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2261  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: November 06, 2021, 12:31:34 PM
U signature kampanji imate jedno slobodno mesto za Hero/Legendary rang:
Hero/Legendary | $75 in BTC/Week

We have 1x Hero/Legendary position open, apply now!

Sretno svima!

Hvala na informaciji, odlučio sam se prijaviti i probati svoju sreću  Cheesy
Ova kampanja ima sve ono što tražim, dugotrajna je, poznat i provjeren manager, ne traži se previše postova, priznaju se i lokalni postovi a ipak je dosta bolje plaćena od moje trenutne kampanje.
Nadajmo se najboljemu, konkurencija je dosta jaka  Grin
Ako ne uspije sad, bude neki drugi put.
2262  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] Signature Campaign | Sr./Hero/Legendary | on: November 06, 2021, 12:26:48 PM
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=334636
Current amount of posts (including this one): 9178
How much merit have you earned in the last 120 days: 99
SegWit BTC Address for Payouts: bc1qls6sc8htdnpyas2n382r05mntrlc26rg8ch6yx
2263  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: November 06, 2021, 12:19:12 PM
evo da se ja prijavim kad nece niko

u pitanju je pokretanje regionalnog media node-a u okviru BanklessDAO, sa ciljem edukacije ljudi o kripto ekonomiji i bankless pokretu
pocetak je bio sa lokalizacijom (prevodjenjem BanklessDAO sadrzaja), a sad smo pokrenuli i kripto bilten, koji sami kreiramo

Hvala Casperu na ''oživljavanju'' ove teme, već sam mislio da su je svi zaboravili i da meriti više nikome nisu potrebni  Grin
U svakom slučaju, vrlo zanimljiv projekt i želim vam puno uspjeha u tome što radite.
Treba nam više takvih stvari, i bolja edukacija ljudi o kripto ekonomiji, to sigurno.

Ima li još zainteresiranih za ovu temu?  Cheesy
Slobodno se javite!
2264  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin bankomati i fizičke kripto mjenjačnice u Hrvatskoj... i šire on: November 06, 2021, 12:15:53 PM
Trebao bi mi savijet za uplatu novca u crypto.

Uglavnom ubacivao sam preko bitcoin mjenjačnice tu i tamo novac. Ništa veliko ugl po par tisuća kuna. Prošli tjedan sam shvatio da je maksimalan iznos koji mogu prebaciti oko 7300 kuna bez davanja oiba. To sam napravio tri dana za redom, a od mene je zatražen oib za zadnju transakciju pa sam zatražio povrat novca. Zanima me koja su pravila? Kad mogu koliko prebaciti i u kojem roku bez davanja oiba?

Čuj, gotovo sve kripto mjenjačnice ti u startu kažu da za X uplaćenog ili isplaćenog novca ne trebaš dati OIB i pokazati dokumente, ali onda ti u praksi ispadne ipak ''neka druga priča''.
Ja sam imao takvo jedno iskustvo sa jednom kripto mjenjačnicom u Zagrebu. Maksimum za podizanje, bez pokazivanja dokumenata i OIB je bio 15 000 kn a kako sam prodavao veću količinu btc, podijelio sam to u ''više rata'' po 15 000 kn.
Djelatnica na šalteru me je zamolila da ne podižem baš maksimalne moguće iznose od 15 000 kn već malo manje, 14- 14 500 kn i da ipak napravim razmak od dan, dva između prodaja bitcoina.
Poslušao sam je i nikakvih problema nije bilo.
Nešto mi je spominjala da imaju jako puno kontrola i da ne žele imati problema.
Idući put ti predlažem da se, prije nego kreneš u kupovinu ili prodaju kriptovaluta, prvo dogovoriš sa kripto mjenjačnicom sve detalje upravo da bi izbjegao ''ovakva iznenađenja'' o kojima pišeš.
2265  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread -- Group Stage! on: November 04, 2021, 07:07:07 PM
Liverpool still are one of the teams that I love watching in the Champions League a lot now. They had a game against Atletico Madrid home last night. And I was definitely favoring Liverpool to win this game too.
Liverpool are one of best teams in Europe this season. They are strong and balancing between defense and attack. The return of Van Dijk helps to improve the quality of their defense that in turn improves general results for them.

