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961  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: De pe ce platforma este indicat sa investesc in XRP? on: February 14, 2021, 11:39:27 AM
Depinde ce doresti de la platforma respectiva. XRP nu prea gasesti pe platforme decentralizate, fapt pentru care cea mai buna varianta pentru tine este probabil Binance. La sume mici (0-1000$), daca nu folosesti VPN sau Tor pentru login si nu intentionezi sa folosesti nici fiat (depuneri/retrageri RON sau valute prin banca) pe platforma, nu iti vor cere niciun document de identificare.. insa nu iti lasa niciodata banii acolo, ca s-ar putea intr-o zi sa te trezesti cu ei blocati.

De obicei, eu cand fac astfel de tranzactii pe platforme centralizate le fac in transe mai multe si mai mici, iar dupa fiecare achizitie retrag sumele. Daca imi blocheaza vreodata suma si ma forteaza sa le dau documentele personale, pierd doar o mica parte din cat voiam sa investesc.. nu totul!

Ai lucrat de pe Revolut ca sa faci ce? Revolut nu permite sa detii criptomonede. Nici XRP, nici alta criptomoneda.
Permite, dar nu te asigura nimeni ca detii cu adevarat criptomonedele pe care le achizitionezi. Revolut aplica aceeasi tactica pe care o aplica si PayPal.
962  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: KYC este periculos si nefolositor.. insa Monero rezolva acest lucru partial. on: February 13, 2021, 05:36:11 PM
@GazetaBitcoin Da, interesante citate - multumesc pentru ele. Partea cea mai trista e ca noi stim lucrurile astea, le cunoastem si intelegem ca nu e ok incotro ne indreptam.. insa omul de rand nu intelege si se arunca inainte cu capul. Daca acum ceva timp vedeam lumea Orweliana ca fiind departe de realitate, azi e mai aproape de realitate ca niciodata.. si desi repet numele Orwell tot mai des, o fac cu intentie: exact spre lumea 1984 ne indreptam si e grav!

XMR are perioade lungi in care a stat stabil fata de fiat. Dar din pacate asta inseamna sa a pierdut fata de BTC.
Anul trecut urcase pana la 0.011, acum e la 0.0044 adica nici jumatate. Si daca ma gandesc la 0.02-0.033 din 2018... chiar devine deprimant.
Am observat, urmaresc si eu destul de des graficele XMR si e putin deprimant sa il vezi cazand usor-usor in rank pe CMC si in rata fata de BTC. Insa eu chiar am sperante legate de asta, instinctul imi spune ca XMR va fi la mare cautare foarte curand Smiley

Poate mai degraba elita. Dar na, tot e ceva. Poate ca sunt eu doar prea pesimist...
Stai, stai! Pai doar nu crezi ca ma refeream la acceptarea monedei din partea guvernelor. Exclus din start pentru mine varianta asta! Rectificare: politicienii, deoarece ei o vor folosi in interes propriu. Daca totul se trece pe digital, inclusiv RON-ul si valutele, atunci vor avea nevoie neaparat de o cale de scapare si XMR le asigura asta intr-un mod perfect. Smiley

Nu, asta e prostie. Dar s-a vrut/inceput (nu mai stiu in ce an) o campanie in care celebritati spun ca le place/folosesc Monero. Asa ceva poate ca ar fi mers.
Hmm, eu, personal, consider ca un pic de promovare tip reclame e cel mai sanatos mod de a aduce crestere unei monede. Cred ca momentul in care lumea incepe sa o caute e momentul in care moneda trebuie sa creasca, nu advertisement cu celebritati. Dar e opinie personala, normal. Smiley

Intre timp, vad ca XMR a inceput sa o ia si el un pic in sus... s-or fi trezit romanasii si or fi pus banii de la saltea dupa thread-ul nostru Cheesy
963  Economy / Economics / Re: What are the potential side effects of corporations selling fake crypto? on: February 12, 2021, 09:18:11 PM
Where you said that it can’t be withdrawn from their platform, I think the right word to use there is that you can’t send and receive. You can actually withdraw it on their platform and that’s by converting it to US dollar or any currency, before you can then send the money out or withdraw to bank.

What they do is that they don’t allow people to send out cryptocurrencies and you can’t also receive cryptocurrencies, unless you’re using their merchant services, you can then receive cryptocurrencies, but you still can’t send them out. And we can’t tell whether the coins we are buying are real or not. It’s up to you to decide whether you’re going to trust them or not, and if you happen not to trust them you can start making use of another exchange or wallet .
If you "withdraw" to USD, it's converting to fiat.. not withdrawing. Withdrawing is what you have mentioned in your second paragraph.

