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1001  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: 2FA adicionado ao forum on: December 23, 2023, 10:57:15 PM
Pessoal, um item de segurança muito importante foi adicionado ao fórum. O 2fa (autenticação em 2 fatores)


Que belo presente de natal a gente ganhou.

Eu sempre fiquei abismado com o fato de não termos ainda um recurso de segurança tão básico e importante.
Eu sei que 2FA por e-mail já é algo ultrapassado, mas ao menos isso poderia existir para os casos em que o sistema detecte um login de um IP desconhecido ou então muito fora do normal.

De toda forma, antes tarde do que nunca e o 2FA baseado em OTP é o melhor que poderíamos esperar.
Já está habilitado por aqui Grin
1002  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: [VOTAÇÃO ABERTA] Concurso de natal Bitcoin Talk on: December 23, 2023, 10:51:03 PM
Pôxa, não me deu tempo de entrar com a segunda imagem, acabei nem me atentando ao prazo, mas ainda bem porque na verdade não foi nada digno de louvor e "o cachorro já comeu" o desenho Cool

Modernidade ein.... todas as artes do concurso foram feitas utilizando inteligência artificial, quem dera fôssemos ter algo acessível assim à meros 5 anos trás.
Enfim, já tenho a minha escolha, é mais por uma escolha do que ela representa do que realmente pela "beleza da arte", pois acredito que com imagens geradas "sem esforço braçal" esse deva ser um dos critóerios mais importantes na escolha do vencedor.
Só não votei ainda para não não evidenciar minha escolha, vou fazer na sequência.

Qual é mesmo o prazo pra votação @criptoevangelista ?
1003  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: [REVIEW] BTCMap - Conheça os estabelecimentos que aceitam BTC perto de voce on: December 23, 2023, 10:40:59 PM
Bacana na verdade que sequer precisa de APP para navegar no mapa, ele tem uma versão web.
Essa semana eu estava pensando... preciso de um celular novo o meu já tá lento e lotado, aí então eu fui ver tudo oque tinha no aparelho e qual quer seria o "incômodo" de precisar mudar de ceular, foi entã oque percebi a quantidade enorme de aplicativos inúteis que eu tinha instalado ou então que eu usava esporadicamente. No fim, fiz um backup dos que eu realmente usava, restaurei ao padrão de fábrica e reinstalei... ganhei um celular "novo", rápido e com muito armazenamento livre.

Voltando ao BTCMap, descobri tem existe 4 pontos comerciais em minha cidade, eu sequer poderia imaginar que fosse ter algo que aceitasse bitcoin assim publicamente.
Um deles é uma cafeteria, que parece ter uns donnuts maravilhosos também... já marquei de ir amanhã pra lá.
Só espero que esse não seja o início de um caminho sem volta em que eu começo a gastar meus satoshis.

Ainda bem que o preço alto das transações nesse momento me impedem de fazer muitos pagamentos por essa forma.
1004  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Can loneliness make one addicted to gambling on: December 23, 2023, 10:33:40 PM
I'm confused and looking for answers

If you are lonely, can you have interest in gambling simply because of your loneliness?

How would you judge someone who says they don't gamble because it's fun, is that a sign of a gambling addiction?

If you are making $600 a day, that's $20000 in a month, and because you are only you start having interest to gamble, what do you think this is?

All these questions is been asked because someone close said all these and I think he are losing money and losing himself too, of all the discussions we had, these are the points I held unto.

Later he open up to have been using $500 for gambling per day, he said all these started when his wife left him, that he isn't into gambling at all, but I can't ask why his wife left him in the first place, but does loneliness make people become addicted to gambling or it's something else.

Loneliness can lead a person to fall into a world of addictions, often including alcohol, gambling, pornography and smoking.

In the case of addictions to online games, this is entirely possible because the practicality and agility provided by the web cause some users to become isolated from the real world, leading them to seek refuge in digital and electronic media from everyday problems.

You didn't comment on this person's age, but teenagers and young people are the profile most susceptible to the ease and vices of the internet.
1005  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Which one did you use to gamble with more on: December 23, 2023, 10:24:34 PM
I prefer staking before matches start when I started to gamble as a newbie. I later prefer virtual matches. I left both to staking on live matches which is what I gamble with most on bookies now.

This is just for fun. Let us post and have fun to know which one that most people on this forum that are posting on this gambling board like most.

