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2281  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: October 31, 2021, 08:05:29 AM
Za nekoliko godina? Sve je moguce.
Ja ne mislim da ce signature kampanje tek tako stati. Moguce je da ce doci do postepenog smanjenja isplata, pa ce sve manji broj kvalitetnih postera biti zainteresovan za sudjelovanje u njima, a samim tim i kvalitet postova na forumu još vise opasti.

Recimo da se takav scenarij desi u dogledno vreme, da sve signature i bounty kampanje potpuno prestanu i da svi spameri napuste forum, koliko vas misli da ce ostati aktivni ovde?

Ja definitivno ne planiram otići s foruma dokle god ovdje mogu pronaći korisne informacije i normalne ljude za diskusiju. Vjerojatno bi bez kampanje nešto manje pisao i boravio na forumu, ali stvarno sumnjam da bi skroz otišao.

Iskreno, kada sam tek pristupio ovom forumu, jedva sam i znao nešto o kriptu, a još manje o signature kampanjama.
Registrirao sam se da nešto više naučim o kriptu, a postepeno sam upoznao neke ljude ovdje, a s vremenom shvatio da s onim što već ionako radim, pisanjem na forumu i sudjelovanjem u diskusijama, mogu zaraditi i neki btc pa sam se počeo prijavljivati i u signature kampanje.
Ok, ovaj forum ima jako puno korisnika i nije realno da ''nestane preko noći''  Cheesy
Trend, koji je već višegodišnji i vidljiv je iz svih statistika aktivnosti na forumu, je da će broj aktivnih članova i broja postova nastaviti padati, biti će sve manje kvalitetnih postova i zanimljivih diskusija, ali taj pad će sigurno trajati godinama.
Stari članovi će se ''umoriti'' od pisanja a mladim članovima ovaj način komunikacije nije zanimljiv i atraktivan.
Ipak, kao što je i slackovic rekao, ja isto mislim da ću ostati jer mi je već postala navika pogledati što ima novog na ovo forumu (iako je novog sve manje  Grin).
2282  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: October 30, 2021, 10:15:35 AM
Transfer rumours:

Manchester United will not sell Paul Pogba in January and are fully prepared for the 28-year-old France midfielder to leave at the end of the season for free when his contract expires. Do they perhaps hope that Pogba will change his mind and still stay at the club next season, much like PSG hopes with Messi?
Liverpool want Egypt forward Mohamed Salah, 29, to agree a new contract before the January transfer window opens. Does that mean Salah will definitely stay at Liverpool for the rest of his career?
Manchester United forward Cristiano Ronaldo, 36, wants to still be playing for Portugal in the 2026 World Cup. Is this really realistic? Does Ronaldo want to break some more football records?
Napoli and Senegal defender Kalidou Koulibaly, 30, says he would only leave the club for three teams in the world - Manchester City, Real Madrid or Barcelona. Which club will he eventually go to?  Cheesy
Newcastle are interested in signing Manchester United's Jesse Lingard. The 29-year-old England midfielder has been linked with a move to St James' Park in January. Newcastle don’t seem to be wasting time and are seriously preparing to continue this season  Cheesy

2283  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread -- Group Stage! on: October 30, 2021, 10:05:09 AM
With the arrival of a new coach (temporary coach) I hope that Barcelona still has a chance at least to qualify for the next round. Currently they have only 3 point in 3 match so they need a win to qualify. If Barcelona win 2/3 next match then they will go through I think. The most difficult match is when Barcelona go to Bayern Munchen because I think Barcelona will lose there. But first I want to see them win at Dynamo Kyiv.

Regardless of Messi’s departure I think Barcelona still have very good players and a strong team.
Obviously, the main problem is the relationship between the coach and the players, and that will now finally change with a new coach.
Barcelona is not really much far behind the leading club in the Spanish championship, and in the Champions League group it has a good chance of passing the group.
I believe that the new coach will bring new energy and inspiration and that the players will focus more on their game and less on the rumors about the club, and that the club will finally start to achieve results in accordance with its reputation.
2284  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar - UEFA Qualifiers on: October 30, 2021, 09:55:35 AM

Actually both of Pogba'l parents  from Guniea but have settled in France, actually Pogba who was born in France can choose between defending the French or Guniea national team, but instead Pogba prefers France while his two brothers are currently defending the Guniea National Team
Defending the National Team is a form of our loyalty to country and I think, every player certainly has the desire to defend their respective country regardless of the salary they get, but obviously the salary they get from the country is not as big as what they get from the club, but of course defending the country in international tournaments is a matter of pride invaluable to a football player.
I personally hope that if Pogba, who is a in France, does not experience the same thing as what Mesut Ozil got when he was still with the German national team, which when Ozil performed well and Germany won they would treat him quite well, but when Germany lost of course ozil will be blamed and considered a turkish immigrant.

