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521  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Samsung Hardware Wallet on: May 15, 2021, 04:18:58 PM
We all know Samsung. They aren't much different from Apple regarding their products - they'd obviously rather only allow their products rather than allow Ledger and Trezor as well. From now on, Trezor & Ledger'll be competitors.

It's interesting that there is no mention of open-source hardware wallets... their preloaded wallet app is closed-source as well, right? So good news for adoption, bad news for the sake of open-source and decentralization..
522  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: cea mai buna si sigura metoda sa schimbi criptomonedele in lei in contul tau on: May 14, 2021, 11:16:50 PM
Cum este recomandat o tranzactie mare gen 1eth sau mai multe / mai mici gen 0.3?
Ceva tips&tricks pentru tranzactie la ATM / sa am grija la ceva sau trebuie ceva inainte , etc?
In primul rand, conteaza foarte mult la ce ATM mergi. Unele au KYC - recomand sa le cauti site-ul si sa citesti intai termenii si conditiile. Altele au KYC doar de la o anumita limita (cum spuneai tu de cei >20k RON). Daca vrei sa faci mai multe tranzactii, degeaba le faci daca vor aparea pe sistemul lor una dupa alta. Pentru varianta asta, poate ar fi mai bine sa apelezi la zile diferite in care sa retragi banii..

Tips & tricks? Pai eu as sugera sa nu transferi direct din wallet-ul tau. As recomanda sa folosesti ceva in genul Tornado Cash (mixer pentru ETH), dar pe de alta parte daca li se va parea ceva suspect te poti trezi cu o cerere de acte ..

Poti retrage in schimb direct de pe un exchange. Daca retragi direct de pe Binance, e mai greu sa se ajunga inapoi la proprietar (la tine), mai ales daca Binance nu si-ar da interesul sa afle mai multe despre tine. Si mi-e greu sa cred ca si-ar da vreun interes, fiind in paradis fiscal. In rest... Doamne ajuta, cum s-ar spune Smiley
523  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Traditional currencies vs Crypto currencies on: May 14, 2021, 05:19:34 PM

1. Crypto requires internet. If you pay at a store and they have no internet connection, there is no way you can pay
2. Payment time depends on how many confirmations the store requires
3. No. 2 may depend a lot based on how congested the network is


There are pros and cons but let's not ignore the cons and face the reality..
524  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Reactions From Musk's Bitcoin criticism on: May 14, 2021, 03:56:33 PM
Is it far-fetched for Musk to play this out so that he'd be able to purchase BTC after acting like he had no idea how much less BTC really consumes/pollutes compared to all those stories online? It surely does seem like a plan of his to buy more. At this point, the SEC should come out and start striking him for real because this is evident manipulation...
525  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Nano Ledger S Clicks Too Fast? on: May 14, 2021, 06:53:50 AM
Anyone else have their nano ledger s left/right buttons really sensitive?
Yes. But tjis has changed ever since the last v2.0.0 update. They added some delay between clicks so the issue you mentioned does not happen anymore. Update your Nano and things should be better - for me, it is annoying to have a delay honestly ..
526  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: What do you need to learn to make profit in Crypto? on: May 13, 2021, 08:39:36 AM
Learn to control your emotions and learn to distinguish between emotions and instincts. Follow the latter as often as you can. There are things that helped me a ton during my crypto experience. The more I followed my instinct, the more I earned. The more I followed my emotions and fears.. the more I lost!

Crypto trading is way more unpredictable than any other stock or commodity. Trading analysis only works very well as long as the crypto markets stay in the same conditions.. otherwise, you might fail tremendously!
527  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Taxe ANAF pentru Binance Visa Card? on: May 13, 2021, 07:49:29 AM
Nu cred ca am zis ca doar pentru concurenta s-a intamplat asta.. Cheesy dar sunt in foarte mare masura sigur ca motivul principal e faptul ca exista o piata de pe care ai' de sus nu pot sa profite si pe care nu o pot controla.