Betting live is pure adrenaline, the complicated thing about this type of bet is that the bettor cannot forget that in this case he will always have to make decisions very quickly based on what is happening and it is easy to make wrong decisions when you are influenced by adrenaline and the hormones that predominate in your body do not allow you to reason sensibly.

When choosing to bet live, people have the false feeling that they are more secure about their bets, but in reality the game changes very quickly, an unforeseen and momentary move is not always a sign that a certain team is better, the Pre-game analysis should always remain and that is why I advise investing in simple bets for anyone who chooses this type of betting modality.

I'm not good at online betting.... I prefer to analyze the teams calmly before the game and place my bet regardless of what happens during the game.
1006  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Google aceitará anúncios de Bitcoin e criptomoedas apartir de 2024 on: December 21, 2023, 11:43:30 PM
A partir de janeiro de 2024 o google vai voltar a aceitar anúncios relacionados a criptomoedas, para que o anúncio seja aceito vai precisar passar por alguns requisitos e a empresa seja certificada. Será que é mais uma noticia ruim para as campanhas do bitcointalk, não sei se tem alguma empresa que anuncia aqui e passaria pelos requisitos mínimos já que hoje temos mixers, cassinos, exchanges não muito reguladas e as vezes algumas carteiras focadas em privacidade. Acho que nada se encaixaria nos anúncios do google ou estou esquecendo de algo?

Google voltará a permitir anúncios de Bitcoin e criptomoedas

Cara, eu acho que a maioria dos anunciantes aqui do bitcointalk não se enquadrariam nessas políticas do Google.
O que eu acho que eles vão permitir... exchanges, projetos de blockchain já sólidos em que o objetivo principal não é a especulação de preço, wallets e produtos relacionados tipo a Ledger, e por aí vai.

Cassinos, mixers ou qualquer outro projeto em estágio inicial creio que não será aceito por lá.
Mas, pode ser que eu esteja enganado e eles tenham elaborado umas regras bem bonitinhas com o intuito de "fazer bonito" mas na verdade vão liberar praticamente tudo sem muitas verificações, e aí agir mais em cima das denúncias que forem chegar depois.... igual oque já fazem na PlayStore.
1007  Other / Off-topic / Re: Risk management and responsible gaming on: December 21, 2023, 11:38:04 PM
I think this is changing....
Until recently, many countries were only concerned with collecting taxes, as the negative impacts of gambling on a country were minimal and barely perceived.

However, I have seen that this year countries have started to become more concerned about the social problems that irresponsible gambling brings and also how this is tarnishing their reputation.

In the United States, for example, several legislators have come together to increase oversight of advertising, which can impact vulnerable people such as minors, and this type of movement has also begun to occur in several other countries, including Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. United.
In the United Kingdom, authorities have carried out a review of gambling legislation and proposed new restrictions on sports betting. One of the new features is the ban on the participation of personalities in the promotion of companies in the sports betting sector.

So I emphasize... things are changing.
1008  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA World Cup 2026 :Canada/Mexico/United States: Discussion Thread on: December 21, 2023, 11:31:28 PM
There is rumours about Ancelotti moving soon to train the Brazilian team. I think they should push for this to avoid seeing them playing bad in the future or even risking to be kicked from FIFA World Cup 2026 although this is hard to think about and unlikely to happen in my opinion.
I'm not really sure if Brazil is really serious about recruiting Ancelotti. Throughout history, Brazil has never recruited a coach who is not from their own country. I am sure that with the large amount of talent that Brazil has, they will definitely recruit coaches from their country because if they recruit coaches from other countries, it will have an impact on the characteristics of Brazil's game and this will be detrimental to Brazil in the long run. Moreover, Ancelotti, who is from Italy, is clearly very different from the style of play between Italy and Brazil. Therefore, I am sure that the Brazilian football federation will be more careful in recruiting a new coach because the target is not just to qualify for the FIFA World Cup 2026, but how the new coach does not abandon the characteristics of the Brazilian game that they have maintained for years.

