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141  Other / Off-topic / Re: Starting out programming on: April 18, 2015, 10:27:31 PM
142  Economy / Services / Re: Paintings || Illustrations || Portraits || Book Covers || Comic Pages on: April 18, 2015, 10:24:34 PM
143  Economy / Services / Re: Paintings || Illustrations || Portraits || Book Covers || Comic Pages on: April 17, 2015, 08:13:56 PM
144  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Can the President Kill Americans? on: April 17, 2015, 09:04:09 AM
Anybody can be killed when it comes to "National Security", if you think President is killing people for personal gains, you're mistaken. It is illegal but it's not easy to keep a country safe by following all the rules, especially when there is a chance that the criminal might use those rules to get away. It is then decided that it's better to remove those than to let them go to trials.

Remember the movie "Swordfish" __

Gabriel: You're not looking at the big picture Stan. Here's a scenario. You have the power to cure all the world's diseases but the price for this is that you must kill a single innocent child, could you kill that child Stanley?
Stanley: No.
Gabriel: You disappoint me, it's the greatest good.

It's easy for us to sit safely in our secluded homes and judge but when you face similar situations you'll then know that keeping a nation safe is difficult and harsh decisions have to be taken and sacrifices has to be made.

Shit sociopaths say
145  Economy / Services / Re: Paintings || Illustrations || Portraits || Book Covers || Comic Pages on: April 16, 2015, 09:12:23 PM
146  Economy / Services / Re: Paintings || Illustrations || Portraits || Book Covers || Comic Pages on: April 16, 2015, 06:11:04 PM
147  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2015-04-16] Bitcoin is the world’s most dangerous idea on: April 16, 2015, 04:09:59 PM
I feel threatened just thinking about it Shocked
148  Other / Meta / Re: Should there be an own Faucet Section? on: April 16, 2015, 04:04:41 PM
I'd like that; throw all those signature ad campaigns in there as well, services is overflowing with them.
149  Other / Politics & Society / Re: IT is likely the first person who will live to be 1,000yo is already alive today on: April 16, 2015, 03:46:11 PM
I can imagine the outrage this would cause; given limited resources in a finite universe, coupled with the limits of time and pretty much universal demand, and the difference between rich and poor...yeah, that's a movie idea if I ever heard one, did someone make it yet?
150  Economy / Economics / Re: If Greece defaults on: April 16, 2015, 03:34:28 PM
Greece will either shape up and pay back the money they owe, losing their sovereignty in the process to their debtors, or give up getting loans and segue into a centrally planned economy.  Neither are particularly positive for the Greeks but hey, you get what you voted for.

If they do the former, they can manage to pay off their debtors over a very long period of hard work and sacrifice, who can then pay off their own debtors, on and on.  If they do the latter, they're fucked long-term (see: Venezuela), and their debtors won't be able to repay the loans they owe to other nations, which reportedly will have a "domino effect" where more and more nations go under because the money they were hoping to get back from their loans will be completely gone.

Imagine loaning your friend 2000$ expecting a 2100$ return by the end of the month; however, instead of doing something with this money, your friend decides to live off it for a while and when it comes time to pay back, he asks you for another 2000$ and for the previous debt to be forgiven--he wants to be bailed out.  Foolishly you forgive this debt on the condition that he shape up and get his life together, so he agrees, you give him another 2000$ loan w/ interest, and when the end of the month comes, he again says he does not have the money and wants another bail-out.  You tell him to go fuck himself and if he doesn't come up with the money he owes you in another month he's gonna get his kneecaps blown to pieces (jk you just won't like him anymore and will stop giving him any more money.)  Your friend (loose use of the term anyway) is pretty upset but understands, he asks for some time to get the money together.  You say okay, and give him this time.  However, the guy you owe debt to is now knocking on your door asking for the money he lent you, with interest; you tell him that you'll have this money by the end of the month, when your friend pays you back.  He says okay and so the end of the month comes: your friend still doesn't have the money and is now telling you to go fuck yourself, you capitalist pig you.  The guy you owe money to is now in the hole as well; he tells you that if you don't pay him back, he's never gonna loan money to you ever again.

Thing is, you really need this money your debtor has been lending to you, you are dependent in some way on these loans; if he stops lending you money, you're completely fucked, too.  Tensions rise: you start banging on your friend's door demanding he pay back what is owed to you, but he has no money; he has resorted to living in a commune with a bunch of stoners who are broke as broke can be, and they all laugh at you for giving any of them any money you freaking moron.  You can't pay back the guy you owe money to; your livelihood is at stake to some degree; you may have to lower your quality of life and get into further debt with someone else, assuming you can find anyone who will lend to a man who won't pay his loans back (check out the lending subforum for what this looks like.)  The guy who you owe money to can no longer pay the guy he owes; he, too, is completely fucked.  This guy also has a guy he owes money to; that guy, you can probably guess, is completely fucked too.  That's the domino effect: everyone's getting fucked because someone down the line was a lazy douche.  Not everyone gets affected; some people can survive without the loans, but others are totally dependent on them and will be in a heap of shit if they can't keep getting those loans.

