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2341  Other / Meta / Re: Campaign to improve posting quality for local boards on: August 21, 2022, 04:03:39 AM
Thank you all who expressed your formal suppprt for this campaign. It is very important to see that users have good thoughts for this initiative. But please make sure you express your suppprt in the format mentioned by 1miau in OP.

Every time I see your username, I associate it with Italy and think that you are Italian. Although "Gazeta" isn't spelled correctly and it should be "Gazzeta", like Gazzetta Dello Sport, it still doesn't make me think of Romania. I have to keep reminding myself that Romanian is a Latin language and that "Gazeta" probably has the same meaning as "Gazzeta". 

It's correct, Gazeta is the Romanian term for the Italian Gazzeta (and for the French Gazette). Romanians' ancestors were Dacians, which lived in Dacia -- a part of Tracians. After year 100 A.D. Romans conquered them (by emperor Traian) and, afterwards, Romans settled in these places -- what will become, 1700 years later, Romania. Romans married local Dacians and, being settled here, their language mixed with locals' language. This is how Romanian was born. And, as far as I know, Romanian is the Latin language most close to actual Italian.

Supporting the campaign is not the equivalent of applying to translate the threads and customizing them in the local section, right?

Yes, this is correct. You can do it only if you wish so.
2342  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: August 19, 2022, 08:34:52 PM
Nu am avut ocazia, e cam departe pentru mine, mai ales cu mirificele drumuri ale patriei

Mare lucru n-ai pierdut. Atmosfera campeneasca, de balci, cateva artificii si preturi colosale la terasele din port.

stii de ce sunt dragute drumurile din Romania? pentru ca au gropite!

Oh, this is so sweet!  Roll Eyes

Desi poate ca sunt cam in intarziere, iti doresc un sejur placut si vreme cat mai buna!

Merci frumos! Inca sunt aici Smiley Pana acum am avut vreme perfecta! Mai stau si saptamana viitoare. Am mancat scoici si creveti cat pentru tot anul Smiley Saptamana cealalta vreau sa-l duc pe fi-miu la Delfinariu.
2343  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: August 15, 2022, 06:15:01 PM
Interesanta initiativa, desi nu sunt convins ca avea impact prea mare (majoritatea shitposterilor nu citesc nimic). Na, sper sa ma insel. Dar "m-am bagat"  Smiley

Multumim pentru suport, NeuroticFish! Important e ca membrii reprezentativi ai forumului (surse de merit, moderatori, DT) sa aiba cat mai putina toleranta fata de shitposteri... Multumim si pentru comentariul cu parerea ta.

Ooooo, felicitari, s-au aranjat in sfarsit lucrurile! Doamne-ajuta! Sa le folositi sanatosi si sa va tina mult!

Multumesc frumos Smiley

Wow, nu ma prea incumet sa scriu chestii lungi pe telefon, e greu si, da, prea usor sa gresesti..

Nici eu nu prea o fac, dar asa stabilisem cu 1miau. Si ulterior nu mai aveam cand... Azi am plecat la mare si nu prea mai stateam pe telefon pentru a scrie tot ce am postat impreuna cu el, asa ca mi-am luat inima in dinti, am facut o cruce cu varful limbii si mi-am facut curaj.

Azi am fost si eu, prima data, la ziua Marinei. Foarte frumos!
2344  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: August 14, 2022, 03:56:40 PM
Cred ca ai vrut sa scrii 1.25 mBTC  Wink

Asa este, NeuroticFish, multumesc de atentionare. A fost o zi grea ieri, atat pentru mine cat si pentru 1miau. A trebuit sa ne coordonam pentru postarea a doua topic-uri, acesta fiind unul si al doilea fiind acesta: Campaign to improve posting quality for local boards -- la care te invitam de asemenea sa iei parte, atat ca membru DT, cat si ca membru de vaza al forumului.