Thanks to you all for your replies; quite interesting to see how many out there trust their guts with PayPal without ever questioning what they're actually selling or... if they're even selling anything. As some users here mentioned, if PayPal does not let you withdraw your coins, it means it is possible that they are not even selling you anything at all!

I'll take one hypothetical scenario: say a 3-letter agency decides to work with a large corporation on a plan to destroy the cryptocurrency economy. If we're talking a hypothetical collab between an agency and a corporation such as a bank, I'm quite sure the destruction of crypto economies is at the best interest for both parties.

3-letter agencies are known to doing classified operations that are in their interest; why would a fiat-threatening economy that they simply cannot control be let alone?

Therefore, the question is.. how hard is it really to sell a currency that does not exist? You pay me $47k in my personal wallet and I hand you out a piece of paper having "1 BTC" written on it. How do you know whether your 1 BTC truly exists or I sold you nothing for $47k?

This is a potentially threatening issue we may be confronting without even knowing it. I still find the ways Revolut and PayPal work as suspicious, but the fact that so many people really trust them and their way of "selling BTC" is very interesting to me.

I wish I could merit some posts, but I always remain out of merits and I already owe so many people some. Interesting read this topic is. Smiley
964  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Privacy coins will be next trend? Your top privacy coins. on: February 12, 2021, 02:06:23 PM
Oh man, I wish they were. I still have a little hope that we fight the governments' plan to destroy the concept of privacy before it's too late, so I really wish privacy coins are the next trend.

I believe it's gonna turn into a trend as soon as the govs will start questioning their citizens based on blockchain analysis the government itself has done. Once that happens, people will inevitably look for a way out of control and surveillance. My personal choices are Monero and BEAM, although I have not read as much about BEAM as I read about Monero.

Monero, having privacy as a main focus, will likely continue to be the leader of privacy coins in the future as well. And since the IRS is looking to break jusr XMR and Lightning Network, one could say that means they are either not afraid about the rest of privacy coins or they have been able to crack the other privacy coins' privacy features easily.

The more governments will fight to make privacy a crime, the more features Monero's team is going to add to counterattack the gov. I trust the devs and I find XMR incredible tbh Smiley
965  Economy / Economics / Re: Mastercard Bitcoin Global Adoption? on: February 12, 2021, 11:56:52 AM
"Bans" for so-called suspicious transactions make no sense.. nor does KYC. To own a Mastercard, you're giving your personal information to banks anyway. They already have everything they need the moment you're handed out a debit/credit card. And they're bank accounts - they already know where your money is going since you're just gonna move it from your bank account to someone else's.

What does "Regulated coins" mean though? Bitcoin can't be regulated, so are they just planning to add some centralized crypto instead..? Cheesy

The conclusion. Mastercard's decisions to support crypto is good for the adoption and will make the price go up. But we shouldn't use their service to buy and store Bitcoin. 
So the final conclusion: besides the temporary FOMO, it's useless.
966  Economy / Speculation / Re: Owning One BTC In 2035 Will Make You A Millionaire on: February 12, 2021, 09:54:35 AM
I think it'll happen way faster than that, especially now that BTC's usage and utility grows at a pace never seen before. It'll be harder for it to lose value since from now on, for a timespan of probably at least one year we will only hear about more & more investors pouring their massive sums into it.

Who knows how much further the $ will have dropped in purchasing power by then with the endless printing.
By 2035 I strongly believe we will either have the worldwide debts reset or a new economical system. 2020 was a horrific year for USA's debts; they have to do something about it. Right now, it's simply impossible for them to continue this way and/or to pay off the massive owed sum of USD - and Bitcoin will certainly profit off that!
967  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: KYC este periculos si nefolositor.. insa Monero rezolva acest lucru partial. on: February 11, 2021, 02:48:15 PM
Eu l-am intalnit mai putin decat obisnuiam, si in afara de ultimele 2-3 luni abia ca se mai vorbea de el.
Daca intr-adevar m-am inselat este o veste super buna si ma bucur mult!
Pai nu prea auzi de el daca nu cauti. Developerii lucreaza acum la un sistem atomic swap 100% decentralizat intre BTC si XMR. Daca reusesc sa faca asta (si din ce am inteles, posibil anul asta sa fie gata), zic ca va fi veste mare. Daca reusuesc sa il faca si intr-un mod in care sa nu dea nimic de banuit (sa nu ramana in urma swap-ului o "evidenta" cum e la Komodo sau WAVES), atunci toata teama cu XMR si interzicerea lui se duce pe apa sambetei. Din moment ce pot sa tin banii in XMR si oricand am nevoie sa ii folosesc fac doar swap cu BTC, XMR zic ca isi capata renume.