Da, se vindeau chestii ilicite, dar nu ti se pare mai normal sa fie acei oameni pedepsiti si nu cel care a deschis doar o piata libera? Si acum ca e bine sau nu ce se vindea acolo.. mai conteaza, sincer, avand in vedere ca avem inca in Romania si in toata lumea de altfel clanuri si trafic de persoane/minori/droguri/etc mult mai masive decat ce era pe Silk Road? Nu vad asemenea lupte sa se duca fata de ele, dar fata de un om care a deschis o piata libera s-au dus... Smiley

In orice caz, sa luam cel mai negativ scenariu: tipul a lansat piata, a si vandut bunuri ilicite si a mai si pus comenzi de asasinari. Ok, dar pe de alta parte de ce autoritatile cauta dreptate facand nedreptate? Au gasit un criminal, dar intr-un mod cat de legal? Au pedepsit omul, dar cat de mare era pedeapsa meritata vs cea primita?

Sunt adeptul dreptatii, insa venite din ambele parti. Nu pot sa caut dreptate facand abuzuri si nedreptati, ca e ilogic.
528  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Tesla destroys bitcoin :-[ on: May 13, 2021, 06:04:13 AM
Just like I said.. Musk is the 2021's version of McAfee. Nothing different, it's the same kind of manipulation.

I'm wondering if this is the plan billionaires have today. The very quick transformation from enemy to support was so weird I expect them to attempt heavily at negatively manipulating Bitcoin's price. Musk should've done the calculus back when he invested in BTC, not today. Oh... but wait, he earned billions from it himself but the consumers shall not use BTC because it pollutes, lol. Either all of us or none of us. Can't call for payment suspension due to "omg pollution" when you cashed out a large bag of money recently from it.
529  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Taxe ANAF pentru Binance Visa Card? on: May 12, 2021, 10:11:47 PM
Povestea lui Ross m-a marcat (mahnit) profund. Dubla inchisoare pe viata (ce pedeapsa e asta frrrate?!) plus 40 de ani. Plus imposibilitatea de eliberare conditionata.
S-a dat pedeapsa asa astfel incat sa fie oamenii bagati in sperieti si sa fuga urgent de BTC. Suna familiar? Ca mi se pare ca acelasi lucru se intampla astazi cu XMR si scoaterea lui recenta de pe unele piete centralizate. Exista prea multe cazuri de actiuni extreme care s-au lasat cu cel mult 2-3 ani de inchisoare, poate chiar cu suspendare. Ross insa.. sta la inchisoare pentru ca a incercat sa creeze o piata libera, concurenta eBay. Desigur ca a existat, banuiesc eu, si din partea eBay ceva presiune..

Evident ca s-au facut abuzuri. Fix la asta ma gandeam. Deci daca si atunci cand incerci din rasputeri sa ramai anonim, tot poti fi prins, mai ales daca se apeleaza la abuzuri... ce sperante sa ai cand folosesti un card cu numele tau pe el? Stiu de zicala "hide in plain sight", dar cardurile astea... mi se par ca te pun in situatia de "caine surd la vanatoare"... Sincer..
Cu certitudine in momentul de fata a fi anonim e o chestie relativa. Daca au de gand sa iti faca probleme, o vor face. Ross este insa, parerea mea, un geniu pierdut acum. Din orgoliul Elitelor si totodata teama lor de a scapa crypto de sub control, chiar el a trebuit sa fie sacrificiul. Aveam o perioada in care citeam zilnic ce mai scria pe Twitter prin scrisorile lui.. si intotdeauna pot sa spun ca m-a facut sa il admir. Instinctul imi spune ca omul nu prea isi merita soarta.. insa mna, nimic nu bate sistemul corect al SUA de justitie, nu? Smiley

Eu o iau si altfel..: daca au avut curaj sa intre peste un asa-zis "mare criminal" care se ocupa de o piata imensa de pe dark web si sa incalce reguli si legi pentru a-l gasi si cerceta, atunci nu prea are sens sa ne inchipuim ca n-ar face acelasi lucru si cu oricine altcineva dintre noi care pentru ei reprezinta pericol zero.
530  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: What are apps you used when it comes to see the value for BTC and others? on: May 12, 2021, 05:10:04 PM
No app anymore, since they're all closed source and the open-source alternatives are pretty buggy.