Problema a fost insa ca mie tocmai imi venise mobila pentru casa (si, in sfarsit, am si eu chiuveta la bucatarie dupa doua luni de asteptare!), PC-ul nu era montat (am schimbat si biroul vechi cu unul nou si nu apucasem sa montez PC-ul inca), asa ca... aproape tot ce vezi am facut de pe telefon Si, in toata graba aceasta, trebuind inclusiv sa ne sincronizam bine... am facut aceasta eroare. Dar am fixat-o acum, merci frumos!

O sa ma gandesc bine si o sa incerc sa particip, multumesc de invitatie (si de concurs, bineinteles)!

Mult succes Smiley
2345  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: August 13, 2022, 07:02:26 PM
Avem un concurs nou!

[Gewinnspiel] Welches ist der letzte Block in diesem Jahr? [BTC + Merit]

Se pot castiga urmatoarele: 1.25 mBTC. Trebuie ghicit ultimul bloc Bitcoin din 2022. Concursul este unul educational, avand ca scop educarea cat mai multor utilizatori cu principiile tehnice ale Bitcoin (timpul de generare a blocurilor, dificultate, ajustare a dificultatii, momentul de ajustare a dificultatii influenta pretului BTC asupra minerilor si, in consecinta, asupra dificultatii si asupra timpului de generare a blocurilor. Pentru explicatii tehnice elaborate se vor acorda si merite.

Daca cineva doreste sa doneze BTC penru acest giveway poate anunta in topic-ul de mai sus.

Organizator: 1miau, cu aportul adus de GazetaBitcoin.

Poate participa oricine, daca: (1) are cont inregistrat inainte de 12 august, (2) minim 10 merite obtinute, si (3) sa nu se afle in lista de distrust a lui 1miau si a mea. Nu se permite inregistrarea in concurs cu conturi alternative. Cine e prins ca incearca sa insele va primi feedback negativ de la 1miau.

Este interzisa participarea sustinatorilor lui Putin.

Modalitate de inscriere: fiecare participant alege doua blocuri, cel tarziu pana pe 2 septembrie, 23:59:59 (ora Berlinului). Pentru inscriere folositi urmatorul cod:

Bitcointalk-Nutzername: xxx (GazetaBitcoin)
Letzter Block des Jahres 2022 1. Tipp: xxx
Letzter Block des Jahres 2022 2. Tipp: xxx

Nu este permisa editarea postarilor. Castigatorul este cel care prezice corect ultimul bloc Bitcoin al anului sau cel mai apropiat bloc de acesta. In caz de egalitate se imparte premiul. Momentul de referinta al ultimului bloc va fi calculat dupa ora Berlinului (CET), 23:59:59.

Gratie bunei colaborari dintre mine si 1miau, organizatorul ne permite tuturor celor din sectiunea romaneasca sa participam la acest concurs (desigur, doar cei eligibili).

Danke, 1miau, for this opportunity!
2346  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: [Gewinnspiel] Welches ist der letzte Block in diesem Jahr? [BTC + Merit] on: August 13, 2022, 04:27:44 PM
Ich freue mich sehr, als Co-Sponsor dieses Gewinnspiels aufzutreten und hier eingeladen zu sein. Dazu habe ich einen Teil der Regeln beigesteuert. Es ist eine überaus hehre Geste von 1miau, teilnahmeberechtigte Accounts aus unserem lokalen Forumsteil (Rumänien) einzuladen.
Gewinnspiele sind immer interessant und natürlich kann man damit auch etwas wertvolles BTC gewinnen.  Smiley
Es ist großartig von 1miau, bereits so viele Gewinnspiele veranstaltet zu haben.
Ähnlich wie meine Übersetzung des offiziellen Bitcoin-Whitepapers, welche sich als besonders schwierig herausstellte, da die vorige Übersetzung voller Fehler war, liefert 1miau immer wieder gute Beiträge für das Forum und setzt sich vor allem gegen seichten Spam, Trolle und Shitposter ein, was sehr wichtig ist.
Hoffentlich werden wir schon bald mehr hochwertige Beiträge sehen, denn meiner Meinung nach gibt es im deutschsprachigen Bereich viele Leistungsträger, wie bullrun2020bro, qwk, Lafu oder Nestade.
Ich freue mich daher auf dieses ausgezeichnete Gewinnspiel, welches sehr anspruchsvoll ist.  Smiley

