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801  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Cun a facut un roman din $2.000 in cateva zile $620.000 din crypto on: March 18, 2021, 04:18:00 PM
La partea cu site-urile de stiri, sugerez din toata inima sa cautati in mai multe surse si sa nu luati neaparat stirile de pe un singur site ca atare. CoinTelegraph s-au prostit si ei, parerea mea. Fac paid advertising, ceea ce pent ru mine e ceva negativ.. in special cand in unele postari mai si uita sa mentioneze.

Nu stiu daca e prea mare diferenta intre un site care prezinta BCH drept adevaratul Bitcoin si celalalt, care prezinta stiri pozitive despre shitcoins. Eu ma informez mai degraba dintr-o multitudine de surse si niciodata nu citesc o stire fara sa o privesc cu "un varf de sare", cum s-ar zice.
802  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Cardano -90% din valuarea totala vandute in numai cinici minute on: March 18, 2021, 03:22:14 PM
Din ce am observat, in ultimul timp au inceput sa apara tot mai multe grafice cu posibilitati diferite de miscare a trendului; dar cum zice si Neurotic, nu te poti lua strict dupa un grafic. Graficele sunt facute avand in vedere conditiile actuale, iar orice mica stire poate provoca o schimbare a acestora. In consecinta, orice mica variabila inseamna un alt curs al graficelor.

Eu urmaresc destul de des TA, insa nu ma iau dupa ele. In principiu, cand incepe un altcoin bull run, toate monede pleaca pe acelasi trend. De acolo inainte, orice veste negativa sau pozitiva despre una dintre monedele alternative pot crea o schimbare parabolica a pretului acesteia.
803  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: If Bitcoins dropped to $9.50, would you sell everything? on: March 17, 2021, 10:34:28 PM
I would not sell it tbh. In fact, I'd buy as much as I could unless the reason it dropped so low makes another price pump highly unlikely.

It has changed many people's lives indeed. And, now we are accustomed to the price being this high but we shouldn't forget from what level Bitcoin has come to these days. It also means that we can see much higher levels in the future that we will be very surprised to see again. And there will also be new people whose lives will change in a very good way again.
This applies only if things don't turn upside down, which I personally do not see as an impossibility since Bitcoin has not had a drastic price correction like it had back in 2015. The trend could change at any time in a way it's never changed before. Perhaps it'd be impossible for this trend to only keep continuing.

But this is what speculation is.
804  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum on a Linux Live system on: March 17, 2021, 05:52:35 PM
If you're willing to create a Live CD for Electrum, I would use a HW in combination with it. It's much easier than having to restore the seed every time you have to use your wallet. You just plug it into the PC, open up Electrum and create a wallet using the HW.

If you want the safest storage, create an airgapped PC for storing your coins. You could use an old PC for that purpose.
805  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: cea mai buna si sigura metoda sa schimbi criptomonedele in lei in contul tau on: March 17, 2021, 09:39:47 AM
Pentru a evita majoritatea problemelor, sugerez fie sa ii scoti prin ATM, fie sa ii iei cash printr-un schimb p2p cu cineva. Prin cont.. e cu dublu tais. Pe de o parte, e bine pentru ca pare sa fie mai sigur decat schimburile face-to-face. Dar pe de alta parte, incluzi o parte terta, ceea ce Bitcoin incearca sa elimine. Si fiind o parte terta cu drepturi asupra ta mai multe si mai dure decat cele pe care le ai tu asupra ei, exista sansa sa ai probleme in urma unor astfel de incasari. Problema nu este ca ar fi ceva ilegal in a schimba din crypto in cash, dar cree ca da mai bine sa depui tu personal banii in cont dupa ce ii obtii decat sa primesti banii direct din contul cuiva cunoscut pentru tranzactii crypto, inclusiv din contul unui exchange.
806  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Opinion About Future of Bitcoin Scalability on: March 16, 2021, 10:09:16 PM
You are right - Currency of freedom. Nobody will take your freedom if banks will exist. You still have your personal wallet.dat, nobody will forbid that..
They can only exist together or Bitcoin will die.
Banks are taking your freedom, but partially and so smoothly you don't notice. They're just disguising removal of freedoms into freedom. Bitcoin doesn't need banks. It'd be straight against Satoshi's whitepaper.