But it's real!
If it depends on the CBF, Ancelotti will be the new coach of the Brazilian team.
Even though there is no official agreement signed, this is what is expected from Ancelotti and Brazil for 2024 and so far the only thing that could prevent this is a contract renewal proposal from Real Madrid.
Unfortunately, all agreements so far are only verbal, so it is difficult to say what will actually happen.
Here in Brazil, the indication of the CBF for Lancelotti is very strong, but it seems to me that this is not what the coach wants for his future, otherwise he would have already confirmed this possibility.
1009  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Are you Spending more or less money on Casino this Holiday season on: December 21, 2023, 11:19:57 PM
in my case, i'd say, i'll be spending the same. as i really do not indulge myself too much in gambling, i only spend the usual allocated funds for my gambling activities. and also, depends on the sports events available in this holiday season. but for casino classics, i'll spend the same. am not into parties or anything anymore, so i have a lot of time doing my unfinished projects.

My spending remains stable for two reasons....
Firstly, because I have well-defined time and money goals and I don't exceed them even on special occasions.
Secondly because I'm not going to take a vacation, so my free time will continue to be the same as in the past months.

But, considering players in general, I believe that the trend is for casinos to be much busier for two reasons: Greater number of "idle" players, especially young people who are going on school holidays. And the other is through salary bonuses, which is common in many countries.

I believe that for casinos this is a very profitable time of year.
1010  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: [30 merits] Concurso de Natal Bitcoin talk on: December 21, 2023, 12:17:05 AM
Estive analisando com mais detalhes as imagens geradas pela IA.
É "fodástico" alguns erros que vemos.... a maioria sempre erra nos dedos, mas eu vi vários problemas em coisas simples como contornos de caixas, cores que "não casam" e até olhos vesgos demais ou ausentes Tongue Isso que amioria das imagens geradas é do tipo pintura/desenho e não algo realmente realista.

IA de fato ajuda a fazer o trabalho mais grosso, mas ainda falta muito para se chegar à "perfeição" de uma arte criada por humanos.

Estou largando a preguiça e esboçando umas ideias aqui... não sou nenhum artista mas com um toque de brilho e giz de cera do meu filho, talvéz saia algo bacana para substituir a imagem que postei inicialmente gerada por IA
1011  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: A Tether congela US$ 435 milhões de centenas de carteiras a pedido dos EUA. on: December 21, 2023, 12:09:34 AM
Para onde vão os recursos que foram congelados ?
Os USDT ficam no mesmo endereço, mas o endereço que foi pra blacklist não pode mais mover os fundos.

Complementando a dúvida.... qual a força desse bloqueio em contrato?
Tipo, é uma restrição que a maioria das exchanges seguem olhando para isso e pode haver algum ponto de brecha para converter ou "limpar" esses valores transferindo para outra wallet, ou não... entrou aí e o protocolo de fato bloqueioa qualquer tipo de movimentação?

Pergunto por que me lembro de uns bloqueios que rolavam uma vez envolvendo por exemplo a Uniswap, mas diziam que era apenas um bloqueio de front e que os tokens ainda podiam ser negociados em outros lugares, por isso minha dúvida sobre o quão eficaz é esse bloqueio realizado pela própria Tether.

Indiferente disso, confesso que não sei mais oque é bom ou não nesses bloqueios. Tudo que sempre envolveu blockchain e criptos inicialmente era visto como algo descentralizado e livre, mas aqui vemos que essa liberadade não existe. Obviamente estamos falando também de Dólares, então não podia se esperar algo diferente.
1012  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: December 21, 2023, 12:01:26 AM
I don't think Mauro Icardi having standout performances with Galatasaray would invite big clubs' interest, because his age and his previous spell in top league are inportant factors for big clubs to not gamble with him. I believe this rumour played by his agent on his purpose. Agents often play a crucial role in shaping players' careers and orchestrating transfer narratives for various reasons, including negotiating contracts or generating interest from potential suitors.

Real Madrid are known for investing in emerging stars with long-term potential rather than taking risks on players with a certain history and potentially limited years at their peak, while Manchester United already have Hojland and not in capacity to get the best out of a talent. There must be a context to the discussion about his potential move and prompts a closer examination of the motives behind transfer rumors in the football world.

As for me, I read a different piece of news... it's difficult to know what's really true, but as far as I've learned, the reason for the possible interest in Mauro Icardi would be the injury to Vinicius Júnior, in a recent duel playing for the Brazilian team in the qualifiers for the world Cup.
Initially, Real Madrid's planning did not foresee the signing of any name in the transfer window between the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024... Icardi does not even perform the same role as Vini, but Real Madrid would have seen Icardi as a part offensive capable of making up for the absence of the current number 7. Is it really!?