übersetzt von 1miau
2347  Other / Meta / Re: Campaign to improve posting quality for local boards on: August 13, 2022, 04:04:37 PM
It is a great honor for me to collaborate with 1miau on this matter -- improving posting quality for local boards.

I noticed that, as time passes, more and more people have poor knowledge about their own language. For various reasons (people read less, educate themselves less, teachers are not so good or passionate as they were in the past, lack of possibility of attending school, apparition of Generation McDonald's -- followed soon by Generation FaceBook etc. etc. etc.) many don't give 2 cents anymore on speaking and writing correctly in their own language. Many can't even correctly associate verbs with the subject of the sentence (e.g. using a plural form for verb and a singular form for the subject).

No matter the reason for this, it's something terribly wrong! Nobody asks you to know a foreign language as a native but, at least, everybody should correctly use the native language.

I am a perfectionist myself. Besides trying to spell and speak correctly in my own language (which is Romanian) I also pay a lot of attention to punctuation. To the order of words inside a sentence. Sometimes, a comma may change entirely the meaning of a sentence. Same about a missing comma. Also, in many times, I noticed people which do not use the question mark when needed and, as a consequence, what they say sounds like an affirmation and not as a question. Example: when someone wants to ask you to go out with him and he says "Come with me", instead of "Come with me?". It's a huge difference, as in the first form it sounds like an order.

However, I understand that not all can master their own language. But, at least, they should speak and spell correctly.

Mixing words from the native language with English words also became a big problem. In Romanian, we call this as Romglish. It is also what 1miau names as "Denglish". At first, people started this outrageous method of tormenting their native language as it seemed something "cool". In Romania, at least. They believed they were cool for mixing Romanian words with English ones. But they were not cool at all, only ridiculous. Yet, this trend continued and, in time, it became more and more adopted, until it became a vice.

I have to admit myself that even I, although I struggle a lot to avoid it, have this sin. I try hard to avoid Romglish yet, sometimes, without even realizing this, I am mixing Romanian words with English ones. It happens rarely, but it happens. It's so hard to quit a bad habit, a vice. But it's always important to try, to improve yourself.

All the above mentioned facts occur also inside the forum and people use their poor skills of their language for writing posts with poor or zero value, just for reaching the quota for the campaign they are part of. In some occasions they also received merits for such posts. This should change.

This is the purpose of this action initiated by 1miau and I second him. I encourage DT users, Merit Sources, Campaign Managers, moderators and all other users to not support this behavior anymore. It is a vouch for having a better forum!
2348  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: August 11, 2022, 10:45:47 AM
Avem o noua re-editare

Merci, NeuroticFish! M-am inscris repede, sa nu-mi mai ia vreun praduitor numarul preferat Smiley

In afara de asta, observ cu placere ca OP pare ca a revenit la bunele sale obiceiuri de pe timpuri. Nu stiu daca mai tii minte, dar a avut o perioada, pana la pandemie, in care, timp de aproape 500 de zile a oferit zilnic cate o moneda. Am castigat si eu o data o moneda de la el (la unul dintre ultimele concursuri din acea "era", daca nu cumva chiar la ultimul).

Acum pare ca a reluat acest obicei, dar ofera monedele acestea mai aparte. Sper sa continue, poate-poate voi castiga si una din acest tip Smiley

Mult succes!

2349  Economy / Services / Re: LoyceV's Avatar for Rent [first 🦊🦊🦊3 YEARS🦊🦊🦊 (176 weeks) rented out] on: August 10, 2022, 06:44:37 PM
One hundred and seventy-seventh week paid.