How does storing BTC under a third party's custody even make sense? I mean, first and foremost, why have BTC banks if the customers have their own ".dat" files? We need to eliminate 3rd parties, not promote them. Bitcoin certainly isn't the best system when it comes to convenience, but this is the best we can do to be under control of our own money.
807  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Opinion About Future of Bitcoin Scalability on: March 16, 2021, 08:32:58 PM
I've seen quite a lot of posts and "opinions" recently about Bitcoin in which banks are included. Why? Where are these opinions coming from all of a sudden?

Banks. Institutions of enslavement.
Bitcoin. Currency of freedom.

How are these two supposed to go together, honestly? They never will. You have to choose between the two.
808  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Signal app accepts Bitcoin Donations on: March 16, 2021, 07:00:27 PM
Props to them for being against complete surveillance and control and now supporting a decentralized free currency. But if I were to organize this, I'd eliminate the full name option. Is there any advantage to it at all?
809  Local / Romānă (Romanian) / Re: Cun a facut un roman din $2.000 in cateva zile $620.000 din crypto on: March 16, 2021, 06:59:12 AM
Nu prea pare a fi o minune de a transforma din $2k in $620k din moment ce e un hack, lol. Observ ca o parte destul de semnificativa din hackerii gasiti pana acum in crypto sunt romani, ceea ce mi se pare destul de interesant.

Ma intreb totusi de ce nu s-a vrut sa se mentioneze numele exchange-ului respectiv. Pana acum, au fost suficiente exchange-uri mari ale caror reputatie a fost patata.
810  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Will the Lightning Network challenge VISA someday? on: March 15, 2021, 10:36:41 PM
I'm kinda under doubts tbh. Bitcoin was amazing back when only few were using it. Many coins seem great before they get congested, and then you find out they aren't as strong as they were supposed and presumed to be. I honestly think the LN is no different. At one point, having enough adoption, the mempool will be challenged even with LN widely adopted.

As I mentioned in a recent thread of mine, the problem is with the first layer and not with the second one. Bitcoin will need some changes before it can technically challenge centralized fiat convenience. But let's not forget that technical specs don't always mean similar results.
811  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: CBM- Central Bank Mining....a cure? on: March 14, 2021, 02:00:54 PM
Which it's massively failing at!
It's such a big failure we have never had successful 51% attacks. One country having a large % of the global hashrate power doesn't mean China is controlling BTC. It's not just 1 miner doing this. It's lots of farms doing so.

And then, remember any attempt of an attack against us will be counter-attacked by the devs with properly implemented "antidotes". Bitcoin is about being open-source and decentralized. What centralizing it does.. is it makes Bitcoin completely useless, just like all the other shitcoins we have around.
812  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: CBM- Central Bank Mining....a cure? on: March 14, 2021, 10:01:26 AM
Bitcoin was invented to avoid centralization. This includes banks and governments. If Bitcoin's mining power is concentrated in the hands of the Elites, what happens is we only create a digital version of fiat that is controllable by them and even worse than cash.

PoW works wonderfully with decentralized mining. Don't let your mindset be changed by the fact that Bitcoin consumes power. The enslavement system we are currently living in is using a ton of resources yet those same people complaining about BTC's mining power don't complain about the system and how awful it is.

We're going to go "eco-friendly" soon. That means we will use more electricity than ever before. I don't see the usage of energy as a "waste". Decentralization is not a waste, and this is the price we currently have to pay for it.
813  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Invested in alt in 2017 ..and now need help to dont do same mistake on: March 14, 2021, 04:51:31 AM
I'm not sure requesting investment advices on a forum is a good idea. You have half a million bucks - maybe request the help of a professional or use your own time to do some research and see what your best option should be?

Bitcoin has always stayed up the most and the best. Besides this, nobody really knows an accurate answer to how much we should wait or how deep a dip will look like in the current market conditions. Crypto markets are new. We're still early birds, and the conditions of the market change second by second..
814  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: With a clogged network, users will start abandoning BTC for alts. Change my mind on: March 12, 2021, 06:28:55 PM
Was that really necessary?
Unfortunately, yes. There was no other alternative - confirmation within the next few blocks was quite essential.

This is what I mean by "planning": would it have been possible to combine those transactions (by using "pay to many")?
Unfortunately, a combination wasn't possible since I paid through various non-linked addresses.

I don't think the fees are too high.
~80 sats/byte is pretty decent overall. It's the price increase that made that fee mean more in USD.
You're right, and this might get worse as the price of BTC grows. I wouldn't mind paying even 200sat/vbyte if it wasn't worth so much in its fiat equivalent.