In the last season, they managed to do well without Van Dijk in a few months before they lost control and only were able to come back at very last matches in Premier League.

It's hard to say but I think Liverpool won't have an easy match against Atletico.

In the end, it was an easy victory for Liverpool against Atletico  Grin
Personally, I expected a much more uncertain match, but Liverpool was really dominant in this match and they could have achieved a much bigger victory if they had a little more luck.
If Liverpool continue to play at this level, then they will once again be one of the top favorites to win the Champions League.
Salah really thrilled me, he was unstoppable and it seems to me that at the moment he is perhaps the best player in the Champions League.
In addition to Liverpool, the favorites of the Champions League are Manchester City, Chelsea, Paris SG and Bayern, according to what I have seen so far.
2266  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Europa League Discussion Thread on: November 04, 2021, 07:01:10 PM
It would be important for Dinamo if West Ham took their game against Genk seriously. They would be mathematically secure with the 3 points today so I feel they will play to win.

In that case, Dinamo would make a huge step towards qualifying if they manage to beat Rapid today. They are a much better team overall but it has to be shown on the pitch. They were terrible in Wien a few weeks ago.
Even though their points are the same but I personally only believe that Zagreb will be able to be in 2nd position in the end, so it is very possible that in the next 2 matches Zagreb will win. Also, if West Ham win this match, then for the next match maybe West Ham will lower the tension so that it opens opportunities for Zagreb as well. It would be a shame if Zagreb did not take advantage of this situation to continue to advance to the knockout stages, because Zagreb itself is a great team from 1. HNL and that should be the guarantee this time.

Personally, I think that this team Dinamo is the weakest in the last few seasons, and it is obvious that coach Krznar does not have enough experience and also poorly prepares tactics for international matches, and does not have enough authority towards the players.
I'm especially worried about this match tonight with Rapid and I'm not sure that Dinamo is the favorite, as some others think.
If Dinamo does not win tonight, then they most likely lost their chances not only for the second but also for the third place in the group.
I still give Dinamo a little more chances, I would say 60/40 for Dinamo.
What is certain is that Dinamo players must not underestimate Rapid this time and must be much more aggressive than in Vienna.
If Dinamo wins and Genk loses in the second match against West Ham, it will give Dinamo a great chance to win second place in the group.
2267  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DC - nft airdrop - (vrijeme istice za manje od 24 sata) on: November 04, 2021, 06:52:52 AM
Na zalost nema nista, pretrazio sam i spam ali izgleda da nije stiglo... Sigurno nisam brisao sjecao bih se :/

Kod mene isto. Pronašao sam neku reklamu u Otpad mapi ali nikakav mail s kodom ne postoji. Ako je badger27 primio mail 19. listopada, sigurno bi mail bio još u Otpadu jer se tamo čuva mjesec dana od brisanja (tako je barem kod Gmaila). Ali super su mi - prijava je prošla jer kako bi inače imali moj mail za slanje spama ali naravno da nisu poslali kod. Ali dobro... Kako sam i napisao ranije... Stvarno mi se ne da oko toga zezati.