Sometimes football is ungrateful to its best players, I only remember Romario's saying that he had to train very hard to be one of the best, and sometimes fame comes for a short time to those who try hard, from In fact, Pogba's problem is somewhat difficult, in the Venezuelan team there are many players who are in Spain, Italy and Portugal, they are great but when you ask them why they do not play for their national team they say never, because they did not give them the opportunity, then this can sometimes come from a very deep problem that only those players have experienced.
Every players in a situation like this have their own personal reasons to not accept playing for their original national teams and in my opinion their decision should be respected by others because we don't know the difficulties, challenges and experiences they passed during the initial period of their lives that lead them to make that choice.

In my country there is also a professional player who refused to play for the local national team. Instead, he played for spanish national team. I don't remember exactly if it was in 2014 or 2018 world cup, but I do remember when Spain played and this specific player carried the ball my countrymen booed him on the stadium and I felt disgusted for that behavior.

Patriotism, love for the country can't be imposed to someone. It must be conquered daily with good examples coming from those who rule the society and the elder ones. But when it doesn't happen, naturally the younger generations will fell nothing for their homeland, especially when they have better examples living in foreigner countries.
At the end the players that have the option to pick more than one national team to play for should be free to play wherever they feel more conformable, just look at what happened with Messi, as far as I know he was given the option to play for Spain but he choose to play for Argentina, and what did he received most of his life? Nothing but criticism on his home country, if he had chosen to play for Spain instead I have no doubts he could have won 2 World Cups already.

Well, you hit the nail on the head, the only thing Messi lacks is to win a world cup, many say I compare with Maradona, and what everyone says is that Maradona won the world cup and Messi has not yet, I think that is a pressure that Messi has not yet been able to reciprocate, in fact at one point he said that he was going to retire from football, I think that sometimes he can have it all, but he only needs to win a World Cup in Football and we must not deny, all the teams that They classify have a very high level, mistakes are not allowed, any mistake is paid dearly.

In fact, it is obvious that it is much harder for Messi to play in the national team than in a club.
He fights for new trophies in the club every year, but in the national team he has to wait 4 years to fight for world and continental championships.
While he was a younger player he failed to win anything with the national team and the pressure grew further.
Realistically, it was much easier for Messi to win trophies at the club than at the national team because Barcelona was at its peak the best club in the world while the national team Argentina was never the best in the world and the national team always depended on his perfomances.
Also, in the memory of Argentina fans, it remained that Maradona practically brought Argentina alone to the title of world champion in 1986, and Messi still failed to do so, which is why they appreciate and love Maradona more.
Obviously World cup next year in Qatar will be Messi’s last chance to change that and surpass Maradona.
2285  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: October 30, 2021, 09:35:59 AM
Mislim da tu nije do kripta, nego i da nepostoji crypto ti isti ljudi bi nasjeli na nešto drugo

Apsolutno! Nisam ni mislio da je to zbog kripta. Nego mi je jednostavno nevjerojatno da netko može potpunom neznancu uplatiti bilo kakav iznos da od toga ima koristi. Bilo to kupovina kriptovaluta ili kupovina nekog uređaja. Jednostavno ne mogu to shvatiti.

Puno je stvari u životu koje je teško shvatiti  Grin
Neki su ljudi vjerojatno po definiciji lakovjerni i ''pasti'' će na dobru priču koja im nudi veliku lovu i lagani život.
To je možda više pitanje načina razmišljanja i koncepata.
Nekim ljudima se ne da sami nešto pokušavati i preuzimati odgovornost (što je puno teže) već pokušavaju kopirati druge, po načelu ja tebi lovu a ti mi odradi sav posao i zaradi mi bogatstvo  Grin
To je obično put u propast.
Svatko mora sam preuzeti odgovornost, naučiti neke vještine ili steći neka znanja, i to iskoristiti da ostvari neke svoje materijalne ciljeve.
Sve drugo je mlaćenje prazne slame i gubitak vremena i energije.