Since leaving Italy, Icardi is experiencing his best technical moment with Galatasaray, he had a period of little glory at Paris Saint-Germain, but became an offensive reference at the Turkish club where he already has several goals and assists, in addition to having also won the Turkish Championship title in 2022/2023.
1013  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Do you think that this is aperfect analogy of how gambling addiction starts? on: December 20, 2023, 11:51:38 PM
Read this transcript of Andreas Analogy of how gambling addiction kicks off and tell me if you think he is right or not. Basically, your opinion.

Gambling is a tax for people who don't understand the mathematics of probability. If you understand how probability works,  you can't ever rationally gamble. The only reason you would gamble is if you decided, "I am going to lose money; the fun I have while I am losing money is worth it." "I am paying a fee for temporary fun." But most people cannot do that. Once you become drawn into the game, the gambling process triggers these responses. You start getting confirmation bias, selection bias, and survivor bias. These are known cognitive biases. The person who wins thinks they were lucky, but they don't think about all the times they lost. As you are doing this, it is triggering your dopamine centers.

The worst mistake in any bet is to count only on winnings and forget about all the money you have already lost. I think this is worse than that player who bitterly recounts all the defeats he has had and is still chasing the loss, because the latter knows he is doing badly... the problem is when someone doesn't realize how much money they have losing, even if it's just for fun.

In fact, I think that if people actually knew all the probabilities of the game, they would play much less... most players enter games with the objective of making money and not having fun.

Would it be ideal for everyone to know the probabilities? Should casinos make this information very explicit: "your chances of winning something with this game are only 40%"?
No, I don't think so, because even then this information would still go unnoticed by many players.
1014  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Is Michael Jordan a gambling addict ? on: December 20, 2023, 11:45:38 PM
I was recently arguing with someone whom stated that MJ is a gambling addict, and I pushed back.  I think we could probably all agree that being addicted to anything is never good, no matter what it is.  Michael is famous for being a big gambler.  However, it's not like that's the only thing he does in life.  He's a billionaire with many companies and countless things to do each day. Gambling doesn't effect those important things in life.

So, some say yes, but Jordam has always denied it.... in fact, I don't think I've ever seen a gambling addict admit that he is addicted.
But, it seems that when former NBA star Michael Jordan's career came to an end in 2013, some rumors circulated on the internet that the main cause of this decision was his addiction to gambling as Jordan had been seen gambling at the time and Also in 2005 he told '60 Minutes' journalist Ed Bradley that he had made some reckless decisions, was he talking about the bets?

There is also a documentary that talks about this, claiming that Jordan once escaped from the hotel in New York where the team was concentrated to go to a casino, on the eve of a decisive game against the New York Knicks.... Was it just that? a normal "escape" or was it the need to suppress an addiction?

A lot of time has passed, I hope Jordan is doing well today with his money and no addiction.
1015  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: E se... 1BTC entra-se na tua carteria por engano? on: December 19, 2023, 11:30:05 PM
Depende muito de onde ele veio.

Se esse valor veio de alguém conhecido... parente, amigo ou até colega aqui do fórum... eu certamente devolveria. Claro que eu descontaria as taxas que se bobiar vão custar quase 1 BTC atualmente Tongue

Mas, em se tratando de uma transação anônima, aí é mais delicado.
Primeiramente é preciso desconfiar de qual o propósito de ter recebido ela.... foi de fato um envio por engano? E se alguém abarrotado da grana te enviou isso simplesmente pra te ferrar, já sabendo que a  Receita ou Polícia Federal está monitorando as origens dessas transações?
Pra ele 1BTC não é nada, pra você isso pode ser a sua liberade.
Se a wallet em que recebeu esse 1BTC é conhecida publicament, deixa esse valor paradinho lá vá até a polícia e devolva pro governo pois jogar em um mixer só irá piorar sua situação... investigue muito.

Eu mesmo, prefiro nunca ganhar 1BTC dessa forma, to feliz e sossegado com os satoshis que tenho.
1016  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: [30 merits] Concurso de Natal Bitcoin talk on: December 19, 2023, 11:22:54 PM
Bacana demais!!!

Eu aproveitei que tá liberado o uso de IA (tu foi bonzinho ein), e utilizei a ajuda do Bing pois considero ele um dos melhores entre os free, já useei ele demais....

