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9761  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Google down and out for 45 minutes on Monday- the perils of centralization on: December 16, 2020, 03:13:11 PM
in a fair comparison to bitcoin.
its like the block size quota only allowing certain amount of transactions per 10minute average block

bitcoin has had many mempool bootlenecks
9762  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anyone interested in uncovering the truth about US election? on: December 16, 2020, 07:21:30 AM
Create a thread with solid evidences of election fraud let's discuss them .
I feel strongly that couple of the cases can be won easily if the right thing is done.
 I particularly find the case of ballot taken from under table very interesting.
I feel the other side is trying to hide the truth through big deceit and mind control.

still waiting for Ucy to provide the 'solid evidence' of 'ballot taken from under table'

seeing as Ucy wants to discuss it. and thinks there is such a case. i find it funny that he cannot reference it. nor provide the evidence.

come on Ucy. lets see the solid evidence.
and before you reply. no. the lack of evidence is not solid evidence of a 'cover up'

the lack of evidence is solid evidence that your claim is without merit.

the lack of evidence that people can fly unaided. is not proof of a coverup that people can fly but only in secret.
its actually proof that people cant fly unaided.
9763  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Journey of Coronavirus Epidemic to Pandemic. on: December 16, 2020, 07:14:37 AM
Two of the best places to go to, for easy-to-understand info that has all kinds of references to the things that they are posting, are and

Not only visit one website. I searched more than 15 websites and collect data which I think the best. And you have shared two websites one is the videos. And second is for news. I go through many.
Leave this. Thanks for sharing these websites. These are giving some more details to me.

you have just been introduced to conspiracy links.
use them for comedy. not for fact. read them for entertainment of how idiots think. not for info

when you read something. actually research it outside of their small cabin of conspiracy.
9764  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Benefit of the Covid Pandemic on: December 16, 2020, 06:48:25 AM
remember this fact that debunks your lentz scripts

even you highlighted it now and again.

who's court is it.
when a government invites you into their house. its their house rules that apply. not yours
you can be invited into their house and then act like its your house. but it still isnt your house and not your rules
you just end up looking like an idiot doing some weird dramatic dance act in someones house.

so while you pretend you can make up and choose the rules.. you will find out the hard way you cant.
and thats why lentz gets it wrong.

he tries entering other peoples houses and setting his own rules for their house. he completely ignores the house rules.

a smart person would learn the house rules and use the house rules against the house owner.
just realise that.

when you go to a gym and it has members rules. you cannot just make up your own rules and ignore the gym rules..
and no its not that easy to end your membership and still want to remain in the gym. because then you wont be allowed in the gym(country: illegal migrant) and there are consequences of being in that place without being a member

for instance in the UK
the government(queens management company) use government laws and they have government courts(their houses)..
the queen separetly has a house for common law.

trying you fight using common law in a government court is futile.
this is why trump never gets a chance in supreme court because he is playing around in the government courts which follow the government laws that he dislikes.

but even when trump tries to get into supreme court. his cases get dismissed at the filing stage because he has no valid claim.

in short you cant just turn up at queens bench/supreme court and be heard. you have to have a valid claim that makes lawful sense.
which again is lentz's failing. he pretends he is auto invited to supreme court/queens bench just by walking in

oh and that awarriors guy. just watching his first foundation video. he debunks himself

'only by concent or contract binds a man or women'
well the laws state that being born in a country contracts you to then be a citizen(member) by default.
well the laws state the process of a migrant to be allowed/disallowed

so by consent of being on the land. means you are then contracted into the laws.

so he cant then claim laws dont apply or make up his own rules
also you cannot yourself just pretend to be a diplomat. you cannot just avoid the laws using your own acts
you have to seek permission from the law makers to be allowed diplomatic immunity
9765  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Can you prove Randomness? on: December 16, 2020, 06:36:34 AM
randomness is the lack of knowledge of how the end result was achieved.

