addresses as you would like\n"
"The MultiSend transaction is sent when the staked coins mature\n"
"The only current restriction is that you cannot choose to send more than 100% of your stake using MultiSend\n"
"MULTISEND COMMANDS (usage: multisend <command>)\n"
" print - displays the current MultiSend vector \n"
" clear - deletes the current MultiSend vector \n"
" enable/activate - activates the current MultiSend vector \n"
" disable/deactivate - disables the current MultiSend vector \n"
" delete <Address #> - deletes an address from the MultiSend vector \n"
" disable <address> - prevents a specific address from sending MultiSend transactions\n"
" enableall - enables all addresses to be eligible to send MultiSend transactions\n"
Coin Control RPC Calls"cclistcoins"
Additions to the BlockchainLiteStake - LiteStake is a rebuild of the Proof of Stake hashing which consumes 100-1000 times less CPU power by hashing less often.
-Raise on Nlimit for faster download speeds
-Added 10 second max time since last Block
HardFork May 1st, 2015 12:00 UTC - This HardFork reduces the Blockdrift from 30 minutes, down to 1 minute and as of May 2nd 12:00 am UTC, all previous clients will be cut off from the network, please upgrade to the newest version before that time.