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Author Topic: Bullion (CBX) 'the Digital Precious Metal' | 2019 Roadmap published  (Read 359561 times)
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August 31, 2015, 07:16:43 PM

One plus with Centibullion is that it still uses the same CB letters as CrytpoBullion (as in the logo). (OP)
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September 01, 2015, 09:46:16 AM

Centi Bullion and Baby Bullion seem to be the more popular names so far with Centi Bullion (CB) slightly ahead. If you have not voted and have an opinion here, please submit a vote. Thanks.

lab rat hoax
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September 01, 2015, 09:57:16 PM

i voted for Centi Bullion instead of baby, i think people will take us a little more seriously.
this isn't one of those cutesy coins like penguincoin or corgicoin ......or nyancat

"not that there's anything wrong with that"   Cool

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September 02, 2015, 06:17:36 AM

Baby isn't the right word for the CBX I know and love. Got a shock when I read it was being implemented into the next wallet. Sounds almost like a joke.
Centi is ok.

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September 02, 2015, 07:39:33 AM

Baby isn't the right word for the CBX I know and love. Got a shock when I read it was being implemented into the next wallet. Sounds almost like a joke.
Centi is ok.

Afraid I agree with lab rat & Killiz here, 'baby' has no place in a profecinal investment comodity. Also the word baby has different conitations in difrent languages for example baby in Chinese 婴儿 can mean baby, infant or infancy - not the sort of message we want to be associated with CBX.

Stick to the Latin derived units of measurment Smiley

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September 02, 2015, 08:34:57 AM
Last edit: September 02, 2015, 10:53:12 AM by BTCat

Baby isn't the right word for the CBX I know and love. Got a shock when I read it was being implemented into the next wallet. Sounds almost like a joke.
Centi is ok.

Afraid I agree with lab rat & Killiz here, 'baby' has no place in a profecinal investment comodity. Also the word baby has different conitations in difrent languages for example baby in Chinese 婴儿 can mean baby, infant or infancy - not the sort of message we want to be associated with CBX.

Stick to the Latin derived units of measurment Smiley

I did not read it would be in the wallet. In that case I would vote not to use another name. Simple 0.01 CBX is just that, 0.01 CBX. Centi Bullion does not even come close to Crypto Bullion, it sounds like a different coin. (There are Cents and Bullions out there). There are thousands of names already. Also, I would never use it to request for 0.50 centi bullions, the price is too low to transact so it doesn't make much sense. Just my opinion, if you guys want it then go for it.

edit: Now that I think of it more, if you want it, I think best would be to stay close to what is already used for Bitcoin.
1 BTC = 1,000 mBTC (millibitcoin)
1 BTC = 1,000,000 μBTC (microbitcoin)
1 BTC = 100,000,000 Satoshis
1 mBTC = 100,000 Satoshis
1 μBTC (microbitcoin) = 100 Satoshis

Then for CBX you could use, CryptoBullion Cents with cCBX, milliCryptoBullion with μCBX.

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September 02, 2015, 12:56:30 PM

Excellent discussion here! Thank you all for the feedback and participation. Everyone's input is valued and heard.

The Vault currently has 3 different classifications:
  • CBX
  • mCBX - milli-CryptoBullions (1/1,000 CBX)
  • μCBX - micro-CryptoBullions (1/1,000,000 CBX)

No designation is present at the moment for 1/100 CBX. Based on current nomenclature, perhaps centi-CryptoBullions (cCBX) is the best option here. The only issue is that this name does not exactly roll off the tongue...

This discussion and implementation idea has come up to assist with a push for mass adoption. We have a peer 2 peer faucet project in the works which will involve giving away a fraction of CBX to new users (targeting university students). We feel that this target demographic is critical to appeal to and expose to CBX - these are the adopters that can make crypto truly mainstream.

My thought on this is that giving someone 0.1 CBX to get them interested enough to research CryptoBullion would not resonate as well as giving someone, for example 10 'Bulls' (equivalent to 0.1 CBX).

Also, keep in mind the current price point of CBX is not the target goal. We are looking to grow the value exponentially from this point. An easy name for exchanging fractional CryptoBullion will be beneficial in the future for transactions so this move serves dual purposes.
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September 02, 2015, 01:23:59 PM

why not make it "officially" centi-CBX   and use "Bulls" or whatever like a nickname for it.

like "dime"


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September 02, 2015, 01:24:23 PM
 #629 the way "Bulls" is a good name


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September 02, 2015, 01:27:22 PM

why not make it "officially" centi-CBX   and use "Bulls" or whatever like a nickname for it.

like "dime"

This is certainly a valid option but we want new users and merchants to easily make the association when they are using their Vault. I am a big fan of simplicity and clearly defining things to avoid confusion or misunderstanding.
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September 02, 2015, 05:19:54 PM

why not make it "officially" centi-CBX   and use "Bulls" or whatever like a nickname for it.

like "dime"

This is certainly a valid option but we want new users and merchants to easily make the association when they are using their Vault. I am a big fan of simplicity and clearly defining things to avoid confusion or misunderstanding.

How about Crypto Bull Cents then Smiley
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September 02, 2015, 05:33:50 PM

I voted "centi-bullion" as it is the only one that makes sense for 0.01 although I'm not sure I'm completely sold on the name, much better than "baby" anyway.

I like the standard deci- centi- milli- micro- as it is universally understood, but am not against having a separate name for the 1/100 division as with dollars (cents), pounds (pence), yuan (fēn) etc.

