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421  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Does more seed words equal better security? on: June 18, 2021, 01:34:13 PM
Would Bitcoin be more secure against extremely powerful computing tech with more words in the dictionary list, a larger number of seed words and perhaps a longer BTC address/privkey? Say a seed had 50 words instead of 12 or 24 and Bitcoin addresses or seeds had at least one more character. Would it be more secure against bruteforcing or high computing power?
422  Local / Market / Re: BitcoinTech - Magazin Online - Smart Crypto Solutions on: June 18, 2021, 09:02:34 AM
Din ce vad, ei lucreaza cu Netopia si nu m-ar mira ca Netopia sa fie cei care iau crypto si le vireaza RON. Iar Netopia lua cel putin 10% in plus la pretul crypto. Doar ca de la 10% la 60% e ... imens.

Dar hai sa vedem ce zic cei de la BitcoinTech...
Nu cred ca e Netopia partenerul cu care lucreaza pentru crypto. Au 3 optiuni la checkout: Cryptocurrency, Netopia Payments si Ramburs. Netopia este varianta pentru plati cu card din ce observ.

Vezi si pagina Metode de plata:

La o comanda de 2.555,97 RON, cu Bitcoin trebuie sa dau 0.02622425 BTC (deci 4.111 RON)... cam mult, zic eu Cheesy
423  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Anonymity and Privacy while using Bitcoin. Which one is the right word to use? on: June 17, 2021, 11:52:55 PM
Bitcoin's privacy level is dependent on the user's behavior and full anonymity cannot be achieved. So I think the closest we can get is the "privacy" term, because anonymity is not present in BTC's current blockchain.

You seek privacy when you want people to simply not know why you're moving money or what other addresses you own. You seek anonymity when you want everything about your finance to be hidden.

You can't be anonymous if everything is transparent. Anonymity is wearing a full on cloak. You're hidden from others and nobody knows anything about you. Privacy means having just a little wall between you and others. They know you're there, but they can't do much more than that unless you leak crucial information yourself.
424  Local / Market / Re: BitcoinTech - Magazin Online - Smart Crypto Solutions on: June 17, 2021, 08:43:17 PM
Am facut si eu o mica "simulare" de comanda si am ajuns la pasul cu metoda de plata. Aici cred ca exista o buba: cursul la care cumparati crypto pentru platile in criptomonede.

Plata cu BTC la curs 0.00001032/RON.. adica 60% peste pret .. la fel si la LTC si ETH (in rest nu am verificat). Cred ca un curs de 60% peste pretul pietii e un pic cam .. exagerat, ca sa nu ii zic altfel...
425  Economy / Reputation / Re: Hero today, it's been all fun right from the start. on: June 17, 2021, 07:37:37 PM
Great job on achieving your Hero rank. I'm glad to see more and more people mentioning "privacy" in their posts and threads. In fact, it'd be very interesting to see how much the number caring about privacy has changed in the last year.

I remember the day I gave you a few merits and PM'd you to let you know that you're on your way to becoming a very good member of the forum. If I remember correctly, you were the one to receive the most merit at the time from my experiment. For anyone else who's curious, I tried to give 1 merit to someone deserving a single merit. Next, the challenge was to raise that to two merits and give them to someone who deserves them. After that, 3 and so on..

Obviously, the more merits there were, the harder of a challenge it became. Smiley

Congrats. You've still got a long way to go so keep it up. And by that, I mean there is still a lot of room to advance through ranks. I am not the best member and there's so much room for improvement for me but I definitely see who's racing to the top and you seem like one of them.

See ya around! Smiley
426  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Lending Against Your Bitcoin on: June 16, 2021, 10:07:51 PM
There's literally no guarantee that the money you lend will return back to you. I mean, I think chances are pretty high that it either won't at all or if it does, the yearly outcome will never exceed the Bitcoin ROI. These "daily" or "yearly" interest rates are just a bad bait many take, but it never pays that well..