true randomness is where even with backward engineering/pattern recognition/brute force. no one can replicate the method within their lifetime to get the result.

so again
my first number: 9472957392
if you can tell me what my next number, then you have proved randomness does not exist.
if you cant answer. then no point even suggesting randomness does not exist
9766  Other / Politics & Society / Re: America is a proud Country with huge achievments on: December 16, 2020, 05:55:11 AM
So you see? It probably is a good idea that Americans lose their money. Just so long as they don't get something worse.

for 9 months badecker has been pushing so hard to risk lives to protect the economy. and now he finally realises that the economy does not deserve to be protected

well done badecker.finally you have woken up

however you still seem sleepish about some facts

The fiat currency of America is money that Americans have created when they thought they were borrowing it from a bank. They created the currency at the time they signed the promissory note. Then they did one of two things:
1. They loaned it to the bank for a moment, and the bank immediately paid them back with cash or a bank check;
2. They prepaid their whole loan off by their money creation.

imagine it like this, seeing as you act like a sleepish child
you want 1000 teddybears but cant make them yourself. so you ask a manufacturer for 1000 teddybears and agree that you will slowly pay them back with small monthly amounts of new teddybears your sourced from elsewhere until it totals 1000 + 5% yearly extra teddybears. they dont care how or where you get the other teddybears to pay them back. they just want more then 1000 teddybears back over the agreed time.

the manufacturer then makes the 1000 teddybears. they dont source them from storage. they make new ones. and then the following month start asking for some teddybears back to put into their own storage for their own use.

you do not get to claim that you already paid them teddybears when you made the agreement. you dont loan then teddybears for a moment.

but this analogy does reveal how the teddybear debt is created. and people can simply decide one day they dont want teddybears anymore and instead use something else.
leaving the teddybear manufacturers left with stores of useless teddybears that no one wants
9767  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Parallel electors chosen and submitted by SEVEN states on: December 16, 2020, 04:50:00 AM
the electoral college does not vote by their own bias/preference.

they look at the citizen votes of the previous month. and look at any/all reports of illegal votes. and determine what should be the actual final vote based on if those votes can sing the election to the other party

basically if A has 2mill votes and B has 1.8m votes. and there is no evidence at all of say 0.2m votes for A being fraudulent to swing the election. then by default A wins

trump cannot find enough fraudulent/illegal votes to swing an election. because there are not enough.
yes out of a couple million there might be a few dozen where the votes were accidently misplaced/removed/added. but not enough to cause significant change to the vote decision.

if someone wins by 200,000 extra votes. and only 120 are questionable then those 120 wont be enough to counter the 200,000 lead.

even with there not being any large fraud to swing the vote(change the electoral college). the funny part is that with biden having 306 and trump 232.. trump couldnt even bribe 40 electoral delegates over to his side.

time to accept it.
time to move on
trump lost

trump eviction is set. january 20th.
trump is already working his exit plan. so its about time you trumpette do to
trump is already $150m+ better off due to his exit plan. he does not actually need your support anymore
9768  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: December 16, 2020, 03:58:56 AM
Most doctors won't prescribe these, because their license might get pulled. Why? Because government and medical leaders want us to remain sick for their own personal money-making reasons.

selling budesemide is a tactic of pill mill doctors trying to keep people sick for personal money making reasons

it does not cure covid.
even the cases you been told about by the 'silver bullet doctor' are shown that people still suffer with symptoms for days/weeks.
the reason the people didnt die was not due to the medication. but due to the fact that the people the pillmill doctor mentioned were not in their 80's/with severe symptoms worthy of hospitalisation in the first place.
they were fit/healthy enough to only want/require at home treatment.
yet the medications did not stop the mild symptoms within a day.

try to do your research
9769  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: December 15, 2020, 08:50:48 PM
if idiots actually used common sense, morals and a sense of respect. they would on advice alone respect personal space.