If Greece defaults, other nations may also default, and depending on how much they needed those loans to sustain their way of life (political favors and whatnot; welfare ain't free kiddos), this can be a massive issue for economies and political entities the world over, since everyone and their moms are in debt nowadays.  Not necessarily a bad thing; maybe it'll be a wakeup call for people to take control over their money and stop letting politicians and banks play with it.  Anyway, someone's bound to die from it all; someone always dies from something this massive.
151  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is Hillary Clinton Trustworthy? on: April 16, 2015, 02:44:40 PM
She's worse than Bush, for the simple reason that Democrats don't have the stigma of accepting bribes from corps, even though they do and often, Hillary being no exception.  Obamacare was just a bribe from insurance companies to forcibly get the whole nation on some healthcare plan or another, people generally still don't realize this and some even still support it whole-heartedly; IIRC this was attempted with Nixon at some point in time, but didn't manage to go through; I guess the democrats are just that much better at disillusionment.  Then people wonder how the cost of their insurance all went up; these are your typical voters, do-do birds waiting to go extinct from their own stupidity.

Further, the "positive sexists" of our nation get wet over the idea of a female president, just for the novelty of the whole thing; doesn't matter what Hillary's policies are or what she believes in, all that matters is she's a woman and they're the "underprivileged gender" like Obama was black which is the "underprivileged race" and people "should support women as a whole" so a female president will be some sort of diplomatic apology between two groups which don't exist, namely an apology from "men" to "women"; they exist as genders sure, but not as distinct political groups, so it's baffling that people think of these things this way, like you can possibly correlate the entirety of a single gender with a collective of knowing participants.  It's all disgusting if you ask me; the ignorance of it all is beyond my mental capacities to understand.  May as well start asking for reparations at this point.

Hillary has very high potential to do incredible amounts of damage to this nation; the more trust any politician has, the more leeway they have to do fucked up shit before people get upset.  Considering Hillary is one of those identity politics types, expect a lot, A LOT of naive people with the very same sentiments to give her the benefit of the doubt for her entire presidency, no matter what she does, no matter how bad things get; it will always be someone else's fault, and it will probably all be pinned on the Republicans for one reason or another.
152  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [Vote] Who did 911? on: April 16, 2015, 02:12:49 PM
If this was an inside job like many believe, those that perpetrated the whole thing aren't likely going to ever be prosecuted until the afterlife.

Agree.  U.s. government job, so they could get away with civil rights violations in the name of national security.

Also consider the industries who produce military goods have tons of cash to lobby with; Bush was a total whore for this money.  All in all it was a win-win, except for the American people of course who are always on the shit end of the stick when it comes to politics.
153  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is Günter Grass right? Heading into WW3? on: April 16, 2015, 02:09:22 PM
I doubt it's possible; particularly in America, people are sick enough of the middle east as it is, the economy is in the shitter, war will just make everyone that much poorer due to central planning being wealth consuming more than producing.  Drafts were incredibly unpopular back then, they'll be abysmally unpopular today with so much interconnectivity between not just people in the same nation, but with many people in other nations as well.  Many of us are great friends with people we've never met IRL and who live in completely different parts of the world; to undo all of these relationships in an attempt for a pointless global war would immediately cause current institutions to be overthrown, and they know this, which is why they resort to a TON of secrecy--secret "proxy" wars, secret courts, secret laws (remember how many times they tried controlling the web with SOPA and PIPA, painting them to seem beneficial?); they're scared to do things openly knowing a revolution is right on their doorsteps, which is why people like Assange and Snowden are so devastating to them; a secret is no good if it's out in the open.  One might think every government is set in stone and absolutely necessary to security (McDonalds also wants you to know their burgers are absolutely vital to your hunger satisfaction, but they haven't been quite as successful in this as modern government,) but clearly this was not the case for so many failed governments of the past, and will not be the case moving forward.  It's just a reality people must accept: no government is safe from tyranny, no tyrants are safe from revolution, and if it comes down to protecting a tyrant and survival, they choose survival.  There are some obvious exceptions: North Korea is completely tyrannical, but the people are totally dependent on the state for survival, so they pick survival, which means supporting a tyrant.  Most nations aren't on this level of dependency on the state, and it's why anyone who sees this for what it is gets frightened when they see people in so-called free countries who are totally dependent on the state for their survival; things like welfare and base income and whatnot.  They're a gateway to totalitarianism, nobody would want it otherwise.  You think someone getting a free paycheck from their government is going to want them to go away?  They're among the most patriotic of any other.