If you're looking to lower your risks, either hodl or get out temporarily of this industry before you know more about it. Bitcoin equals immense risks!
427  Other / Archival / Re: BUY & HODL - is the surest strategy for crypto beginners on: June 16, 2021, 09:05:27 PM
I just wish the time comes when all those shitcoins are dumped and taken off websites like CMC and exchanges. They do way more harm than good, but it's hard to take them off because usually these projects earn enough BTC/ETH through sales to "bribe" exchanges so their shitcoin could be kept on.

Shitcoins are definitely a very tempting choice, but unfortunately what you said is more than true. People do get a false feeling of investing in something that'll bring wealth in the future when in reality it's all about very short hypes ending up in lots of people going broke, literally.

My advice is to just hodl as well. Hodl because this is the least risky option you have. In fact, hodling has so far been proven to be the best strategy ever since BTC has started to exist. Out of all the choices I've ever made about crypto, not hodling was always the worst outcome.
428  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Looking for advice on what to do with my hard drive on: June 14, 2021, 03:08:30 PM
I'd keep it and hope that maybe, just maybe, there is somehow a way to break through the encryption. Perhaps a weakness of encryption or some new technology or corporation that'd have enough power to decrypt it. I'd rather just keep it than put it up for sale because chances are.. nobody will pay a lot of bucks for something they can't access.

Or perhaps you'll someday just find out how you encrypted it and will be able to unlock it back. I'd not risk selling it. Smiley
429  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: British Man Duped out of $282,000 in Brutal Crypto Scam on: June 14, 2021, 10:21:00 AM
Two things are to blame here for the happening: the man trusting a stranger with his personal computer and the fact that you can get a $282k loan so easily. But the main blame is imo the man for letting the dude enter his PC remotely...

Things like this happen all the time, and no offense but most of the time it's the victim who is to blame. Sending money because a complete stranger (be it even a billionaire!) promised to send you double back? Allowing remote access to your personal computer?..
430  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I will not agree to a "Bitcoin Mining Council." on: June 14, 2021, 08:43:26 AM
Wouldn't it be better if they addressed that?
No, because that is controllable while Bitcoin isn't. Meanwhile, Bitcoin's growing very quickly while coal mining plants are boring. See the pattern? Cheesy The only reason they keep pushing those narratives is that Bitcoin is free.

As far as I know, critical thinking and the "debunking" of various pieces of information is a quite modern thing to do nowadays. They don't seem to care much about debunking this particular piece of information or encourage others to do it.

A Bitcoin mining council is useless and the previous answers are very accurate. You can't enforce something in Bitcoin, because those who don't like the new change will simply move on to another cryptocurrency. It's just a complete waste of resources for something that can easily be changed. The only thing is, if such councils appear then there will be a lot of fuss inside the Bitcoin protocol and community since they'll both be spammed out by both parties - those like me, who care about Bitcoin's decentralization, and those like the council members who only want to censor the blockchain to their own advantage.
431  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: The Culture Around Bitcoin and Liberty on: June 13, 2021, 12:36:10 PM
I don't think we're all libertarians. Probably only half or less of us, but we likely make the most noise here.

But I think it makes no sense to pay people to learn about Bitcoin. This isn't a doctrine but something you should theoretically seek yourself. Once this becomes incentivized, it automatically cancels the actual purpose of cryptocurrencies providing liberty. We're supposed to be brought all together not by force.

Binance's lessons are imo the best you can get at this point, next to the Bitcoin Wiki.
432  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin’s time is now on: June 12, 2021, 10:50:30 PM
I think money will keep moving from BTC to shitcoins and vice versa from now on. This will probably be a circle until Bitcoin's market cap and stability becomes massive.