I'm checking prices using CoinGecko nowadays on both of my laptop and my phone. Over my web browser, without downloading their apps. Unless a good enough open source alternative comes up, I will continue to only check through the web.
531  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Taxe ANAF pentru Binance Visa Card? on: May 12, 2021, 03:59:54 PM
Daca ar fi fost lucrurile atat de simple ferindu-te cu ceva ce pare izbitor de simplu si totusi sa nu se fi gandit nimeni niciodata la acel lucru... atunci cum de au fost prinsi si proprietarii pietelor negre gen Silk Road, Silk Road v2, Silk Road v3, Alphabay si asa mai departe...?
Ah, Silk Road.. Smiley E o poveste lunga fara sfarsit, si am impresia ca s-au facut multe abuzuri in acele cazuri. Autoritatile in momentul de fata se considera atotputernice, si chiar sunt.. daca ele considera ca trebuie sa incalce drepturi si reguli pentru a afla cine esti, o vor face. Chit ca acest fapt inseamna sa sara peste legi asa-zis "batute in cuie".

Cu siguranta nu e prea usor sa ii ocolesti, mai ales avand in vedere ca suntem intr-un secol in care totul aparent se digitalizeaza si ramane intr-o anume forma impamantat in cel putin 1 server din lume. Totul de pe internet ramane viu intr-un fel sau altul chiar si dupa moarte, daca ar sens. Smiley

Cert e ca nu e de joaca, mai ales in situatia in care dai cu subsemnatul. Eu cred ca am sa astept mult timp, pana cand legislatia crypto se va mai stabiliza si concretiza. Pana atunci, sunt prea multe lucruri interpretabile si nu as baga mana in foc ca, in ciuda intentiilor mele bune, statul nu si-ar bate joc de mine. Ca stii cum e, completezi tot ce trebuie si te trezesti cu vreun "prieten" pe la poarta sa te intrebe de sanatate... Are rost?
532  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: Storing Cryptocurrency in Coinbase Vault Vs Hardware Wallet? on: May 12, 2021, 07:11:21 AM
Would you, then, recommend it?
For her sake, yes. For the sake of Bitcoin's existence and future, no way. We have to look at the long-term effects of those things and they are surely not positive if we end up recommending custodial and trusted wallets. Bitcoin wasn't made for us to become rich but for us to be financially free. By promoting and advertising companies that do against Bitcoin's fundamental ideas, we're supporting Bitcoin's enemies.

If the woman doesn't care about third parties, then it makes no sense first of all to purchase Bitcoins. There are options out there like Revolut and eToro that let you purchase just the value of BTC instead, but I think supporting them is just as bad even if it's just for speculation.
533  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: QR codes and wallet public address on: May 12, 2021, 05:10:54 AM
If the website doesn't see your camera or so, then first try to see whether your access to the camera is blocked by your browser. If it is, unblcok it. Otherwise.. if you're sure it's not blocked, then see if it works in other apps! If you're on Windows, try the Camera app and see if your cam is running.

A little extra tip: make sure you're scanning the public, not the private key.
534  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: cea mai buna si sigura metoda sa schimbi criptomonedele in lei in contul tau on: May 11, 2021, 09:57:06 PM
Eu nu te prea pot ajuta in a te indruma spre o ilegalitate. Ceea ce vreau sa scot in evidenta e faptul ca nu poti lucra cu bancile fara sa ai si "dinamita la fund" ca in orice moment sa fi intrebat de sanatate. Asa-s bancile.

Eu nu sunt impotriva taxelor, sunt impotriva abuzurilor. As trece lejer bani crypto prin banca daca as sti ca nu m-ar vedea drept un criminal din prima clipa. Cred ca e un abuz sa intri ca autoritate in intimitatea omului folosindu-te de prezumtia de vinovatie, ceva teoretic de neacceptat intr-un stat democratic. Ca ma ia ANAF la rost cu suspiciune legitima e una.. ca ma ia la rost doar pentru ca au gasit "Bitcoin" printre cuvintele din descrierile tranzactiilor mele bancare e alta. Smiley

Ca veni vorba de ingrasarea buzunarului statului.. nu zic ca e ceva rau sa dai bani la stat, insa in tara noastra cred ca as fi preferat mai degraba sa nu. Am citit acum mult timp despre ceva caz din SUA de judecata in care o femeie nu platise darile la stat, iar justificarea ei a fost in genul "Nu am ales sa ma nasc intr-un sistem de obligativitate a taxelor", un punct de vedere ce mie cel putin mi se pare foarte interesant. Tipa a ajuns "la rece" cum s-ar spune, dar ideea in sine imi da de gandit.

