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921  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 07:30:54 AM
Oh boy.. to believe in the bible you all speak of is, quite simply, to be wrong. it's not in my heart, because it is crap, a watered down truth that allows the evil being carried out by those 'god' believers who build evil into every structure they create whilst FAKING beleif in god, proven by the fact they cant get his truth right, and slander the one person who produces the truth. Typical of braindamaged fools..

What I'd like to know, is that, if knowing that the second coming, written of in the bible is indeed that of the devils kid, what will you bible bashers do? Try to divert him with the same crap you sling at me? I know one thing, I'd be the only silly cunt standing up against the devil, whilst you lot run and hide in your wee caves.. you fuckin cowards, SHOWN, and now KNOWING the truth, and still running.. COWARDS.

When the devils son comes, what WILL you do?

922  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 07:24:11 AM
... come on BADecker, where's your REAL bible?

Ah, finally a question that is directed at me (I think). Okay, in the even it is really directed at me, I'll humor you a little, and answer (and even if it is not directed at me).

1.  I don't have a "REAL bible," because the closest thing to a "REAL bible" that I have is "bible" in caps = Bible;
2. In the event that it was a typo on your part (yeah, I hate having to go back and correct typos, too), then clarification is still needed because "Bible" can be understood in different ways, and I am not going to list them - can't type that fast, and probably would miss some anyway;
3. A person's REAL Bible is in his heart. Most of the people who read and study the Bible don't even realize this. Yet, that is the place that God talks to a person through His Word. The Bible is simply a method for making the connection.


Biggest load of bollox I've read, if this is how you get out of supporting the devils son being born, go die quickly in your wee bolt hole, cause I know what I wrote re: revelations is the TRUTH, not some watered down crap that hides.. like you do.
923  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 07:22:15 AM
Reposted here cause I cant be arsed scrolling Wink

Your fucked in the heid wi that watered down bullshit book of yours, denying your own gods true book, you fuckin twat.. for revelations show that the devil had a son who WILL become ruler, Thanks to you and your fuckin tribe..

And the second coming is of the opposite of the shite you spout, see, knowing corinthians goes to 17, dealing with the missed out revelation, that the second coming is actually of the son of the devil.. come on BADecker, where's your REAL bible?

Edit: This is not what I beleive, it is a fact from YOUR (unedited) book.

Ps, when I say 'you fuckin twat' it's to say in my way how rediculous your bible knowledge is, go back to school.
924  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 07:01:32 AM
Answer the fuckin question!!
925  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 07:00:52 AM
You dont like it when gods ONLY son puts you down do ya? Here coooooome the groupies, que'd to perfection.
926  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 06:58:59 AM
Stop trying to divert the attention dude, you know this was directed at you, answer the question, how many revelations are there? I'll add one more for the sake of it, that which you just quoted.. Wink
927  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 06:54:05 AM
Corinthians go to 17 and tell you ALL about your stupid revelations..

You use the same language used when they decided to give to the world onnly certain revelations, the one's that build up that stupidity in people's minds. By doing so you allow god to die, and the earth to be ruled by the evil your society is, and has always been in control of. No?

Who does the rent for your top buildings go to?

The church. Of rome.
928  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 06:44:21 AM
Dude, for once, do me and all other readers a favour, answer the questions posed of you, you never know, you may find I'm on your side.. because until then, your comments are null and void.. for you prove in your politicians language that you mix politics with religion, by remaining silent when you should have the answers already at your disposal, (if god was on your side) but then, I guess you have yet to realise, even god has a need for necessary evil.. so he brought me here.. I know more about your book than you because all you have done is decimate it's intention with every word you produce, me, I've never read it.. so how do I know more of it than you?

Pray tell me, which side should I choose, your version of light, or my version of truth?

When I ask you to tell me how many revelations there are, you dont answer, yet think you have a right to speak to me of them? You know that your answer is the incorrect answer, for there are more than those which are represented in your book correct? And why were x amount not shown in the bible? Because to learned scholars, we'd have to admit that to even speak of revelations is to promote the devils bible. I wont mention the name of the book with the complete revelations, for you'd probably claim I am evil for showing you again, the truth.