2286  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: October 30, 2021, 09:27:23 AM
Zanimljiva se stvar događa sa kampanjom.
Iako nude relativno jako dobre uvjete, tako da je minimum za pisanje samo 10 postova, maksimum 25 postova a plaća se dosta dobro, 3 $ po postu za legendary/hero i 1.6 $ po postu za senior članove, plus mogući bonusi, vidim da i nakon 3 dana ne mogu popuniti sva mjesta, i traže još desetak članova.
Ni prijava nema baš previše.
Pitam se imali li kakav posebni razlog ovako malog interesa za ovu kampanju?
Inače je uvijek velika navala za slične kampanje.
2287  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: October 30, 2021, 09:16:37 AM
[...] Na žalost,  vidim da i sve više starih članova polako odustaje od foruma; valjda dolazi do "zamora" od foruma.
Marlboza, Go daddy,  Sbogovac,  Regulus, Branko. su oni koje se sad na brzinu mogu sjetiti a prije su bili dosta aktivni ovdje.
Trebali bi možda pokrenuti neki zajednički projekt da se malo više povežemo, ne znam....

Ne znam. Mozda. Za mene osobno to ne bi ni pre vise pomoglo. Vec sam povezan u projektu (GunBot) koji koristi vise Telegram kanala za "brzu" komunikaciju u kombinaciju sa Wiki za dokumentaciju i moram priznati da je to meni (pored ovo "monitoranje" drugih izvora) vise nego dosta... (Lauda je na primijer i vec tamo takodje odustao).

A sto se tice BCT-a; upravo se to desava sto smo "mi stariji" vec tada rekli: ako se namesti forum tako da su sig-kampanje, altovi i gambling povoljni sve vise shit-postera i spamera ce se nakupiti a sve vise ozbiljnih clanova odustati. Samo vec pogledaj ovu nasu sekciju. Jedan od najpopularnijih topica je onaj o kampanjama...

Razumijem ja da $300-$400 mijesecno nekim (puno njima) i nije neka mala lova. Ali to jos ne znaci da "mi svi" ostali trebamo da ucestvujemo u to...  Undecided

Sve je to jasno. Ali kad ne bi bilo sig. kampanja vjeruj mi da bi velika većina ljudi otišla s foruma ili bi barem puno manje pisali. Na kraju bi ostalo nekoliko desetaka hard core forumaša koji bi međusobno diskutirali i forum bi brzo "umro". Ovako ipak ima ljudi koji pišu pa makar i za novac.

Da se vratimo na originalnu temu Smiley
Očito je da je ovaj forum već dugo u ''padu'', i da je sve manji interes za njega, i zapravo mislim da je samo pitanje vremena kada će ''pokretači'' signature kampanje shvatiti da im je puno učinkovitije reklamirati se na u različitim Telegram grupama, društvenim mrežama i sl.
Jedino što ovaj forum održava na životu trenutno su signature kampanje ali za par godina mislim da bi mogli gledati scenarij kojeg je spomenuo slackovic, da nekoliko desetaka hard core forumaša ostane i diskutira o btc temama.
Mislim da ćemo postepeno gledati kako se smanjuje broj signature kampanja.

2288  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: October 28, 2021, 02:36:04 PM
Da li smo dobili nasljednika Antikvarka? Ili barem njegovog brata?  Grin Grin
2289  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Europa League Discussion Thread on: October 28, 2021, 10:34:48 AM
^ West ham has won against the spurs. And west ham actually played good football in my opinion. They had 37% possession and also had less accurate passes. But still, they have the score where it matters. Antonio scored at 72 minutes to give them the lead. It was the only goal of the match. 11 foul decisions have gone against them. Had to see two yellow cards for that too. West ham is surely not going to move from that number 1 spot in Group H.
Brah you are confusing me, you are talking about a game played between West Ham and Spurs in EPL and not EL. About remaining n1 in Group H, West Ham is playing vs teams that lost 2 of their 3 games making the job easier to pass this group first.

I'm sorry I failed to understand you about this matter. I wanted to mean that West Ham is playing well enough in the Premier League. And they have won against a strong team like Tottenam. This means they are now in a fairly stable position. Group H teams are weaker than Tottenham. And since they are already one ahead of the other teams in the group, at the same time they are in good form. So I don't think the West Ham team could move away from Group H's first place. I think now I have cleared the matter.
Currently West Ham has led the group H standings with 9 points from 3 matches without defeat, and this shows that West Ham quality compared to other teams is very much different, in my opinion West Ham now only needs 1 more win to secure a position them and it looks like the game against Genk will be an easy game for West Ham.