LDVExchange cred ca e un exchange din Ro. Ca treci banii din exchange in cont bancar sau ca vinzi p2p trimitand BTC in contul cuiva si persoana respectiva iti trimite tie in banca RON, e aceeasi incurcatura.. parerea mea. In final, sunt tot la fel sanse ca banca sa te intrebe de unde, ce si cum.. mai ales daca tipul/tipa cu care realizezi schimbul p2p are deja un "follower" de-al bancii/autoritatilor Cheesy

Cardurile crypto... la fel! Eu as sta departe de astfel de mutari, pentru ca mi se pare stupid sa fie posibil sa fiu considerat suspect desi ma aflu in legalitate 100%. Te bagi in gura lupului degeaba.

Sugerez fie sa faci tranzactia p2p fata in fata cu cash, fie sa lucrezi cu site-uri gen HodlHodl (tot prin cash). Sau sa folosesti un ATM, varianta asta fiind cea mai safe din punct de vedere al sigurantei personale si a informatiilor tale personale, insa pe de alta parte fiind cea mai costisitoare. Smiley Daca esti din Bucuresti, exista persoane (exemplu: Razvan_BTC, a carui semnatura i-o port sub postari) care fac schimburi face to face si au si o reputatie buna pe forum.
535  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: cea mai buna si sigura metoda sa schimbi criptomonedele in lei in contul tau on: May 11, 2021, 05:38:50 PM
Clar BT iese din discutie.
Libra sau orice alt cont de banca inteleg ca implica sa platesc taxe la stat?
P2P = face 2 face / person 2 person ?
P2P = peer-to-peer. Deci da, de la persoana la persoana, fara a fi implicate parti terte.

Desigur ca orice tranzactie oficiala si publica precum cele prin banci implica o posibila plata a taxelor la stat, atata timp cat scoti profit. Cel mai probabil nu vei fi intrebat de banca in sine despre taxe, insa tranzactiile tale raman intr-un registru iar autoritatile pot la cerere sa afle despre mutarile tale.
536  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is someone worried about the recent decline of BTC? on: May 11, 2021, 08:58:23 AM
Probably every single minute at least a few sats are being lost. Halving + lost coins accounts to an even larger scarcity than the one Bitcoin's protocol gives it. So no, I won't worry about the price dump. It's something normal in every markets and if something's certain, it's that in time Bitcoin does certainly become harder to find. Hence, price should increase as adoption levels go higher.
537  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Suntem incepatori in acest domeniu.Ne ajuta cineva cu sfaturi de la A la Z? on: May 10, 2021, 11:12:26 PM
Postarea despre care vorbeam a fost aparent stearsa. De ascultat daca e sa asculti, poti sa citesti mesajele scrise pana acum in thread. Cred ca iti sunt destul de folos. Iar daca ai vreo nelamurire, mai bine intrebi.. pentru ca sunt atat de multe informatii incat e foarte greu sa raspundem precis la toate nelamuririle tale.
538  Economy / Reputation / Re: [new topic] LoyceV's notification bot on: May 10, 2021, 11:09:55 PM
539  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: IRS now wants to Hack Hardware Wallets on: May 10, 2021, 07:41:44 PM
Don't they have the same "problem" with most software wallet and other encryption? As far as I know they don't have a backdoor to BIP38, if they eventually manage to enforce backdoors into hardware wallets, we'll just go back to using paper.
Yeah, Signal is bad because it allows criminals to communicate without them knowing. Bitcoin is bad because criminals can have transactions and mix their coins without the IRS finding the real source of coins. Cash is bad because it pretty much removes the trace of money... dumb phones are bad because Google can't do targeted advertisements anymore.. 3G and 2G are bad because they're the only ones still making dumb phones a thing..

Tl;dr: anything they can't look into is bad. Your safety is provided by the government who really cares about you. I mean, they really do. So much, they'd look into anything that you do just so they make sure nothing bad ever happens to you. Roll Eyes

Lesson of the day: when you give up your freedom for safety, you lose both
540  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: An easy way to figure out what you have paid for BTC? on: May 10, 2021, 11:37:07 AM
You can manually insert your transactions and prices in Delta, although it's closed source and I don't recommend it. I typically do this kind of stuff on a LibreOffice spreadsheet so that none of my tx info goes towards a centralized server.

There is also the option to track Bitcoin transactions through Delta by adding the public address, as far as I know. It should automatically process all your transactions and calculate the prices and all.
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