Money can't be kept into Bitcoin only or shitcoins only. People will always move together with the waves until it'll not work anymore. I mean, it doesn't work anymore right now anyway. People only get a false feeling of earning large profits, when in fact Bitcoin's ROI is in 99% of the cases higher than the ROI of shitcoins. But $0.01 to $0.1 seems much easier to accomplish than $35k to $400k. Smiley
433  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Crypto in Romania, adoptare si impozitare - care este varianta ta ideala ? on: June 11, 2021, 08:57:20 PM
Interesanta idee de topic. Eu merg pe o parte din ideea lui Neurotic de mai sus, insa o sa o dezvolt altfel.

Cred ca ar fi foarte interesant ca Romania sa devina o tara cumva semi-paradis fiscal pentru crypto, insa nu pentru toti. Ar fi interesant ca spre exemplu hodlerii de 2 ani de zile sa primeasca 50% discount la taxe iar cei de 5 ani sa nu mai fie nevoiti sa plateasca deloc. Ca pana la urma, daca 5 ani de zile nu m-am atins de bani.. cred ca merit si eu un avantaj, nu? Smiley

Ideea de mai sus cred eu ca ar aduce mult interes in domeniul blockchain pe teritoriul Romaniei, si totodata si multi bani. Dar s-ar putea sa ma insel, si posibil sa nu fiu prea coerent ca e tarziu si am avut o zi grea asa ca.. roast me, feel free Smiley
434  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin... Stop being so hard to defend on: June 09, 2021, 06:23:23 PM
We have to work hard for it because the counterattacks are mostly blocks of disinformation spread around by massive influences such as billionaires or top corps/banks. Had there been no intention to push away people from BTC, there would've been no reason to look for "defense"..
435  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Please Relax About the FBI News.. on: June 09, 2021, 02:26:31 PM
Yeah, those idiots Cheesy
Sure thing, no one pities the thieves, it's the fact that private keys can be "hacked" that worries people. I'm afraid, most people have no idea how Bitcoin works and have too poor of a math background to figure what an insanely small probability of someone ever hacking BTC private key.
I wish people were smarter, but they're not, and, unfortunately, many seem to like all this hype news, conspiracies, and the idea of Bitcoin vulnerability.   
The idea doesn't necessarily have to be that Bitcoin can be/is hacked by authorities. In my case, I can assume that the intel have used technologies and means of data collection that aren't very.. freedom-respecting, to say the least. By that, I mean backdoors. With the right device at the right time, they might be able to get access to some backdoors giving them just the right information for a proper seizing/hacking procedure.

They have backdoors nowadays in almost anything, and I understand the anti-criminal usage but it's still scary to know that they can use almost any device you own against you if that's their will.
436  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 1 Year From Now: 5-10 Countries Accepting BTC As A Legal Tender on: June 09, 2021, 01:24:29 PM
Yeah, people do seem to believe that banks are their saviors and in the best interest of the people. It's not like this, it never was and it never will. Banks are always going to be against us while pretending not to be.

When some countries will ban Bitcoins, others will take the opportunity to sustain it. So bans don't mean shit.
437  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: CIUGUban: un fel de CBDC, faza pe comune on: June 09, 2021, 09:11:17 AM
Eu nu-s foarte optimist, mai ales cand vad ce fel de turme de incuiati exista. Tot raman la ideea ca in viitor BTC va fi moneda rebelilor, si nu a celor de rand. Cel putin partea de wallet-uri decentralizate, non-custodiale, cu tranzactii on-chain..

Plus ca Bitcoin va merge, zic eu, atata timp cat analiza de blockchain va merge in proportiile in care functioneaza si azi si atata timp cat lumea il va folosi fara alte mijloace de camuflare a monedelor precum mixere sau Wasabi. Daca s-ar marsa pe ideea de privacy chiar si un pic, BTC va avea probleme cu adoptarea in masa. Mai apoi, avem numarul de tranzactii/secunda care e destul de limitat la BTC si faptul ca destul de des se cam infunda mempool-ul.. plus ideea de finantare de terorism pe care se cam axeaza drept scuza in ultimul timp cam orice trasatura radicala/comunista pe care vreun guvern vrea sa o ia.. nu stiu cat de realist e sa il vedem asa de uzual precum cardul. Majoritatea celor de azi il ridica in slavi exact ca in 2013, pentru ca pretul crescuse masiv. Ai vazut si tu acum, de cateva saptamani, ce stiri "pozitive" apar.. una dupa alta Grin