Očito se nisu dobro organizirali i nisu svima poslali kodove.
Vjerojatno se radi o tisućama prijava;  ali to ih ipak ne opravdava.
A čuj,  ništa vas ne košta;  tebe i ostale koji još niste dobili taj email,  da se javite supportu, 2 minute posla.
Ako ništa od toga ne bude nema veze ali ako ipak nešto bude,  bit će vam žao poslije.  Grin
2268  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: November 03, 2021, 02:44:03 PM
U pravu si, nema nas puno aktivnih ovdje, a znamo se već godinama i rekao bih da se već jako dobro i poznajemo  Grin
Neću nikada zaboraviti ono druženje u Tkalči koje nam je organizirao Regulus prije nekoliko godina.
Osobno sam mislio da će to biti kava na brzaka i da grupa od desetak neznanaca neće imati o čemu puno pričati ali na kraju smo ostali zajedno cijelu večer, gotovo do ponoći i to mi je bilo jedno od najboljih druženja u životu  Cheesy
Šteta što ta druženja nismo nastavili.
A super mi je bio i onaj osjećaj zajedništva kada smo se 2 godine borili a Regulusa u Meti, da mu se skine nepravedni permaban.
ZBog svega toga, uvijek mi je drago doći ovdje i pogledati što ima novog a to se ne bi promijenilo i da se ukinu sve signature kampanje.

Ako se ne varam, bilo je prije prijedloga da ponovimo to druženje (iako bi meni bilo prvo jer nisam bio kad je Regulus organizirao). Onda je došla korona pa smo odustali. Ali mislim da sad ne bi bilo loše probati nešto organizirati. Svakako bi se potrudio doći.

Ne samo prijedloga,  Trofo je čak pokrenuo temu posvecenu organiziranju našeg novog druženja ovdje :

Ali nismo se na kraju ništa dogovorili.   Grin
Mislim da bi jednostavno trebalo odrediti termin i mjesto sastanka pa neka dođe tko može i hoće.
Nikada neće svi moći doći a bilo bi zaista super da ponovimo ovo druženje (pa čak i da nas bude samo nekoliko).
Zadnji put je stvarno bilo super,  šteta što nisi mogao doći Slackovicu.
2269  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar - UEFA Qualifiers on: November 02, 2021, 10:21:23 AM

Actually both of Pogba'l parents  from Guniea but have settled in France, actually Pogba who was born in France can choose between defending the French or Guniea national team, but instead Pogba prefers France while his two brothers are currently defending the Guniea National Team
Defending the National Team is a form of our loyalty to country and I think, every player certainly has the desire to defend their respective country regardless of the salary they get, but obviously the salary they get from the country is not as big as what they get from the club, but of course defending the country in international tournaments is a matter of pride invaluable to a football player.
I personally hope that if Pogba, who is a in France, does not experience the same thing as what Mesut Ozil got when he was still with the German national team, which when Ozil performed well and Germany won they would treat him quite well, but when Germany lost of course ozil will be blamed and considered a turkish immigrant.

Sometimes football is ungrateful to its best players, I only remember Romario's saying that he had to train very hard to be one of the best, and sometimes fame comes for a short time to those who try hard, from In fact, Pogba's problem is somewhat difficult, in the Venezuelan team there are many players who are in Spain, Italy and Portugal, they are great but when you ask them why they do not play for their national team they say never, because they did not give them the opportunity, then this can sometimes come from a very deep problem that only those players have experienced.
Every players in a situation like this have their own personal reasons to not accept playing for their original national teams and in my opinion their decision should be respected by others because we don't know the difficulties, challenges and experiences they passed during the initial period of their lives that lead them to make that choice.

In my country there is also a professional player who refused to play for the local national team. Instead, he played for spanish national team. I don't remember exactly if it was in 2014 or 2018 world cup, but I do remember when Spain played and this specific player carried the ball my countrymen booed him on the stadium and I felt disgusted for that behavior.

Patriotism, love for the country can't be imposed to someone. It must be conquered daily with good examples coming from those who rule the society and the elder ones. But when it doesn't happen, naturally the younger generations will fell nothing for their homeland, especially when they have better examples living in foreigner countries.
At the end the players that have the option to pick more than one national team to play for should be free to play wherever they feel more conformable, just look at what happened with Messi, as far as I know he was given the option to play for Spain but he choose to play for Argentina, and what did he received most of his life? Nothing but criticism on his home country, if he had chosen to play for Spain instead I have no doubts he could have won 2 World Cups already.