You do have a point. But since Bitcoin is 0.21.0 (basically a beta), not even 1.0, I will still say that patience is the key.
I think patience should slowly be put to the side right now because there's currently a domino effect going on where corporations and Elites are moving their funds into BTC. Since this is happening and big money is moving around the blockchain, things might get sped up in such a short timespan the system would quickly get overloaded. It already is, and this is a quite strong warning sign imo.

People usually care only about either how much money they can make off a shitcoin or how fast their money moves from point A to B. Not caring at all whether the blockchain is truly decentralized as advertised or not. So at the end of the day, if Bitcoin loses ground in front of falsely advertised shitcoins, it's bad.

After a month?! This means you've used (way) under 10 sat/vByte... People reading your topic will expect you've paid 100s of sat/vbyte and that's why you are complaining...
There are batches of transactions that I have sent within the past few months. For some of them, I've paid max fees so that my tx could be included within the next blocks. These are the ones I talked about when I mentioned paying $200 for a handful of txs in a matter of weeks. For other transactions, I've paid less since I only wanted them to be confirmed within days. But there are also some txs for which I've paid under 10sat/vbyte since I did not care when they'd get confirmed.

The issue is, back in 2020 there were lots of times during which all my 1-2sat/vbyte txs have been confirmed within at most a few days. LoyceV has a thread where he announces every time the mempool is so clear you can send money for almost nothing.

What I would expect is that for max fees you get the money confirmed within a few blocks, for half the fees within a few hours and for under 10sat/vbyte within a few days. If it takes months, I think it's pretty bad.
815  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: With a clogged network, users will start abandoning BTC for alts. Change my mind on: March 12, 2021, 09:19:07 AM
Everybody can choose the fee he wants to pay and miners can choose the fee they want to earn with a tx. So when you don't like high fees, than don't pay it. If nobody pays high fees, than the miner will accept more tx with a low fee.
Well, even if I do not want to pay high fees, the current conditions of the mempool are basically forcing me to do it. But as long as the block size limit is reached continously for months, this will be a never-ending problem. Unless more txs can be included in blocks, there are going to always be high fees since some people need to pay more for faster confirmations..

Using a BC wallet is kind of old school, you know. However, the good side to me is that it's very safe. I don't think your perception of it is accurate that it isn't safe. I have been using BC for 4 years now and haven't had any issue with it.
Unless they somehow prove the service is truly non-custodial, I cannot call it a safe option.

And as far as BCH and LTC are concerned, their transaction fee is very low. But the volatility is on the higher side. So if you are converting your BTC to BCH and then again to BTC, you may incur losses due to the volatile exchange rates. Also, the liquidity is also not that good for these coins.
If I move to alts, it makes no sense to keep swapping from BTC to alts back and forth. Volatility is quite high with BTC too since it grew more than 1,400% within ~1 year, isn't it? Cheesy

Like I said, the fee spikes are not permanent, when they decide to leave, there will be a reset and as soon as the fee rate is back to 1 sat/vbyte, they will be back  Smiley

So I don't think Bitcoin usage is going to decline because of temporary fee spikes.
Well, this is a quite contradictory argument. If fee spikes makes us leave, then the usage implicitely drops. And if in the future we will only have a clogged mempool and an userbase that keeps leaving and coming back, this would be a quite annoying ride tbh and after a few attempts of one user to come back I don't see it going very well.

Still better than African countries where people have to feed whole families for $100 a month. Bitcoin is global and if some guy in Silicon Valley can pay 100 thousand dollars for it then it's going to trade for that. That person is not going to care that an average person in Romania will have to save up for years to be able to afford it. If that guy decides he wants a transaction confirmed now and pays $100 for it, he's going to get it and all the others will have to wait because they can't beat that price. I know it's not fair to you, but to a guy who has the money it is fair. He pays premium so that he doesn't wait.
I agree with most of your text here, although I find it quite funny how whenever the no of txs in the mempool drops everyone goes wild advertising BTC for how cheap you can move money through it.

Paying a premium to advance in the queue is fair enough imo. However, that isn't the problem. It's that the BTC blockchain cannot scale to sustain a higher number of transactions. Unless it will, there will only be more and more people with more money than you paying a higher fee than you do to advance in the queue. If the mempool wasn't clogged, it would not be an issue. But look how many txs are clogged since January.