Hoping that MehMeh is okay, I will say

Thanks again for your flawless timing!

2350  Local / Market / Re: Vand invitatii filelist on: August 10, 2022, 03:19:58 PM
Pe forumul general se vand astfel de invitatii si nu este interzis de catre nimeni , inteleg ca acesta este un sub-forum si nu inteleg de ce ar fii interzis ( doar este marketplace ).

Este interzis pentru ca incalca regulile de functionare a site-ului, pe care ti le-am si mentionat mai sus. Unde ai mai vazut tu astfel de topic-uri, in sectiunea internationala, ele exista doar pentru ca (1) nu au fost raportate moderatorilor si / sau (2) nu au fost vazute de membrii DT, care pot da feedback-uri negative vanzatorilor care incalca regulile (si care, implicit, le pot inflenta scorul de Marketplace Trust -- de aici e evident ca, daca ai un scor Trust negativ nu o sa mai vinzi nimic in vecii vecilor).

Asa ca mingea e in terenul tau, ca sa zic asa, momentan. Insa eu unul, daca o sa mai vad activ topic-ul asta maine, am sa iti dau feedback negativ.
2351  Economy / Services / Re: [FULL] Signature Campaign | Up to 0.003 BTC/W on: August 10, 2022, 09:42:16 AM
I know. It's just a joke (because I wanted to prank you).  Roll Eyes

You always do that! Always!!! =)))
2352  Economy / Services / Re: [FULL] Signature Campaign | Up to 0.003 BTC/W on: August 10, 2022, 07:46:16 AM
Also, happy birthday to GazetaBitcoin! Do not hesitate to write him a couple of good words.

Loooooool! Thanks, icopress! But you were one month late Smiley The date I set as birthday is July 1st, not August 1st but still, I appreciate the good thoughts.

(And, if I may, a small clarification here: this is not my real birthday. It's the day when Gazeta Bitcoin was launched, on July 1st, 2017. So, I guess, you can still think it's my birthday lol. After all, this is my display name here so it works anyway Smiley)
2353  Economy / Reputation / Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔ on: August 09, 2022, 03:42:46 PM
Oh, oh, I understand now. Thanks for explaining this, LoyceV!
2354  Local / Minerit / Re: Se merita achizitionarea uni miner Antminer S9i 14 THs Minat in 2022 on: August 09, 2022, 03:39:55 PM
S9i a fost alegerea OP, nu a mea, eu doar am cautat un pic in stanga si in dreapta.

Ah, nu am vazut... poate a modificat OP, ca acum nu mai apare sa scrie ca ar fi fost interesat de S9i

Nvm, am vazut acum ca scrisese in titlul topic-ului...

Si poate ca nu as alege Nicehash pentru minat, dar softul de estimat ROI mi s-a parut foarte facil.

Da, la nivel de interfata stau foarte bine. Am vazut si eu asta.

Plus ca pe whattomine nu am gasit acest mirific S9i 14TH. Am gasit ceva care s-ar putea sa fie relativ apropiat (S9k/13.5TH), iar cifrele tot rau arata

Asa este... nu prea ai ce face cu echipamentele astea vechi... Poate doar daca nu te intereseaza costul curentului si vrei, pur si simplu, sa obtii niste BTC (poate cu scopul de a-i pastra a la long)... Dar, cum OP spune ca vrea sa faca un ban, ca e cam stramtorat, nu are nicio sansa cu S9-uri, fie ele model S9 simplu, i sau k... Nici cu un S19 nu faci mare branza, daca ai doar unul dar, cu acela, macar stii ca ai ceva profit totusi... Un S19 simplu (95 Th) e 3999$ acum, iar un S19 Pro (110 TH) costa 5940$. S19 XP (255 Th) are data de lansare in primul trimestru din 2023. Atentie, si consumul e colosal. Daca primele modele de S19 consumau 3.2 kW, S19 Pro consuma 5.3 kW...