Well, you hit the nail on the head, the only thing Messi lacks is to win a world cup, many say I compare with Maradona, and what everyone says is that Maradona won the world cup and Messi has not yet, I think that is a pressure that Messi has not yet been able to reciprocate, in fact at one point he said that he was going to retire from football, I think that sometimes he can have it all, but he only needs to win a World Cup in Football and we must not deny, all the teams that They classify have a very high level, mistakes are not allowed, any mistake is paid dearly.

In fact, it is obvious that it is much harder for Messi to play in the national team than in a club.
He fights for new trophies in the club every year, but in the national team he has to wait 4 years to fight for world and continental championships.
While he was a younger player he failed to win anything with the national team and the pressure grew further.
Realistically, it was much easier for Messi to win trophies at the club than at the national team because Barcelona was at its peak the best club in the world while the national team Argentina was never the best in the world and the national team always depended on his perfomances.
Also, in the memory of Argentina fans, it remained that Maradona practically brought Argentina alone to the title of world champion in 1986, and Messi still failed to do so, which is why they appreciate and love Maradona more.
Obviously World cup next year in Qatar will be Messi’s last chance to change that and surpass Maradona.

You are right, not only for Messi, but also for a player like CR7, this indicates that the World Cup for both Argentina and Portugal will be one of the teams that will receive the most attention in the world, nor can we leave behind or forget Brazil with Neymar Jr, which, they are very hungry to win the World Cup, until now Brazil is the team that has remained undefeated in the QATAR qualifiers, Messi will not have anything easy in the World Cup, for me he will have the greatest pressure of all.

It can be said that this next World Cup will really be very interesting, especially because of football legends like Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar ...
For all of them, this World Cup will almost certainly be their last chance to win the world title and go into football immortality.
The competition will be great again and world cup will be very uncertain, with a lot of strong teams that have a chance to win the title, such as France, Italy, Spain, England, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil etc.
Very difficult mission for Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar...
It seems to me that in the last 20 years we have a trend that only European teams win titles. Will that change in Qatar?
2270  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: November 02, 2021, 10:09:22 AM
Newcastle are interested in Real Madrid and Germany's 31-year-old midfielder Toni Kroos. Interesting news but I’m not sure how realistic it is for that transfer to really happen.
If Real Madrid can sign a new top midfielder in the next transfer window that has the same position as Toni Kroos, the transfer can be realistic. But if Newcastle wants a Real Madrid midfielder that has a bigger chance to sign, why don't they try to contact Modric? I don't think Real Madrid wants to agree with a long-term contract with him. Modric is already an old player (36), probably Real Madrid will put him on the transfer list on the next transfer window.

Liverpool are considering a move for Real Madrid and Serbia striker Luka Jovic. Jovic failed at Real, can he succeed at Liverpool?
He can succeed in Liverpool. The problem with this player in Real Madrid is rarely got a chance to play. It is classic problem of a new young player in Real Madrid. If The main player can show a good performance, a new young player mostly spends his time on the bench only. Unluckily for him that Benzema is always showing his best form so far.

I have been following Modric for a very long time, and all his interviews and statements, and I know that his goal is to finish his playing career at Real, and later probably continue to work at Real as a coach or sports director, maybe.
Unlike Ramos, Modric has agreed to a one-year contract extension and salary cut this year, thus showing he has no desire to leave Real.
As for Jovic, it seems to me that his main problem is a lack of self-confidence due to the failure at Real and the great media criticism.
Maybe it would be best for him to go to some smaller club where he could play and regain confidence.
2271  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: November 02, 2021, 09:54:54 AM
Uhh čovječe, pa ovo ispada kao izvještaj iz crne kronike, sve neke loše vijesti, stala ova kampanja, prekinula se ona kampanja... Grin
Zbog ovakvih stvari počinjem više cijeniti dugotrajnost i stabilnost onih nekoliko kampanja koje traju već godinu, dvije ili duže.
Više mi se ne da svakih nekoliko tjedana tražiti novu kampanju, kao nekada.
Čini mi se da ovo nije utjecalo na nikoga u našem lokalu, bar se nadam.
2272  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: November 02, 2021, 09:49:25 AM
^Slična je situacija i kod mene samo imam sreće da moja kampanja plaća i lokalne postove. Da se ukinu kampanje sigurno bi ostao ovdje a i pisao bi na posve istim mjestima. Local mi je super zbog istih razloga kao i većini vas. Mali smo i svi se znamo - više kao čavrljanje s frendovima nego tipkanje na nekom forumu. U gamblingu bi i dalje pisao u svim onim temama za razne poolove u kojima sudjelojem ili vodim. To opet dođe kao i naš local uski krug uvijek istih ljudi pa je gušt raspravljati.