This is why x amount were removed, and a pretty picture built up around your stupid brain..

Keep in mind I do not attack your personal being, only the image you show the world, fuck I wish I had an eraser just to save you from your words..
929  Other / Off-topic / Re: Soon millions of men will be having sex with female robots on: December 02, 2014, 05:55:55 AM
Should'nt be too hard lol, pardon the pun, tae clean the cum oot that arse..
930  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 05:53:02 AM
The craziest thing happened to me just last week.. smokin a j with some friends, and a lass turns round and say's, what dya think of this book, showing me a book she's had as a kid.. this was a cabalistic book of tarot, and this book defines everything I wrote earlier in the thread regarding the ihvh and the tetragrammaton, so dont be thinking these are the secret's I have apparently been sharing.. it was however interesting to be shown from people in real life, that there is in fact proof that what I have written of in this thread is nothing more than evidence for the fact that WE are god, although, in her own word's, she never thought of that..

Edit: United we are, devided we are not.. GOD.
931  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 05:44:38 AM
But if he is a reprsentative of death of ego, then the point of him being in this thread is null and void, for the allegory is proven. The allegory exists and it's name is jesus, named after some cunt that got stabbed for not dying quick enough.. kudo's to levictus!!

Edit:.. and allegory is an allegory for.. guess what.. complete and utter fantasy..
932  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 05:35:44 AM
In Jesus all things hold together, even Sol.  Smiley

To say a human being is the light in the heavens shows how fuckin insane you really are..

Ps, I sat and watched a church burning 2 days ago and thought of you lot, and wished you were in that building.. just for something to do...

Edit: If your not actually bible bashing, but a bible follower, I apologise.. do yourself a favour and bring back crucifixion for the likes of BADecker, cause he is one motherfuckin arse of a preist..

Now then..

SCIENTIFIC proof of GOD..? Please? Pretty please? do I need to say it thrice?

Hi, Decky. Didn't know that you would be coming back.

We kinda NEED your stuff in here, just to keep this thread growing.

Just wanted to mention, all the scientific proof is of God. After all, it was spoken into existence by God, and then made available to humankind by God when He formed Adam from the dust of the ground, fashioned Eve out of one of Adam's ribs, and let all people come from these two. And now the descendants of Adam and Eve are examining the scientific proof of God in as many ways as the can. We call the investigators, scientists.

Anyway, nice to have you back.


I never left, just got sick of seeing a load of crap that was easier to bypass by doing other things, like visiting other site's that had nothing to do with god or that faker, keeping in mind, jesus is hiram abiff, who was smashed over the head by the three rufians..

I guess the site stat's went down a notch while I was supposedly away..? Nah, it aint a guess, tis a fact.. Wink
933  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 02, 2014, 05:30:18 AM
So you accept that jesus represents death of ego, yet claim he died for our sins.. that we have never commited.. or we'd be in jail. And if we have done time, for our sins, then we are absolved of all sin, so the death of ego is a wasted time, correct?
Incorrect. The death of ego allows the emergence of the true human being behind the layers. Just as a butterfly emerges from it's pupae, the true human behind the crap and nonsense emerges if the death of the ego is permanent (i.e. the butterfly cannot return to being a caterpillar).

If the pursuit of spiritual advancement is of value to an individual, then they don't see it as a waste of time.

Actually, I was refering to the fact that you have agreed with, that jesus is an allegory for death of ego, thank you for helping me prove jesus has no part in a thread pertaining to the scientific proof of diety Wink
934  Other / Off-topic / Re: Soon millions of men will be having sex with female robots on: December 02, 2014, 12:02:49 AM
We'll all be working as cum cleaners, paid in bj's.. next please..
935  Other / Off-topic / Re: Soon millions of men will be having sex with female robots on: December 01, 2014, 11:36:01 PM
Just had to reply to this:

Just where does all the cum go?
936  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 01, 2014, 11:12:53 PM
It's almost like you want to entertain each other to see how many people you can make leave this forum, whilst agreeing with absolute bullshit, that the world itself knows is utter crap.. you sit there typing away pretending your all good and bible like, but in truth, when shown the truth you all gang up together and increase the brain damage with your sick, twisted lies.. I know full well, that jesus represents death of EGO.,

This proves that jesus is an allegory, nothing more.