Bom, minha intenção foi representar o momento em família, que deve ser sempre o principal objetivo de todos nesse natal.... pessoas trocando presentes e agradecendo à situação financeira que conquistaram graças ao Bitcoin. Na imagem pode ser que elas parecem estar "ricas", mas a intenção foi de representar uma possiblidade de vida que só foi possível conquistar graças ao Bitcoin, seja a fuga da inflação ou de um governo autoritário.

1017  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Fees do Bitcoin atingem alta máxima em 20 meses on: December 19, 2023, 11:07:56 PM
Pelo que eu entendi, a rede está ficando congestionada porque algumas pessoas estão gravando JPEG's na blockchain, acho que é de algum projeto NFT ou algo assim.

Por esse motivo eu defendo novamente a ideia do que já falei em outro tópico sobre os Ordinals... Bitcoin deve ser usado para transacionar satoshis, dinheiro, e ponto final. Existem tantas blockchains próprias e muito boas para demais finalidades, porque os cara insistem e acabar com a rede do Bitcoin? eu fico PUTO.

A todo mês eu também movo alguns fundos e faço uma consolidação do saldo que recebo da campanha de assinatura e hà uns 14 dias atrás a minha transação também ficou pendente por vários dias até ser confirmada em uma taxa "razoável".
Pra quem pode/consegue esperar, acredito que em breve isso deve normalizar ou não? Ruim é pra quem precisa fazer a transação de forma imediata e precisa pagar essa taxa absurda... os mineradores agradecem.

Alguém que acompanha demais áreas do fórum, esse descontentamento do uso da blockchain do Bitcoin é geral ou a galera está tolerando? Será que os devs devem mobilizar alguma futura atualização afim de "melhorar" isso?
1018  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Do you wrap up your gambling session? on: December 19, 2023, 11:00:28 PM
Have you wrapped up every session you mean you allocate specific hours on your session and to hit the hour where you should log off you made a wrap-up of your session even though you still have a huge bankroll like you spend 30 minutes wrapping up your bets.
I usually spend 20 minutes going down to my excitement level so when I log out I feel more relaxed

How about you do you wrap up your sessions and how many minutes or hours and do you think it's ok to do a wrap-up?

I also don't have a predefined time to play (start or end).
Once I even controlled myself because I spent many hours on these types of sites, but now I analyze the football championships, the matches that will be played that week and choose in advance which ones I'm going to bet on... I go to the site to place my bet and I leave right away.
I occasionally spend some money on random (non-sports) games just for fun, but always with a very limited bankroll that usually runs out in a short time... my goal is never to make a profit.

Talking about pausing, I like a feature similar to the one on betfair, which blocks the player from games for a pre-defined period, I believe that all sites should have a similar feature.
1019  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Which type of gambling have more gambling addicts ? on: December 19, 2023, 10:52:46 PM
I don't know if this has been discussed before or not.
Reading about gambling addiction I don't think it's a new topic, but fitting to be in here, I just want to ask: between casino gambling, in-house gambling, and one-on-one gambling with physical players available on the table, which among these is more likely to turn someone into a gambling addict if the person doesn't have self-control in all his gambling activities?

What prevents people from becoming addicted are just two things: Self-control and/or an impeding fact, this impeding fact could be the lack of resources or the impossibility of having access to what makes the person addicted.

It is based on this that I still believe that online games are the most addictive, due to the ease that people have in getting into the game, as it is not necessary to physically travel to a casino to be able to play, anywhere the person can simply open the casino website on your laptop or cell phone to start betting.

If we talk about physical games in a casino, certainly the most addictive is the one that gives the person the most pleasure, and this is a matter of each person's personal taste... there are people who prefer slot machines and other poker games. what is highly addictive for one is not even interesting for the other.
1020  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: December 19, 2023, 10:46:02 PM
It’s time for them to work with the players they have, it’s clear pissing money up the wall without a plan has not served them well. Pochettino needs to earn his corn.

The Blues have indeed become a laughing stock this year after wasting more than 1 billion euros on players who have so far not lived up to the expected results.

The issue is that no progress has been made under Pochettino. He took charge of a team that finished 12th in the Premier League last season and that is where he is again under the Argentine manager.

Chelsea have also accumulated just 39 points in total in 2023 – the worst result for a team that has always been present in the Premier League. Boehly may have overseen the biggest spending spree ever, but the net result is a historically bad football team.

Money definitely doesn't buy everything.
Even Barcelona did better.
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