U pravu si, nema nas puno aktivnih ovdje, a znamo se već godinama i rekao bih da se već jako dobro i poznajemo  Grin
Neću nikada zaboraviti ono druženje u Tkalči koje nam je organizirao Regulus prije nekoliko godina.
Osobno sam mislio da će to biti kava na brzaka i da grupa od desetak neznanaca neće imati o čemu puno pričati ali na kraju smo ostali zajedno cijelu večer, gotovo do ponoći i to mi je bilo jedno od najboljih druženja u životu  Cheesy
Šteta što ta druženja nismo nastavili.
A super mi je bio i onaj osjećaj zajedništva kada smo se 2 godine borili a Regulusa u Meti, da mu se skine nepravedni permaban.
ZBog svega toga, uvijek mi je drago doći ovdje i pogledati što ima novog a to se ne bi promijenilo i da se ukinu sve signature kampanje.
2273  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread -- Group Stage! on: November 01, 2021, 08:28:31 AM
The problem has been rooted, not even pep guardiola can fix these mess overnight, if xavi arrive soon it would become a huge huge challenge for him , i just cant imagine xavi fails ... no matter how great he is at current club , barcelona is much bigger than everyone can imagined.
the next champions league match against dynamo kiev would be a do or die game , as if barcelona failed to get full 3 points things could go really hard for them to get through to the next phase.
tough roads ahead , barcelona in total fucked up.
Firstly, I am not sure that Pep Guardiola would have returned to Barcelona in its current state. Guardiola is already used to working with clubs that have high ambitions and these ambitions are backed up by a good financial condition. With all due respect, the current Barcelona, with all its problems, hardly fits this definition. Barcelona now needs an anti-crisis manager in the current difficult conditions and Guardiola does not have serious experience working in such conditions without any guarantee of a successful outcome. The club's management is also unlikely to bring such guarantees, so there is hope for the arrival of Xavi. Another question is that Javi does not have such experience either and there is a serious chance to ruin his coaching career. Therefore, many questions remain.

I don't think any coach can help Barcelona at the moment.
Barcelona is in a big financial and organizational crisis and needs urgent changes, and financial help from a new sponsor.
This is not something the coach can handle but the club management.
Barcelona must give up its big ambitions and focus for the next few years on saving the club financially and preventing the club's bankruptcy.
If the club's management asks the new coach for results, while the club is currently in chaos, this will not be possible and any coach will simply burn out in these impossible circumstances, including Xavi.
The current reality of Barcelona is that this season they are far from titles in both the Spanish Championship and the Champions League, and the club's management will have to understand this as soon as possible and dedicate themselves to saving the club and the future of the club.
2274  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Europa League Discussion Thread on: November 01, 2021, 08:17:14 AM
We are going to watch a nice game between Monaco and PSV this week I think. Nine days ago, PSV hosted them and Monaco managed to beat them by 2-1 away in a tough game. They won thanks to the goal came in the 89th minute. Monaco are the current leader of the group also. I have really missed this powerful Monaco since the last season. They have been performing really good lately. And I think that they will obtain another victory in this game. But my first choice would be both teams to score.
By the way, I don't know about "both sides to score". After all, Monaco is playing at home. PSV scored a good goal, but one and that was at home. So the French can hold back the defense in their own walls and even with the support of not a small number of fans, PSV clearly will be very difficult to score, and even more importantly do not miss. I would bet on the total of more than two goals