Ma rog, una peste alta, ce vrea OP sa faca e cam ca in vorba aia - caine surd la vanatoare... Da banii de pomana pe S9...
2355  Local / Market / Re: Vand invitatii filelist on: August 09, 2022, 03:20:34 PM
Vand invitatii Filelist

@OP: vanzarea invitatiilor de FileList este strict interzise de catre FileList. Conform regulilor specificate de FileList,

1. Reguli Generale - Încălcarea acestor reguli va duce la dezactivarea contului/banIP.
Nu vindeţi/nu incercaţi să vindeţi invitaţiile/contul.

9. Reguli Generale - Invitații.
Tradeul/Schimbul de invitații nu este permis!

Ca urmare, te rog sa editezi / inchizi acest topic, intrucat nu poti vinde aici ceva nepermis.
2356  Local / Minerit / Re: Se merita achizitionarea uni miner Antminer S9i 14 THs Minat in 2022 on: August 09, 2022, 03:07:19 PM
Din ce intelesesem eu, omul vrea sa incepe cu 1 antminer si dupa ce ajunge cu el pe profit si vede cum merge treaba, eventual cumpara mai multi.

Tot asta am inteles si eu.

Dar la cum evolueaza pretul la curent.. nu arata bine deloc... Cifrele deja arata pierdere, nu ROI din prima luna...

Ummm... depinde. Tu ai ales ca exemplu un caz nu tocmai fericit... Un S9i este un ASIC foarte vechi... Intre timp, Bitmain a scos S19 XP, care are o putere de 255 Th. S9i are 14 Th. Pe langa asta, NiceHash nu este cel mai bun loc pentru minerit, intrucat nu este doar un bazin pentru minerit... NiceHash actioneaza ca o piata intre cumparatori de putere de hash si proprietari de putere de hash, care isi inchiriaza (prin intermediul NiceHash) aceasta putere de hash. Iar NiceHash ia bani si de la unii si de la altii (regulamentar).

Cel mai bine ar fi sa foloseasca ASIC-ul intr-un bazin dedicat, cum ar fi Slush's Pool, de pilda... NiceHash e doar asa, ceva foarte la indemana. Ai un singur buton pe care trebuie sa apesi - Start mining. Dar are si comisioane foarte mari, inclusiv la retragerea de fonduri (mai ales daca nu folosesti un portofel al lor). Si, intre paranteze, cine ar fi inconstient, sa mai foloseasca vreodata un portofel al lor, cat timp au fost sparti de hackeri acum cativa ani, cand s-au furat cei aproape 6000 BTC? (Si da, trist, insa foarte multi inca folosesc portofelele interne ale NiceHash...)

In alta ordine de idei, cred ca un site mai bun pentru compararea profitului obtinut ar fi
2357  Economy / Reputation / Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔ on: August 09, 2022, 02:56:38 PM
In the moment when fillppone received that incorrect feedback, he was on DT and, as a consequence, his feedback reflected on fillippone's Trust score.
That can't be: nullius is at DT1 (-12), and has been excluded for a long time. He was on your Trust list, which explains why you saw the negative feedback.

Ummm... I am not sure that I properly understand this... As far as I see, he was on DT at the reshuffle from August 1st, right? And this also confirmed by your post from the topic DefaultTrust changes. He does not appear there as removed, therefore this should mean he still was in DT (as he was previously elected at the reshuffle from July 1st)... Maybe I am not looking at the right data?

Besides that, even if he was not in DT1, at that moment he was in DT2, thus he was still able to influence the Trust score...

2358  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: August 09, 2022, 09:49:48 AM
A mai fost nu demult un concurs cu practica acelasi premiu, avem o re-reditare.

Merci, NeuroticFish!

Am avut un dublu moment de uitare acum Smiley O data, n-am vazut concursul, desi obisnuiesc sa ma uit zilnic in sectiunea cu pricina. A doua oara, sa scriu si eu aici doua vorbe, de multumire.