So you accept that jesus represents death of ego, yet claim he died for our sins.. that we have never commited.. or we'd be in jail. And if we have done time, for our sins, then we are absolved of all sin, so the death of ego is a wasted time, correct?

So now kindly leave this silly cunt out of the search for GOD, because an allegory of a banker is most seriously NOT the subject the op requested?

Oh man.. I cant wait until you bible bashers die.. if you smoke, you go to hell. If you drink, you go to hell. Why would I say this? Because you kill yourself EVERY day. This is the life of constantine no?

And now all those people who have had their heads done in can breath a sigh of relief, because according to those bible bashers, they are condemed to hell for eternity for the suicide they commit every fuckin day..

Preach on that suckers!!!!

Ps: And when you get to that hell, you'll find it's me you'll be praying to, to set you free.. Wink
937  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 01, 2014, 10:58:09 PM
What I cannot understand is why all those bible bashers forget the names of everyone else who was crucified. This not only say's to me and many others how insane you all are, that you think some stupid bastard was nailed to a cross for our sins. Why out of all the image's of this silly cunt on a cross, is there no description of the spear of levictus sticking out of him? Because then you'd have ZERO, absolutely fuckin ZERO claim to this silly cunt having died for the sins of the billions and trillions of lives that came after.. He swas not only nailed to the cross for doing our nuts in, he was stabbed by someone who suffered at the hands of this money lender, who's interest rates went against the bible teaching's.. oh wait a minute.. the bible was'nt written yet, was it?

So what we reall have is a bullshit story, supported by the same bullshit society that needs crucified, just to remind them that jesus died to warn them bible bashers A: not to do cunts heads in, and b: not to get greedy with the interest.. oh, and c: do ya?

Oh, and as for revelations.. exactly how many was there?
938  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 01, 2014, 10:30:52 PM
Sitting with mr nice's ex was very interesting to say the least.. her hubby was gaggin for me to leave, but she was well in tune with what I was saying.. when I mentioned I wrote what I wrote, in this thread, I was kinda warned off by someone who just could'nt say it without lookin me in the eye's.. because his wife knew I was speaking the truth.. in fact, she was not just listening and butting in where necessary, but agreeing with everything I said here, and even threw a few more clues in the mix.. all I can say guy's.. is this..

There is only one truth with regards to what I wrote.. read it again.. dont listen to anyone you'd normally slam the door in the face of..

Edit: and then it was pointed out.. someone went to my auld man, saying I was writing all this stuff, and my auld mans reply was, well, he is who he is, he's just james.. nothing more, nothing less..

And we all know who he was no?
939  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 01, 2014, 10:21:19 PM
In Jesus all things hold together, even Sol.  Smiley

To say a human being is the light in the heavens shows how fuckin insane you really are..

Ps, I sat and watched a church burning 2 days ago and thought of you lot, and wished you were in that building.. just for something to do...

Edit: If your not actually bible bashing, but a bible follower, I apologise.. do yourself a favour and bring back crucifixion for the likes of BADecker, cause he is one motherfuckin arse of a preist..

Now then..

SCIENTIFIC proof of GOD..? Please? Pretty please? do I need to say it thrice?
940  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: December 01, 2014, 10:19:10 PM
Turns out that I have had some serious conversations with some very serious people, in person, the type that would not think twice about killin you for sharing the secrets I have shared with you all.. the only reason I can come back here, was exactly as I had stated.. that these so called secret's are not mine to keep.. Yet here y all are trying to convince those that dont believe in god, that he exist's, whilst ignoring the very person he, in all his heavenly glory, decided should show the truth..

Why will the bible bashers not entertain, or agree/disagree with the truth?

Because it's the only word bitches cant produce..

All you bible bashers arte biches in heat with nowt better to do than deny the very existance of that which you try to sell to the mass's, and the reason no-one is acrtually interested, is because it's safer for y'all if you spout yer shite in a forum, lest ye get fuckin crucified..
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