This is the poor vs the rich, where the rich are under a large advance. If Bitcoin offers a decentralized economy where the Elites are still the ones to benefit off it while the poorer & average have to wait for months to have their money, then what exactly have we solved?

I disagree here. People don't necessarily deeply understand the technology to be able to use it. I mean, a lot of people don't understand crap about BTC but yet they are able to use it. It's just that people refuse to try out Lightning wallets simply because most big exchanges don't accept LN deposits yet. Also knowing that there are Lightning wallets out there that are easy to use, such as Phoenix Wallet[1].

Bitcoin itself is quite hard to understand as a newbie, let alone LN. This is why most newbies (or less-experienced) users will stay away from it. It took even me quite a while to understand what second-layer solutions mean and why LN is incompatible with non-LN wallets.

You are absolutely right but the problem is that there is no alternative worth going to!
There might not be any worthy alternative, but people will still prefer to choose convenience. Most users don't even care about privacy, let alone how decentralized or centralized a blockchain is. If users leave towards other coins due to the current issues BTC is facing, then Bitcoin will start losing ground in favor of literally shitcoins.

The problem is that many still expect to transfer faucet money for free on Bitcoin blockchain. I think that people will have to start moving bigger amounts at a time, or learn to wait.
Indeed, this can be a problem when you buy something and the payment time can be critical,
Start moving bigger amounts as a time or learn to wait. Isn't this an issue though, since this isn't what Bitcoin was supposed to be?

I've moved large amounts and I am also patiently waiting. These aren't amounts of which confirmation time I care about. However, it's been over a month and I'm still waiting. After one month, is it still me who's the issue since I have not "learned to wait" or could it be the BTC network that might be sitting under some serious scaling issues? Grin
816  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: With a clogged network, users will start abandoning BTC for alts. Change my mind on: March 11, 2021, 02:29:47 PM
As soon as many people abandon Bitcoin there will be less tx and the miner fee goes down.
Is that a good way Bitcoin could end up though? If Bitcoin cannot scale to sustain this much load and ends up with a huge exodus of users because of it, then it'll fail as the currency/asset we currently want it to be. Remember that the number of people using BTC around the world is still very, very low. Over the years, if the number grows, then it'll just be today's issue but only worse.

Why are bitcoin fees a problem to you? Most financial institutions like fiat currency exchanges also deduct about 0.5% -1% fee for any operation like international transfer and such.
I've been around the times when BTC was $1k and I remember I had to pay around $5 for a $1k transfer. I might be wrong though, as it's a quite old memory (edit: and I wasn't using coin control at the time). As mentioned in the OP, I had to recently pay a quite large amount of money for a few transfers. This isn't something sustainable over the long-term (it barely was over the short one!).

A few days ago I wanted to use Bisq. It required me to pay $30 in fees for two transactions. That's just mining fees. The problem is with smaller inputs - the fees remain the same, but having to pay $10 for a $100 payment is definitely not something I can afford.

Even for investment purposes, it's still a bad situation imo. I've moved a few larger UTXOs with sub-5sat/vbyte fees and they're still unconfirmed although it's been quite a while. Weeks actually. Some of my money is still unconfirmed since early February with 1sat/byte fees. I have a disposable wallet from which I've moved some money back in January with 1sat/byte fees. I am still waiting for it to be confirmed so that I can throw away the seed since I expect the tx to possibly drop from the mempool at some point.

As I said, if this trend continues then larger wallets will be able to prioritize their transactions over everyone else's. This becomes a significant issue once citizens of third-world countries (or average Joes from the EU with smaller salaries) want to decentralize their economies. If the rich are still the ones prioritized and you can't pay or move your bucks, then I think at least one component of what BTC was supposed to be is failing. Imagine what Bitcoin's network would look like if PayPal suddenly had all their txs on-chain.

For reference, in Romania most of the people I know are earning $500-800. Even for $800 a month, having to pay 1.25% of your salary per each tx is imo a burden. But now there's one more issue: my coins are usually moved with coin control so I almost always move coins with just 1 single input or 2 at most. I guess the fees would've been way higher if I had to pay for multiple inputs as the tx size grows, right?..

And people like OP will return because then it will be cheap for them... for a few weeks at least Cheesy
And of what use is it if this is a continuous cycle? High fees, increasing number of BTC users => exodus of users, lowering fees => higher fees (..)