Anul trecut a luat-o in sus bine XMR, insa toata treaba a fost aplatizata de stirea Bittrex. Incepand de atunci, XMR a devenit aproape ca un fel de stablecoin.

Oricum, nu te astepta sa auzi prea multe despre XMR pentru ca suspectez ca entitatile care vor lucra in viitor cel mai mult cu XMR vor fi guvernele si Elita. Stii cum se zice: legile sunt pentru prosti! Si avem exemplul perfect pentru asta: guvernul Ro, care fura de rupe. Daca o persoana publica trece intr-o piata underground unde urme nu raman, pentru

Da, clar. Dar nu dau impresia ca ar opune vreun dram de rezistenta. Parca renunta mult prea usor.
Cine, exchange-urile? Pai fata Bittrex nu am nicio pretentie. Referitor la colaborarea lor cu alte guverne, nu ar fi prima oara cand se zvoneste asa ceva. Au mai fost acuzati ca ar lucra cu guvernul Ucrainei. Nu te opui cand pentru tine profitul e deasupra oricarei moralitati si oricarui bun simt. Pe ei nu-i deranjeaza atata timp cat banu' le intra in buzunar...

Ehee, prea putini si cam tarziu. A fost anul trecut o discutie despre cum isi dau oamenii si numarul de la pantof pt o reducere de doi lei la Lidl...
Si Monero a si fost un pic anti advertising. Dar acum ultimele luni pare sa se dezghete situatia. Dar vai cat de departe este acum Ethereum...
Si acum daca intri pe subreddit-ul lor, tot anti advertising sunt. Si inteleg pe de o parte, pentru ca voiau sa finanteze o campanie pentru a il convinge pe Tesla sa vanda masini si cu XMR. Nu suna rau, dar am vazut ce s-a intamplat in 2017 cu toate monedele care au avut astfel de "reclame": au fost acceptate de companie/corporatie.. pana au realizat ca nu se justifica, deoarece mai nimeni nu vrea sa plateasca in crypto.
968  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: KYC este periculos si nefolositor.. insa Monero rezolva acest lucru partial. on: February 11, 2021, 01:42:54 PM
Cumva am impresia ca oamenii se si complac. Daca sunt intrebati ce fac cu banii, eventual mormaie in barba, dar maine tot zic ca banca lor e buna.
Vedem aproape zilnic persoane care au Bitcoin si nu se descurca fara plasa de siguranta oferita de obicei de banci, cu niste costuri imense (bani si mai ales privacy).
Oamenii vor prefera mereu comoditatea. Cu toate ca e destul de ciudat, avand in vedere cu ce bataie de joc te trateaza bancile. Stat la cozi (mai ales acum, cu pandemia..), atitudinea dezgustatoare a angajatelor.. nu stiu cum pot unii sa se lase injositi si tratati drept sclavi, mai ales cand au o alternativa.

Si ajungem la Monero. Ideea din spatele Monero este pe cat de geniala, pe atata de bun simt. De ce sa se uite oricine la mine in buzunar, de ce sa vada oricine ce fac cu banii mei?
De acord. Cum ziceam acum ceva timp intr-o discutie cu Gazeta, trecem usor-usor de la prezumtia de nevinovatie la prezumtia de vinovatie din start. Acum nu mai esti "cetatean OK" de la bun inceput, ci esti tratat drept un terorist din punctul zero.

Totusi, uite ca Monero nu sta prea bine la capitolul utilizare, nu multi stiu ca exista (ma pufneste rasul cand vad "hackeri" cerand Bitcoin), iar asta face mai putin dureros pentru casele de schimb sa soata Monero din oferta, ca nu-i doare atat de mult la venituri. Pacat.
Aici nu pot fi de acord cu tine, sincer sa fiu. Monero are in permanenta in jur de (sau peste) $ volum pe exchange-uri. Bittrex, care a scos Monero de pe platforma, am impresia ca lucreaza cu autoritatile americane cot la cot. Contul inca imi este blocat din 2017 cu bani pe el, mi-au psu 2FA desi eu n-am avut niciodata si imi cer KYC pentru a recapata banii. Au facut acelasi lucru in masa cu utilizatorii lor, dar eu am preferat sa las banii acolo si sa nu imi vand datele cu toate ca mi se pare dpdv legal ca fiind furt/santaj.