Monaco just shockingly lost the match in the French championship, in the match in which they were the favorites.
The question is how this defeat will affect the Monaco players before this important match with PSV.
This match is very important for both teams, and Monaco is getting closer to its goal of passing the group with a possible victory.
I expect an exciting match with a lot of goals, and I give Monaco a better chance of winning.
2275  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: November 01, 2021, 08:07:25 AM
I see all the conversation is about Vienna tournament, understandably since it was stronger than St. Petersburg one, but I had been betting on this one much more. Mainly backing Cilic since he found his form for the first time in last couple of years and connected some nice victories in the past weeks. Wins against Khachanov and Agut were enough for me to force him until the tournament end. Backed him today and will do so again tomorrow in the final and then in Paris masters when it starts.
Cilic is a pretty good player in my opinion especially in his strong serve. I can even say that Cilic's points contributed through his serve can be more than 60% in one game.
but Cilic sometimes loses concentration in the middle of the game which makes him sometimes make unnecessary mistakes.
with the speed and strength of his serv, I think Cili will continue to grow even though he is at his age, he can be considered a veteran in the tennis world.
Nah I don't think he can grow to be honest, first of all serve alone is not enough as we can see players with massive serves are low in the leader board, also Cilic for me is done, and by done I mean he can't compete with big players, I think St Petersburg title is as big as he can win now, I Don expect to see anything crazy from him, very few players can do that at that age and i think he is not one of them.

I also severely doubt that Cilic will grow anywhere from here. The guy is 33 years old, his whole game is pretty much based on strong serves and if he faces a player with good tools to defend those serves, it is almost an automatic loss for Cilic. Players like the top 3 GOATs almost always found ways to defend his serves.
He is my fellow country man so I am following his career closely. No room to grow there, he finished his growth long ago. That being said he is much more than big serve. He has great ground strokes as well. His problem is in his head, now when he found his form he will be dangerous.

Without checking stats I am quite sure he has solid H2H with most top players, except Djokovic. He was never able to play against him.

Cilic has already passed the peak of his career, and that is a fact.
When he was completely psychologically ready and focused on tennis, he achieved great success, such as winning the GS, and 2 more GS finals, and winning the Davis Cup.
Unfortunately, those days of his great tennis glory are long gone and Čilić has been struggling in tennis tournaments for years and rarely wins.
This year’s Olympics seem to have helped him a lot to regain his confidence and raise the level of his game.
He is playing with confidence again and will probably win a few more tennis tournaments, but the end of his tennis career is near.
2276  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: October 31, 2021, 12:17:02 PM
Transfer rumours:

Newcastle are interested in Real Madrid and Germany's 31-year-old midfielder Toni Kroos. Interesting news but I’m not sure how realistic it is for that transfer to really happen.
Liverpool are considering a move for Real Madrid and Serbia striker Luka Jovic. Jovic failed at Real, can he succeed at Liverpool?
Liverpool will let German goalkeeper Loris Karius, 28, leave for free in January - he has not played for the club since 2018. Karius may be a good goalkeeper but he will forever be remembered by Liverpool fans for his incredible mistakes in the Champions League final against Real.
Antonio Conte does not want to take charge of a team mid-season. The former Chelsea and Inter boss has been linked with the manager's job at Manchester United and Newcastle United. Does that mean we can expect Conte to wait until the end of the season and then pick one of these two clubs? Where he will go?