You probably afford more than the average person does, so you don't see the issue. I might afford to pay $200 for a handful of txs, but for others that is half a salary (or for countries like India, a few months worth of salary).
817  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: With a clogged network, users will start abandoning BTC for alts. Change my mind on: March 11, 2021, 12:26:27 PM
Lightning network is available, but not knowing why people are not just adopting it, this is one of the best solution for fast transaction and cheapest fee.
Not when the average guy using BTC doesn't even know how LN works and so few people/companies are accepting it.. The main problem is currently sitting on the main layer - second-layer solutions aren't imo real solutions to those issues.
818  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / With a clogged network, users will start abandoning BTC for alts. Change my mind on: March 11, 2021, 12:13:18 PM
I've been around the space for many years but I do not remember seeing the Bitcoin mempool this clogged ever before. It's becoming exhausting even for me to keep paying high fees. For example, due to the necessary fast confirmation, only in the past two months I have spent more than $200 in fees for a handful of txs.

Therefore, what I had to do is.. I had to find a way to use cryptocurrencies while allowing me to pay a cheaper price for my payments. In other words, I still have my BTC but they're kinda useless besides moving money without caring whether they're going to be confirmed today or within a month.

I've moved to alts, at least until the mempool unclogs. This is something I've never had to do before. The main issue I see is.. my partners have started asking me for altcoin addresses as well. They're moving off BTC too. The storage size requirement for full nodes is quite high for the average person to afford running one.

With large billion-dollar companies investing in BTC and trying to turn it into a mainstream adoption, the network is only bound to continue clogging up. If that isn't enough, remember that billion-dollar companies can afford even exceedingly-high fees for their transactions. This means that the more companies join in, the less average Joes will afford to compete with them in fees since my $10/tx in fees is nothing for a Tesla-like brand. Putting it another way, this means the billionaires will continue to be able to use the network while your transactions might not get confirmed even within a week.

I'm in this situation right now. I have over 10 payments that I've sent with a previously decent fee (6-8sat/vbyte) that haven't been confirmed although it's been about two weeks ever since they've been broadcasted.

I'm still a Bitcoin fan - don't get me wrong. In fact, I'd absolutely love to be able to continue with BTC. But between having to pay under $0.1 and $15/tx (with only 1-2 inputs!) in fees, I'd obviously choose the former. Hence, especially since I do not consider myself to be living under poor (or under average) financial conditions, I really think people will be soon starting to steer away from BTC in favor of altcoins. The bad news if this happens? Even shitcoins might get more attention..

The even worse news: unless we change this, the network might make a lot of free space for corporations while we might have to move away. What we've once wanted to do, decentralizing the economy, will only be a possibility for the rich.

Therefore, as the title says.. with a clogged network, current (or future) Bitcoin users will start leaving Bitcoin for alts. Change my mind.
819  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Newbie trying to import electrum file to electrum wallet on: March 11, 2021, 11:03:20 AM
I would suggest not uploading the executable file yet. Perhaps PasswordDecoder is a TXT file (or some other format) that has had just its extension edited. I used to do that before to camouflage some text, lol. Might contain sensitive info.

Do you have any antivirus installed? When you unzip an archive, Windows usually automatically removes files that are considered suspicious. Check Windows Defender (or any other antivirus that you might have installed) and see if the PasswordDecoder file has been quarantined (or removed) by it.

If your AV has quarantined the file, restore it. Right click the file and go to "Open with -> Notepad". Is there any intelligible text in it or just random, weird characters?

Would you mind counting how many characters the long string of characters the "bitcoin" file contains? PS: don't use a website to help you count the characters!)
820  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "What happens if bitcoin succeeds?" on: March 11, 2021, 10:55:23 AM
Bitcoin cannot push the wealth inequality more than, for example, lockdowns do. A lot of the things we do today make the gap between the rich and the poor grow even larger. The more we focus on corporations, the more inequality we'll have.

Taking lockdowns as a real-life example here in Romania: small businesses are brutally failing while the massive corporations are cashing in all the money. What this leads to is the poor getting poorer and the wallets of the rich growing like never before. This sunject is as useless imo as the articles complaining about how much electricity BTC mining uses.

If Bitcoin succeeds, then what happens is we just put history on repeat. Some currently rich people go broke while other poor ones will turn into future Bezoses and Musks. There's currently no way we can equally distribute wealth unfortunately, so the best we can do isndecentralize the economy first.
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