Cum ziceam si cu Freewallet acum ceva timp: de ce iti cer KYC dupa ce ai folosit deja serviciile lor "pentru a dovedi ca tu esti persoana din spatele contului"? Daca nu m-ai legitimat de la bun inceput, nu vad logica in legitimarea post-tranzactii.

Ca utilizare, cred ca Monero chiar este mult mai utilizat decat >95% din celelalte monede. Numarul de tranzactii si adrese este in crestere.. ba chiar mai mult de atat, este la All-Time High.

Si inca se mai merge pe ideea ca un portofel de Monero nu poate fi supravegheat sau "auditat", uitandu-se ca proprietarul poate oferi view keys in aceasta directie, daca doreste, lucru care ar putea fi util, cred eu, caselor de schimb pentru a-si demonstra activitatea la nevoie. Ma doare cand vad cum dispare de la casele de schimb, in general fara sa se faca prea multa valva...

Cumva Monero ar trebui sa fie cel putin cot la cot cu Ethereum. Nu la pret, ci la cat de mult este folosit. Dar nu e...
Eu zic ca dispare de la exchange-uri din initiativa si presiunea autoritatilor. Oamenii insa incep oarecum sa realizeze ca treaba cu WhatsApp-ul si corporatiile care ne colecteaza si vand constant date personale este mai naspa decat pare. Signal si Telegram au cunoscut o crestere-record a numarului de utilizatori noi.. pus langa ATH-ul in tranzactiile Monero, eu zic ca atata timp cat aducem la cunostinta oamenilor existenta monedei si a unei alternative la sistemul de sclavie in care traim, inca nu e prea tarziu sa facem o mica schimbare.
969  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: KYC este periculos si nefolositor.. insa Monero rezolva acest lucru partial. on: February 11, 2021, 11:09:45 AM
Intr-adevar, XMR este de preferat pentru pastrarea anonimitatii, aceasta criptomoneda neavand nimic transparent - nici blockchain-ul, nici tranzactiile, nici cantitatea de moneda tranzactionata. Un motiv in plus, pentru care ma simt atras de XMR si simt ca ofera siguranta, este acela ca IRS (fiscul american) a pus un premiu de 625.000$ pentru cine reuseste sa decripteze Monero.
Uite, asta e o informatie pe care am uitat sa o includ in thread-ul original. Posibil sa mai fac o "anexa" la el, deoarece mi se pare un subiect interesant.

Propunerea din partea IRS nu doar ca incalca drepturi si legi cu scopul de a detine controlul. Este efectiv felul lor de a spune, in disperare dupa ce monedele crypto au inceput sa se ridice si incet-incet au inceput ei sa supravegheze blockchain-urile, ca monedele crypto sunt benefice mai putin cand nu pot ei sa ne supravegheze. Ar taia si spanzura doar pentru a ajunge sa supravegheze si cele mai mici detalii din vietile noastre. Sunt ca niste caini infometati dupa control.

Din fericire insa, administratia Biden a renuntat la aceasta propunere absurda a FinCEN.
Eu, unul, nu m-as bucura si nu mi-as ridica sperantele referitor la ceea ce a ales acum Biden. Ma astept la ce-i mai rau, asa cum ma astept dupa oricare alta alegere din Ro/extern. In agenda lui Biden, exista si masuri pentru gun safety. De pe pagina sa:
Close the “hate crime loophole.” Biden will enact legislation prohibiting an individual “who has been convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime, or received an enhanced sentence for a misdemeanor because of hate or bias in its commission” from purchasing or possessing a firearm.

Cu alte cuvinte, daca esti acuzat de "hate speech", ti se va interzice dreptul de a detine o arma de aparare.