The winner is already known in group H, it is only questionable who will be second and third and continue the competition in the spring.
The big fight to the end in this group will be led by Dinamo, Genk and Rapid and it seems to me that the chances are equal.
All 3 clubs have shown certain shortcomings and are not convincing, so small details will decide.
Perhaps it is a small advantage for Dinamo because they play at home against Genk and Rapid.
2290  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: October 28, 2021, 10:26:10 AM
no one player should be bigger than the tournament itself.

There shouldn't be one player who is bigger than the tournament, but unfortunately there is. Nadal and Federer are on the way out. Djokovic is by far the biggest draw in men's tennis, the only superstar left at the top... and there is also his record in Australia to consider, winning it year after year after year. If Djokovic wasn't allowed to compete, then whoever won the title, everyone would be saying that Djokovic would have won if he'd been there... the whole thing would be a joke. So I think their hands are tied really, they have to accommodate him. But to be honest, regardless of what the AO officials want, I'm surprised the government has allowed it.

Personally, I think the issue of public health and safety should be much more important than the personal reputation of an individual player.
In this way, ordinary people who have been locked up in their homes for months because of Covid get the message that the rules don't apply to some people.
What if it turns out that some tennis players are infected and Covid spreads through the country again. Who will be held accountable for that?
Due to public health and safety problems, as far as I remember, even Wimbledon was canceled and here we have a situation where the rules are adjusted because of one man, in a situation when due to Covid Australians were not even allowed to travel abroad or return to their country for almost 2 years.
For me, this is a shameful decision by the state authorities of Australia and in this way they show their citizens that they are less important than one tennis player, Djokovic.
2291  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: October 27, 2021, 06:57:55 AM
da, izgleda da je Septembar samo nastavak trenda na dole sa brojem postova, a broj merita je stvarno odlican u odnosu na broj postova

kakve li mudrosti arapi pisu, kad im je odnos merit/post 1.66, tamo imas pravo pisati samo suvi kvalitet od postova

slazem se sa cinjenicom da je forum prevazidjeni nacin komunikacije, ali eto nas ovde i pisemo, sto znaci da ipak ima neku buducnost

Ima budućnost dok je signature kampanja i nas koji smo ostarili pa nam je ovakav oblik komunikacije dobar. Već mi na živce idu kojekakve Telegram i Discord grupe u kojima sam član, a zapravo apsolutno ništa ne čitam tamo jer svaki put kad otvorim neku grupu, ima par stotina novih poruka. Baš loše...

Čini mi se da imamo budućnost dok imamo tebe  Grin
Na žalost,  vidim da i sve više starih članova polako odustaje od foruma; valjda dolazi do "zamora" od foruma.
Marlboza, Go daddy,  Sbogovac,  Regulus, Branko. su oni kojih se sada na brzinu mogu sjetiti a prije su bili dosta aktivni ovdje.
Trebali bi možda pokrenuti neki zajednički projekt da se malo više povežemo, vratimo stare članove nazad,  ne znam....
2292  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: October 26, 2021, 08:22:30 AM
Red je spomenuti i one koji su zasluzni za odrzavanje naseg boarda aktivnim (ja sam tu gadno podbacio sa samo 6 napisanih postova, sto mi je negativan rekord). Ne treba uopce sumnjati tko je na vrhu liste, ni tko ce biti na vrhu slijedece, pogotovo jer je open upao u kampanju. Cheesy
Bome si gadno podbacio s brojem postova ovaj mjesec, ali ako ti je tih 6 otprilike iste dužine kao i ovaj možda imaš isti broj rječi kao i mi smrtnici s vrha liste, tu naravno ne brojim alfu i omegu slackovica Smiley

Stvarno je lijepo vidjeti tako visok merit ratio, šteta što ga nismo imali dok je puno nas lovilo rankove, bilo bi postova i merita na bacanje.