Posibil sa functioneze la un moment dat si sa il vada lumea asa de uzual cum spui, dar asta in conditiile pe care le mentionam mai sus.. ar putea ca BitPay sa devina un mare procesor de tranzactii blockchain, pentru ca lucreaza cu ChainAlysis. Cand se va face diferentierea intre monedele mele si monedele tale ca sursa de provenienta banuita si voi fi eu acuzat pentru folosirea unui mixer in timp ce ala care lucreaza prin Coinbase va avea probleme 0.. atunci vor incepe oamenii sa foloseasca BTC cum NU trebuie doar ca sa scape de intrebari, adresele necunoscute vor fi blocate de procesori, etc.. oricum deja o fac, intr-o proportie destul de ingrijoratoare. Oamenii cauta sa scape de probleme, nu sa-si faca altele. Dar faza e ca scapa ei de probleme si ne fac noua altele.

Si stim bine toti de aici ca procentul majoritar al celor care detin BTC il detin doar pentru a face bani, deci oricat de mult ne dorim sa ajunga BTC in adoptie masiva.. sa fim realisti, pentru marea majoritate e complet neimportant cum se foloseste sau cum se detine intr-un mod non-custodial BTC ci conteaza doar sa creasca acolo suma de euroi pe ecran, iar daca asta si cenzura inseamma adoptie in masa atunci I'm out..
438  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: CIUGUban: un fel de CBDC, faza pe comune on: June 08, 2021, 10:21:22 PM
Hm, da, eu ma refer strict la ideea de monede virtuale si batrani. Legasem stirea si predictia ta de stirea lui Neurotic, si nu iese bine daca punem batranii in ecuatie. Nu-i amestec bun. Cu siguranta ca e o idee buna sa invatam copiii de mici despre monede virtuale, insa chiar si asa degeaba ii invatam daca la un moment dat copilul va sti ca, CIUGUban e ala bun si Bitcoin e ala rau-facator. Cheesy parerea mea. In teorie suna bine inclusiv pentru batrani, insa eu cel putin m-am saturat sa fiu strigat de cate o baba sa o ajut ca nu stie sa foloseasca un ATM sau ceva soft de pe telefon. Ce nu-i de ei e o prostie sa le fie bagat pe gat, ca nu-i incurci doar pe ei ci pe toti ceilalti Cheesy
439  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: CIUGUban: un fel de CBDC, faza pe comune on: June 08, 2021, 08:11:34 PM
Nu stiu daca e o idee buna, si iti spun si de ce.. batranii abia se descurca sa citeasca ecranul unui ATM, d'apai sa ii mai si pui sa colecteze plastic, sticla si aluminiu pentru a-si recupera parte din bani. Suna bine la nivel de tineret si adulti, insa mai departe... e chin. Daca pana acum erau cozi la tigai, pensii, moaste si ATM-uri de babe si mosi, de acum vor fi si la automatele de reciclare. Cheesy
440  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: CIUGUban: un fel de CBDC, faza pe comune on: June 08, 2021, 12:48:58 PM
Cumva comic, insa ideea in sine nu suna deloc rau. Problema e ca, cel mai probabil nu au blockchain ci totul se bazeaza pe un numar imaginar de monede care da doar impresia ca ai acumula mai multe monede virtuale. Ma gandesc ca va fi pe baza de cod de utilizator. Deci in timp ce ideea in sine de a promova monedele virtuale in randul copiiilor e foarte ok, problema e ca se promoveaza intr-un mod complet gresit iar copiii tot nu vor intelege ce-i cu Bitcoin asta..

Iar apoi, suna un pic comic ideea de a scade din taxe si impozite sumele cu aceste monede. Nu suna prea profi numele. Cheesy
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