Aceasta propozitie a ta imi aminteste de un fragment din 1984:

"Teribil de riscant este să cazi pe gânduri într-un loc public sau în raza de acțiune a vreunui tele-ecran. Cel mai mic indiciu te poate înfunda. Un tic nervos, o înfățișare inconștientă de anxietate, obiceiul de a șopti pentru tine însuți – orice duce cu gândul la ceva anormal sau la ceva ascuns, în orice caz, ar arbora o expresie nepotrivită pe față (de exemplu, să ai o mutră neîncrezătoare când se anunță o victorie) este un delict și se pedepsește. Există și un cuvânt pentru asta în Nou-vorbă: crimă-chip."
Terifiant de realist ceea ce relata Orwell in cartea sa, nu? Smiley Din pacate, pe acolo suntem. Ba chiar mai mult de atat, se intampla fara ca oamenii sa realizeze ca se intampla. O mare parte din persoanele pe care le cunosc au "smart wearables", unii la modul exagerat: ceasuri smart, cantar smart, telefon smart, TV smart, aspirator smart, Alexa sau Google Home, etc. Trecem atat de lin intr-o era a supravegherii incat nici nu realizam..

Nu avem nimic de facut decat sa mergem pe ideea lui Phil Zimmermann: "If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy".
Adevarat;  asta imi aduce aminte de o discutie cu cineva legata de legi si incalcarea lor. Legile au fost facute ca oamenii sa se tina de ele, dar existenta si adoptarea unei legi nu inseamna automat ca legea este buna. Iar daca legea nu e buna din start, inseamna ca e posibil ca incalcarea ei sa fie o actiune mai umana si legala din punct de vedere democratic sau moral decat urmarea ei.

Un exemplu perfect este acum ceea ce fac bancile cu banii nostri. Mai nou, te intreaba si cand vrei sa depui, si cand vrei sa retragi numerar scopul cu care faci actiunea respectiva.. pe langa intrebarile suplimentare ulterioare, precum justificarea folosirii banilor din banca. Control, control, control. Suntem acolo, intr-o lume Orwelliana, insa e si mai nasol de atat.. deoarece e totul camuflat in libertate, asa-zisa " siguranta" a cetatenilor si democratie!
970  Economy / Economics / Re: JP Morgan says large firms will not follow Tesla's bitcoin move on: February 11, 2021, 05:16:13 AM
JP Morgan is a bank, isn't it?

I can't even expect them to support BTC unless they find a way to be in advantage themselves. Since MicroStrategy and Tesla have invested that much into BTC, I really expect a strong domino effect going through most of the large companies.

As time passes, Musk's and MicroStrategy's value will most likely rise at some point to an ATH specifically due to their recent actions of purchasing BTC. Other large companies will not be left alone in the course and all they have to do is just see the price evolution of 2009-2021 to realize that they're gonna be left behind if large corporations invest in BTC while they don't.
971  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Is crypto just a joke now? on: February 11, 2021, 04:44:27 AM
What Musk has done is a double-edged sword tbh. The only thing is, I really thought he was only memeing Doge but then I noticed he got as greedy and hypocrite as McAfee has been back in the alt season days.

I've always been saying that our markets are still too immature, which makes it an even better opportunity for us as investors. It's the early days or crypto and we have to accept that someone with an influence as large as Musk's could push a bull or a bear run easily into the market by only mentioning a few words.

But as I said before, this entire GME and DOGE thing looks to me like it's all about the rich planning to just screw us up even more than ever before. Haven't asked anyone else about this, but all my friends who've invested in GME and DOGE in the past month have ended up losing a lot of money. It is the rich vs the poor, but the rich are in a large advantage & profit in this war.

On the other hand though, I think what Musk has done attracted a very large number of people to crypto and although most of them have been in the game just for the meme, even if 5-10% stay in the industry it's still worth it. But then, when you think about it, in a matter of time when DOGE falls, it's gonna be the entire damn mainstream media speaking about how dangerous cryptos are.

I think that while it's being taken right now as a joke, in a matter of years (probably up to a decade) it won't be anymore. We have to acknowledge that we are still witnessing the early days of crypto..
972  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: FreeWallet locked even Elon Musk. I still don't trust them. on: February 10, 2021, 05:06:24 PM
Elon may be trolling them and may not even have any accounts with this company. It is hard to believe someone who claims to believe in bitcoin for such a long time is using some poorly created web wallet for his billion dollar worth of bitcoins!
I mean, the first thing you do when you want to purchase or read more about DogeCoin is you most likely google it.. and their website doesn't seem to mention FreeWallet. If Musk didn't troll, then this seems like a kinda stupid move coming from him, lol.
973  Economy / Economics / Re: Covid-19, Lockdown and repercussions on: February 10, 2021, 04:17:50 PM
The way it affected me? Not so much. But studies say something very different about what happened to a not insignificant number of people!