Asa este, a mai fost cel putin un concurs din acesta (cred ca doua, chiar). Hai sa vedem, poate acum DeLorean-ul o va lua spre Romania Smiley In afara de asta, am observat ca, de la ultimele 3-4 concursuri incoace, a mai aparut cineva care "imi ia numarul meu", adica 02 Smiley

Trebuie sa fiu mult mai vigilent, ca acum sunt 2 insi care vor numarul acesta
2359  Economy / Reputation / Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔ on: August 05, 2022, 07:47:32 AM
In any case, cuntius is not in DT, so fillippone should not mind too much.

In the moment when fillppone received that incorrect feedback, he was on DT and, as a consequence, his feedback reflected on fillippone's Trust score. Now he is not in DT anymore and, therefore, the feedback appears at fillippone's Untrusted feedback section and it is also not influencing fillippone's Trust score anymore.

I went to look at cuntius' trust list and I am surprised that you trust him, according to the last update. I imagine from what you say that this will change.

Another one that I've been surprised to see he trusts him is icopress.

This is already changed and it is already changed in icopress' case as well. We had added him on our Trusts list a long while ago, when his contributions were mostly technical essays and articles advocating Bitcoin and Satoshi...

I'd say that this already got handled yesterday and the trust viewer has old data, since it's scraping only once a week.

Thank you for confirming this, NeuroticFish. Indeed, Trust viewer is not updated live. But the changes can be seen on bpip.

So I guess that this may put an even better light on Gazeta's post.

Same as above, this happened also in ancient times, when his writings were mostly technical or advocating Bitcoin...
2360  Economy / Reputation / Re: Reputation: nullius is a cunt ✔ on: August 05, 2022, 06:40:00 AM
It's a great sorrow for me to see fillippone in this situation and I would like to state a few words on this matter...

I know fillippone for a few years now and I don't mean that I know him in the sense "oh, I saw that guy on the forum; he is quite active". I came to know him better than that.

Objectively speaking, I noticed how many useful threads he wrote, in the attempt to help newbies, beginners and the community as a whole. If I am to name only a few of his best writings, I would mention these ones:

Everything you wanted to know about BTC futures but were afraid to ask!
Everything you wanted to know about BTC options but were afraid to ask!
Stock To Flow Model: Modeling Bitcoin's Value with Scarcity
Comprare Bitcoin senza KYC: Bitcoin Bancomat a Milano rispettoso della Privacy (from Italian)
#meritislife: how to be notified on a smartband of merits and mentions
Everything you wanted to know about Grayscale BTC Trust but were afraid to ask!
Securing Your Seed Phrase with Washers
5 Resources to teach Average Joe about Bitcoin

As you can see, some are also very long. I can't even imagine how much time he had to dedicate in order to write all these... In particular, the topic Securing Your Seed Phrase with Washers also needed physical work for writing it!

Subjectively speaking, I had many interactions with fillippone in the past years. He proved himself as a very friendly person, always willing to help, always polite, decent, with a lot of common sense and, also, with a lot of knowledge about Bitcoin. It was a great pleasure to meet such a person and to have the chance to collaborate with!

Having all these in mind and seeing how many great contributions fillippone brought to the forum I can say that I see him as a very trustworthy person, someone I would fully trust to work with, to collaborate on various projects, to make financial deals with -- with no risk.

Knowing him in the way I do, I would go even forward, by saying that I am seeing fillippone as unable to cheat anyone. His very high moral standards and, over all, the way he is constructed, always willing to help those in need -- all these make him (at least, in my eyes) as someone unable to harm.

Due to all the above mentioned aspects I can say, while being 100% sure, that fillippone did not deserve the negative feedback he received, as he is not a thief, not even a wannabe thief and he never tried to scam anybody. Nor he ever will.

Once again, fillippone, I am sorry for all this situation. But keep being who you are, the way you are, as your way of being -- your behavior at large -- made you one of the best forum members, someone appreciated the same way as you appreciate the ones around you!
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