2277  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: October 31, 2021, 12:05:50 PM
Ha! Završio je prvi tjedan moje kampanje i odmah sam dobio bonus od $50 Grin Nemam pojma na temelju čega se daje taj bonus, ali baš je lijepo dobiti $160 za tjedan dana kampanje Grin Grin Sad se još više nadam da će trajati duže od četiri tjedna Smiley

Pa bravo slackovicu, obogatio si se preko noći  Cheesy
Kad će fešta?  Grin
U svakom slučaju, drago mi je zbog tebe, i nadam se da će ti ova kampanja potrajati, ako ništa drugo a onda da bi se dodatno popravila statistika našeg dijela foruma.
Ti si nam tu definitivno najvažniji ''igrač''.
Ali ne brini se, čak i ako ti se kampanja završi nakon 4 tjedna, bit će i drugih kampanja nakon nje, a čovjeka tvoje reputacije i kvaliteta svatko će trebati  Cheesy
Nek ti je sa srećom.
Ti si daniel dobar sa Skoricem zar ne, pa daj mu reci da uzme slavkovica na retainer. Nema bolje osobe za promociju na masem forumu. Da ja imam kripto projekt usmjeren na hrvatsko trziste odmah bi s njim ugovorio suradnju.

Pa sad, sa čovjekom sam razmijenio par poruka i to je to, ne bih baš rekao da smo ''kućni prijatelji''  Cheesy
A osobno mislim da njemu i ekipi forum baš nije trenutno u fokusu.
Sjećam se da su još, čini mi se prošle godine, on i još neki članovi njegovog tima na ovom forumu kreirali profile, ali ne vidim da se baš često javljaju u zadnje vrijeme.
Čini mi se da su puno više fokusirani na društvene mreže ali ako se ikada odluče više posvetiti ovom forumu, i tu se oglašavati, slackovic bi im definitivno mogao pomoći  Cheesy
2278  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: October 31, 2021, 09:18:43 AM
Ha! Završio je prvi tjedan moje kampanje i odmah sam dobio bonus od $50 Grin Nemam pojma na temelju čega se daje taj bonus, ali baš je lijepo dobiti $160 za tjedan dana kampanje Grin Grin Sad se još više nadam da će trajati duže od četiri tjedna Smiley

Pa bravo slackovicu, obogatio si se preko noći  Cheesy
Kad će fešta?  Grin
U svakom slučaju, drago mi je zbog tebe, i nadam se da će ti ova kampanja potrajati, ako ništa drugo a onda da bi se dodatno popravila statistika našeg dijela foruma.
Ti si nam tu definitivno najvažniji ''igrač''.
Ali ne brini se, čak i ako ti se kampanja završi nakon 4 tjedna, bit će i drugih kampanja nakon nje, a čovjeka tvoje reputacije i kvaliteta svatko će trebati  Cheesy
Nek ti je sa srećom.
2279  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: October 31, 2021, 09:06:47 AM
It seems that Raducanu, after the greatest success in his career, winning the GS, can not repeat that success and win the tournament.
''Emma Raducanu's hopes of facing her idol Simona Halep in the Transylvania Open were ended by Marta Kostyuk in the quarter-finals.''
''And after her 57-minute defeat Raducanu said: "I was quite tired and lethargic but all credit to Marta." .''

Tired and lethargic? Really?
What is going on with this young girl?
It seems to me that the change of coach has not brought her any progress and that she should already start thinking about bringing a psychologist to her team.
It would be a great pity if such a talented tennis player fails to achieve a great tennis career due to high expectations and public pressure.
If nothing else, she has the support of her father and it certainly means a lot to her.
Some more of her thoughts:

"It is definitely taking me some time to find my feet still, I'm taking some learning from every match I play," she said.
"I'm not the finished product yet."

What do you think?


2280  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Learn from others experience on: October 31, 2021, 08:19:31 AM
I really agree with you as a newbie i  learn something in this forum that in respective your rank once you do what is against the rule and regulations of this platform you must deserve your punishment. Sometimes i read some topic in this forum without making comments to add some knowledge to my understanding including people comments to avoid making a mistake in future.

Not all newbie members on this forum are really new and inexperienced members, and some of them run crypto companies and can say a lot about crypto.
Even newbie members who are really new to crypto can sometimes share some new and useful information with the forum community.
You don’t need to be afraid to participate in discussions and say your opinion, there’s nothing wrong with that.
Of course, certain rules should always be respected, but all forum members, regardless of their forum rank, should respect each other.
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