Suicides are (or at least have been during lockdowns) on a rise, so is domestic violence. Tourism is going through a painful death, so are services like restaurants and shops. Besides retail, so besides the rich, you don't have a choice to purchase your daily needed products from besides them. In the meantime, at least in my country, prices are on the rise. Lots of close friends of mine have lost their jobs, a lot of people feel alone or isolated from their families and online school will create useless students who've been watching Netflix and playing videogames while at "school".

And remember that besides the economical repercussions done by the pandemic, we have a sh*t ton of money pumped into the economy to artificially keep it up and standing. Once this ends, I don't eevn want to imagine how sharply the markets will fall.

Personally, I'm mentally prepared for the worst. It seems to me like we're in the middle of a countdown to the big, ugly collapse we'll all feel strongly.
974  Economy / Services / [OPEN] Hero Member Avatar space available for rent on: February 10, 2021, 03:59:23 PM
I'm currently a Hero Member with a pretty long experience on the forum who's been in a number of signature campaigns, the last one being BestChange's. Right now, my avatar space is available for rent together with the Personal Text.

I'm usually posting anywhere I find an interesting topic, but most of my posts are around the Bitcoin Discussions, Altcoin Discussions, Beginner & Help, Economics and the local Romanian boards. My post count per week is varying between 25 and 50 posts, depending on how much time I have free.

I do not have a specific payrate I'm looking for. I'd rather be open to offers instead. So feel free to PM me if you're interested. Smiley
975  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Energy Consumption Future Plans/Thoughts on: February 10, 2021, 03:44:51 PM
The more years go by, the more energy consumption there will be. Digitalizing the world means more energy, so does switching from gas to electric cars and so on.. so believe it or not, the more we try to go "eco-friendly", the more against it we go as tech advances.

As long as there'll be mining and competition for it, there'll always be someone who'll want to keep investing in equipment to their own advantage.. Therefore, unless we find a more efficient way to mine using less energy while providing the same (or a higher) level of fairness and decentralization, things will probably stay the same besides the fact that large mining farms will probably be regulated at some point..
976  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Elon musk changed the market circles on: February 10, 2021, 01:33:59 PM
Although Bitcoin's market usually has patterns, institutional investors are joining now in a domino effect. Expect irregular market moves since right now it's the rich moving large bags of money rather than the people. A bull run was expected by many in 2021, so what Musk has done is.. he probably just sparked the heavy bull run!
977  Economy / Speculation / Re: My calculation and prediction this month btc on: February 10, 2021, 12:37:58 PM
we will end with 63 becouse I like 63 amg
At this point, you're clearly just a troll.
978  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Elon Musk: "Your app sucks" ft. FreeWallet on: February 10, 2021, 12:36:37 PM
FreeWallet have been scamming people for many years and yet they still are out there in the wild, still trapping people. It's just a shame thst they most of the time pop up as the first suggestion by Play Store, even after so many complaints..
979  Economy / Economics / Re: What are the potential side effects of corporations selling fake crypto? on: February 10, 2021, 09:26:44 AM
That "can't withdraw" thing is the most important part, because paypal could have as much as 100+ million bitcoins all sold on their website if they want to, how? They can do that buy just giving people bitcoin on their accounts but as long as you can't withdraw it, what are you going to do? You have to cash it to fiat and then move it around right?
This is what I meant to ask and the main danger I think these companies are posing. By selling just the text value of a currency and not the coin itself, the markets would more than likely go through negative repercussions.

I keep reading that PayPal would not be able to easily get away with this, but we forget that before everything, BTC has seen strong hostility from governments and uf there was someone to sell false BTC in order to manipulate markets, it could be the government itself! It would not be the first time they conduct illegal actions, would it?

What I was curious about is what selling unlimited false BTC could lead to, putting aside all the legal trouble PP would get into.. My question isn't really "Could they?", but more of a "What if?" hypothetical scenario..
980  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 0.56% of BTC market cap are now held by public listed companies on: February 10, 2021, 04:33:26 AM
Now that Bitcoin is being slowly accumulated by public companies, I can see a BTC ban less possible than ever before. How I take it is, this could either turn the entire BTC bull market into a spectacular growth this year or it could be the first time Butcoin doesn't go wild after halving. The latter seems more relevant to me though, since the rich like manipulating markets to their own advantage - and it seems like the rich have missed the train with BTC long time ago ..
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