Da,  taj dio s meritima i mene najviše muči.
Kada su svima najviše trebali meriti;  nismo imali dovoljno merit sourceva a sada kada smo konačno dobili nove merit sourceve ispada da meriti više nikome ne trebaju;  a moja tema s meritima vegetira već mjesecima 😀
Što se općenito tiče broja postova i aktivnosti na forumu,  to je već postao trend da su se stariji korisnici umorili " foruma i polako odlaze a novih članova gotovo i nema.
Mislim da tu nema previše pomoći a da na ovom forumu nema mogućnosti zarađivanja btc i signature kampanja situacija bi bila još gora.
2293  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez na bitcoin i kriptovalute 2018-2019 on: October 26, 2021, 08:10:13 AM
poz novi sam ovdje stari u kriptu..došlo vrijeme za dobit i poreze...prošle godine sam digao kredit i isplatio ga iste godine...znači na 0 sam...trebam li to prijaviti?
I kako ide ovo s poreznim savjetnicima koliko uzmu provizije i to?

Trebaš biti malo jasniji,  gdje si točno digao kredit?
O porezima obično kreditne institucije vode računa.
U principu,  porez placas na dobit, dohodak ili kapitalnu dobit a Domchi je sve već detaljno objasnio u ovoj temi.  
Dakle,  ako trgujes kriptom i zaradu povlačis nakon 2 godine ne plaćaš nikakav porez a inače je porez 10 %;plus prirez.
Stvari su puno kompliciranije kod onih koji btc zarađuju nekakvim radom,  pisanjem kroz signature kampanje i sl.
2294  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: October 25, 2021, 11:23:44 AM
Very important news has just leaked from Australia.
''Per email sent to WTA players just now, Tennis Australia has told WTA PC  that fully vaccinated players won’t be required to quarantine or bubble at all.
Unvaccinated players will be allowed to enter, TA tells WTA, but must do 14 days of hotel quarantine.''


So, although it has been said for a long time that it will not be possible for unvaccinated players  to perform at this GS, a compromise has obviously been reached on this issue.
I wonder if this decision was made due to public pressure and to allow Djokovic to perform, given that his negative attitude towards vaccination is well known.
What do you think?
By the way, the authorities in Australia are very strict when it comes to vaccinations, but here they obviously had to change their position.
2295  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: October 25, 2021, 07:57:51 AM
Koliko vidim, nema obveze pisanja u gambling sekciji.
Da, stvarno nema. Baš sam išao da provjerim da vidim da nisi slučajno pogriješio jer ipak je riječ o kripto kasinu. U interesu bi im bilo da im potpis bude vidljiv u gambling forumu jer time se i sami bave. Znaš li možda jel ovo jedina takva kampanja koja ne zahtjeva postove u gambling sekciji a da potiče iz tog miljea?   

Pa od ovih ozbiljnijih i bolje plaćenih btc kampanja, mislim da je Roobet definitivno jedini koji ne traži pisanje u gambling sekciji.
Slažem se s tobom da je to malo neobično, da ne upotrijebim neku ''jaču'' riječ, s obzirom da se ipak radi o kripto kasinu, i zaista mi nije jasno zašto nemaju taj uvjet.
Ali na ovaj način su sigurno olakšali pisanje mnogim sudionicima svoje kampanje, koji nemaju obvezu pisanja određenog broja postova u gamblingu.
To naravno još ne znači da manager kampanje prilikom prijava neće dati prednost ipak oima koji više pišu u gamblingu.

2296  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread -- Group Stage! on: October 25, 2021, 07:04:42 AM

Barcelona has huge problems due to large financial debts, poor organization of the club, disturbed relations between players and management, incompetent management etc.
Messi's departure was logical and expected due to all these problems.
Barcelona needs a good striker? Maybe Suarez?  Grin Grin
In fact, Barcelona now urgently needs a lot of money to save itself from financial ruin and going into football mediocrity.
They can forget about some great football successes and trophies in the next few years.
It's obvious that Barcelona is not the favorite in the Champions League this year and they are still not sure that they will pass the group stage of this competition.

^ Barcelona is facing some real problems right now because they are in a really bad cycle. If they sell some players in the upcoming transfer window, they might not be able to stay in the top 4, so they won't be able to play champions league, so they will get less money. They can't buy anyone too. They can't even sack their manager because if they sack him, as per rules they have to pay the whole contract length. They can't afford that right now. So I think they just need to survive for 2-3 seasons then get some financial stability. Then Maybe they can buy some players.