We've hit a point in global connectivity, dependency and consciousness which cannot be undone without inciting a revolution (the ultimate "Game Over" for a regime) or to slowly, law by law, enslave the masses into total dependency (the North Korean state), the latter of which they've been hard at work making a reality, primarily through fear of some generic force of evil called "terrorists", now called "ISIS".  (You're several times more likely to die from a cop than from a terrorist, btw.)  I predict another 9/11 type of event to occur in the next American presidency (odds of this increasing if it's Hillary, since she's basically another Bush with the military industrial complex in her pocket, so of course they wanna make some big bucks producing military goods as always), undoubtedly performed by ISIS by some means or another, which may succeed in rallying the people into more wartime planning, which will further siphon freedom away in favor of central gov control; dependencies of the state are far more likely to do all the state wants, even at their own detriment, so the more dependencies there are, the better off you'll be as a government gearing up for the chopping block.  It's highly unlikely there will ever be another global war; no matter how badly the military producers want the business, people just aren't going to put up with that nowadays.  The only wars most people are going to see from now is them vs. their freedom-hungry governments and whatever remaining disillusioned followers they have left at their disposal.
154  Economy / Services / Re: Illustrations || Portraits || Book Covers on: April 15, 2015, 04:26:16 PM
I like it, is it a painting? Or digital?

Glad you like it; all my work is digital
155  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Beware of third wave feminism. on: April 14, 2015, 09:40:46 PM
Beware anyone positive toward identity politics; revolutionaries always fuck things up for the worse when they get involved with politics.

156  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: April 14, 2015, 03:15:03 PM
You can very easily prove God exists; all you must do is determine what constitutes as God.  "I say God is the universe, and the universe is real, therefore God is real"--that sort of thing.  But as far as the biblical descriptions of God go, no, he's a paradoxical impossibility invented by people with no knowledge of the limits of the space we inhabit.
157  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Beware of CoinBase on: April 13, 2015, 09:07:21 PM
So this is the price users have to pay for using their "regulated" exchange/wallet? Welcome to the "paypal" of bitcoin Smiley

CoinBase deserves credit for helping Bitcoin grow stronger in the "real-world". They have the right to decide how to deal with regulations and users have the right to use them or look for other options.

If we apply your logic in the controversy of Net Neutrality, following comes out...

Telecom companies (Read At&T and Verizon for USA) have done a lot for spreading the internet. They have the right to decide which site to load first and which to load slow. Users have the right to use them or look for other options.

Yes, that's correct.  Would you like to follow up with a point?
158  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "Better than bitcoin" altcoin sellers arrested for stealing $340 million on: April 13, 2015, 08:07:34 PM
TBH I think these guys who played into the scheme should lose their money as a lesson to what happens when you give your trust away to people who don't deserve it.  But I'm just hardcore like that.

So, when someone is victim of a crime it's their fault and they should be punished for being scammed?

I already saw some similar schemes being discussed in this forum, Onecoin comes to mind.

They allowed themselves to be scammed; it's like leaving all your doors and windows open on your car with the keys in the ignition and then complaining someone took it.  Sometimes it can't be helped, but bad business practices are not one of those cases.  The schemers did not steal this money, it was given to them.
159  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "Better than bitcoin" altcoin sellers arrested for stealing $340 million on: April 13, 2015, 07:57:08 PM
TBH I think these guys who played into the scheme should lose their money as a lesson to what happens when you give your trust away to people who don't deserve it.  But I'm just hardcore like that.

You don't sympathize?

I do, everyone makes mistakes, but a part of making mistakes is experiencing the effect of those mistakes; if they get their money back then the learning experience is lost and they'll wind up making the same mistake with the belief that they'll get their money back again.  This is what allows ponzis and pyramids to occur at all: there's no more risk involved, or so they believe, until one of these schemers winds up succeeding with a lot more cash than he would've if everyone knew to avoid such schemes in the first place and to only deal with reputable businesses.  Of course, the schemers do their best to hide that they're a scheme, but still, there's signs.
160  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "Better than bitcoin" altcoin sellers arrested for stealing $340 million on: April 13, 2015, 07:37:51 PM
Remain prudent; don't let greed get in the way of judgment.  TBH I think these guys who played into the scheme should lose their money as a lesson to what happens when you give your trust away to people who don't deserve it.  But I'm just hardcore like that.

Anyway, I have no doubt these things will keep happening; as they say, there's a new sucker born every second...
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