Bulls is nice but seems too easy to mistake for a full bullion.

Bullets is the best i can think of right now.
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September 03, 2015, 05:56:33 PM
Last edit: September 04, 2015, 08:00:49 AM by VonSpass

Ok folks - the poll says we should go with CentiBullion, and I think its not bad. Its bland and it has no taste, but its not a bad choice.

There is more than meets the eye with the Baby Bullion choice. Every other coin is trying (except for the Doge) and going after the corporately serious image; sometimes its good to stand out of the crowd, be a little bit shocking and outrageous to get noticed. Some very serious products, even in financial markets, have cute names. This is why I chose Baby Bullion - the serious one would be the CBX, expensive and high profile - then, the BB would have been the Crypto Bullion's friendly counterpart, the one for the rest of us.  In the end let's not forget, its the people who drive it all - not the corporate investor. The intelligent investor goes after what the people want and makes it available to them.

- Its the people we have to please, not the corporate investor -

Regarding value, we are working hard to make the Crypto Bullion itself more valuable, so the CentiBullion could become the common unit to buy goods and services. Of course I know we are not there yet, but a strong foundation has to be set to build something big on it.

So the poll suggests you guys like the centi- better, I can live with that: CBX is definitely a group and democratic effort; but maybe there are still enough votes out there to support the BB? We will see...
lab rat hoax
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September 03, 2015, 08:12:04 PM

bullies                  bully bits

bully                  baby bully

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September 03, 2015, 08:47:12 PM

bullies                  bully bits

bully                  baby bully

I think the poll missed some options that came up after it started  Cheesy
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September 03, 2015, 09:04:45 PM

bullies                  bully bits

bully                  baby bully

I think the poll missed some options that came up after it started  Cheesy

Well, in English a bully is not a person people like, a bullet is used to kill people. I would not use these two.
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September 03, 2015, 10:10:25 PM
Last edit: September 04, 2015, 08:01:08 AM by VonSpass

Ok folks - the poll says we should go with CentiBullion, and I think its not bad. Its bland and it has no taste, but its not a bad choice.

There is more than meets the eye with the Baby Bullion choice. Every other coin is trying (except for the Doge) and going after the corporately serious image; sometimes its good to stand out of the crowd, be a little bit shocking and outrageous to get noticed. Some very serious products, even in financial markets, have cute names. This is why I chose Baby Bullion - the serious one would be the CBX, expensive and high profile - then, the BB would have been the Crypto Bullion's friendly counterpart, the one for the rest of us.  In the end let's not forget, its the people who drive it all - not the corporate investor. The intelligent investor goes after what the people want and makes it available to them.

- Its the people we have to please, not the corporate investor -

Regarding value, we are working hard to make the Crypto Bullion itself more valuable, so the CentiBullion could become the common unit to buy goods and services. Of course I know we are not there yet, but a strong foundation has to be set to build something big on it.

So the poll suggests you guys like the centi- better, I can live with that: CBX is definitely a group and democratic effort; but maybe there are still enough votes out there to support the BB? We will see...

Fellow Bullionaires, there is very little time to change the poll's winning choice as the next wallet is coming soon: we do not have the luxury of weeks of debating. If you want Baby Bullion please vote for it now, otherwise CentiBullion wins and that's that.
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September 04, 2015, 12:10:48 AM

my vote goes to Baby Bullion
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September 04, 2015, 08:55:53 AM
Last edit: September 04, 2015, 10:33:58 AM by digit

guess i'm a little late for this, but i would like to suggest BitBullion or btCBX, as i didnt see in the poll or suggested elsewhere.  

BitBullion as a name may provide some small advantage as by having Bit & bt it maintains a small reference to BitCoin, while also acting as an appropriate sounding prefix for 0.01CBX or a "bit" of Bullion. Cheesy
1 btCBX = 1 BitBullion = 0.01 CBX
100 BitBullion = 100 btCBX = 1 CBX  

@elambert, raizor - Coins-E should be removed from OP as they no longer exist and site does not load.   For some time it been regarded as scam exchange but only recently have the owners decided to finally shutdown and disappear with no warning or notice given to users, and of course they took with them whatever user coins they still held. Sad

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September 04, 2015, 09:23:36 AM
Last edit: September 04, 2015, 09:36:06 AM by BTCat

Fellow Bullionaires, there is very little time to change the poll's winning choice as the next wallet is coming soon: we do not have the luxury of weeks of debating. If you want Baby Bullion please vote for it now, otherwise CentiBullion wins and that's that.

I'm against this. There were several other options suggested and even after your post someone likes to add an idea. Even Elambert wrote he would like a more recognizable name that is more close or has Crypto Bullion in it. There is probably enough time to figure this out.

On another note: The CBX promo video is nearly finished. But, we are still looking for a great soundtrack. If anyone in the community likes to make a suggestion please do. The difficulty is that it must be free of copyrights. For style personally I would like to hear some athmospheric triphop, not too sleepy but also not too much upbeat, it should not distract from the visual content. Ofcourse other suggestions welcome.

Coins-E should be removed from OP as they no longer exist and site does not load.   For some time it been regarded as scam exchange but only recently have the owners decided to finally shutdown and disappear with no warning or notice given to users, and of course they took with them whatever user coins they still held. Sad

Thanks for the warning. There are still over 2,500 CBX on sale on Coins-E... At least if the info is still correct. The site does load for me
They also replied on Twitter so still chance you could get coins back.
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