Personally, I don’t think Barcelona have time to wait a few years.
Changes in football happen very quickly and if you can’t keep up with those changes, then you fall away as a relevant factor.
Top players want to play in clubs that guarantee them trophies and victories, and they can also pay well.
Personally, if I were a top player and I got an offer from Barcelona, a club that can no longer guarantee trophies and money, and Newcastle that will soon be able to guarantee both trophies and money, I know which club I would choose.
It has already happened in football that some clubs that used to be greats and European champions, such as HSV or Nottingham Forest, later fail and become irrelevant.
Barcelona don't have much time to fix their catastrophic financial situation and avoid such a scenario.
2297  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: October 25, 2021, 06:48:37 AM
U Catena X signature kampanji takodje ima dva slobodna mesta za Hero/Legendary rang:
Hero/Legendary Members | $70/Week in BTC

We have 2x positions open, apply now!

Otvorilo se 1 mjesto u Roobet signature kampanji kod našeg popularnog managera Hhampuza.

Round 83 Payments have been sent out!

Thank you all for yet another great week, keep it up!

We have 1x Sr. Member position open, apply now!

Uvjeti su za ovakvu kampanju manje više uobičajeni i dosta prihvatljivi.
Minimalno 20 postova tjedno.
Priznaju se lokalni postovi.
Koliko vidim, nema obveze pisanja u gambling sekciji.
Plaća se 55 $ tjedno za senior članove.
Ima li zainteresiranih?
Radi se o kampanji koja traje već godinu i pol i očito će još jako dugo trajati a jedna je od najbolje plaćenih kampanja na ovom forumu.

2298  Other / Meta / Re: Newbies/Newcomers Knowledge is better than merits. on: October 25, 2021, 06:41:49 AM
In fact, it would be logical for new members to come to this forum with the purpose of learning something, gaining new skills and knowledge that can help them in their crypto journey.
This is not always the case on this forum but given the specificity of this forum and the earning potential through signature campaigns, this is probably to be expected.
Each member of this forum can make a contribution to the community, through their knowledge or experience, and if it helps someone, that member will get the merit he deserves.
It is a mistake to write posts with the expectation of getting merits.
A new member should write with the desire to contribute to the forum and help other members and with such an attitude the member will progress in the forum and get the merits he deserves.
2299  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: October 25, 2021, 06:30:40 AM
Stvar je u tome da trenutno živimo u eri niskih kamata i nikada nije bilo jeftinije i povoljnije zaduživati se.
S obzirom na Covid krizu i brojne mjere zatvaranja koje su države uvodile širom svijeta, da bi spriječili kolaps gospodarstva vlade su morale davati financijske poticaje i pomoć gospodarstvenicima, a to je uglavnom išlo na račun velikog zaduživanja.
Središnje banke u nekim državama, pa i u EU, su postale kao ''kasice prasice'' koje po potrebi tiskaju novac koliko ga god treba pojedinim vladama da spriječe kolaps gospodarstva.
Logična posljedica toga, kao i problema u transportu i dostavi robe, je rast cijena i inflacija a dugoročno možemo očekivati da se to samo nastavi, da cijene još više odu gore, da se inflacija poveća, a na kraju toga ciklusa vjerojatno možemo očekivati novu financijsku krizu u svijetu, vjerojatno goru nego što je bila 2008.
Sve ovo ne moraju biti loše vijesti za kripto industriju.
Moguće je da kripto ''iskoči'' kao dobra altenativa tradicionalnim ulaganjima i da ti trendovi pomognu povećanju cijene btc i altcoina ali za sada je još rano reći.
2300  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: October 24, 2021, 12:06:02 PM
Transfer rumours:

Teenage FC Dallas striker Ricardo Pepi is attracting the interest of a number of Premier League clubs with Liverpool, Manchester United, Brentford and Brighton among those interested in the 18-year-old American. I admit, I've never heard of this player and I don't remember the last time an American player succeeded in such a strong European league, but it will be interesting to follow this player.
Argentina forward Paulo Dybala, 27, has all but reached an agreement with Juventus over a new contract. So, it seems that this football saga is finally over.
Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola is looking at Real Madrid's Germany midfielder Toni Kroos with the 31-year-old's current deal set to expire in 2023. How realistic is it that Kroos, after so many years at Real, decides to go to another club?
Atletico Madrid and Urguay striker Luis Suarez wants to stay at the club beyond the current season. The 34-year-old has scored five goals this term but his deal ends next summer. Suarez was probably the best free gift Atletico has received in its history.

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