but when idiots start gathering under some weird illusion that their freedoms are being infringed. its that gathering alone that causes more of the spread
its that increase of spread that puts people at harm. with hospitalisations increasing. which then forces governments to change advice into enforcement.

other examples are protests. when they become riots. then yes the rules are changed to try to stop rioters from rioting.

other examples are knowing smacking your wife is bad.. but if your an idiot that would randomly smack your wife and shout out 'i done it, coz freedom', you will be arrested and charged with domestic abuse. no matter how much you want to shout that being arrested is infringing on your freedoms. you will be found guilty

yes. some governments wait to the last minute. do something and then spend months later explaining why.
yes. governments should be prepared months before an action to explain why they will enforce something later
yes. the rationale of 'the greater good' eg lives mean more then money

even the UK government waits to the last minute to act. so its not just america.

but dont ever expect 'freedoms' to ever allow you to do things that can harm others.. because then YOUR freedom infringes on someone elses freedom.
in law. you will be the one getting in trouble if your 'freedom' harmed others
(even gun crimes of self defense are not as simple as you think)

the wild west ended hundreds of years ago. realise the structure of laws and nations of post 2nd millennium

try to learn this very important part.
rights come with responsibilities
actions come with consequences
freedoms also have their limitations
9770  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are people dying from Covid19 or from reaction of the wrong medication? on: December 15, 2020, 08:26:58 PM
both these linked conspiracies have been debunked in summer.. but lets go through them again as it seems some dont realise
the actual advice is to use certain codes for certain things.
EG 0.71 for confirmed covid va PCR
0.72 for unconfirmed
it also states that the 0.72 category should also note all details such as symptoms. and its this symptom list that then decides if its reasonable to assume as covid.
EG if someone is described as 0.72 but had a car accident and dies of brain injuries due to a collision. its not covid. even if the family say he crashed his car due to having a cough and fever when he travelled.

also hospitals are not funded based purely on a 0.71 or 0.72 listing.
i found this out in summer too and it took me only a few minutes.
separetely from a death certificate is the medical record. and its the medical record that lists all the treatments and procedures a doctor/nurse does with a patient. and its these procedures that are funded.
EG someone that does have an xray vs someone that doesnt have an xray causes different costs. even if their illness is the same and even if they both died of the same thing.

so no.. hospitals do not get auto-paid amounts just by a cause of death

the tanzanian president fired the team in the lab responsible for getting cheap unapproved 'knock off' test kits. the reason:
because tanzania was not getting high hospital admissions(meaning low cases) but was showing weird results from labs of positive cases randomly in different area's with no 'spread tracability'
meaning it looked like a lab was making false reports.
(virus spreads by people so you can usually see a pattern of a spread by who gets it and who they pass it too)
the president secretly tested the lab in question using items of known negative covid. and when results showed covid he knew the lab was faking results and fired those involved.
the president locked down the borders to stop new cases getting in

that following the border lockdowns (much like australia done) they managed to cut the cases down and hospitals didnt get overwhelmed

yes the tanzanian president much like the american president tried to use this event this year for personal profit. but that aside the government departments around him did try their best to lock the country down and close the borders. and it seemed to have worked. even when the president then went on a capitalist campaign

maybe its best you try to research before just posting likes from your outdated and uninformed cultish conspiracy sites.
9771  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: December 15, 2020, 07:42:17 PM
Doctor pleas at senate hearing for Ivermectin usage, falls on deaf ears on media and politician.
Its a mad mad world.
The problem at hand, it is to cheap and  available at lots of places.

now we have both tash and badecker acting like pharma sales guys

issue is that ivermectin is an anti-parasite that works on the gut and intestines. and not on viruses in the lungs.
its like having a leg amputated because your arm is injured.. it makes no biological sense

this pharma promotion began in april due to pillmill doctors in peru wanting to prescribe it over the counter to make $$.
it has since been debunked because the studies used in the promotion were false.
it suggested that there were hundreds and in some cases thousands of people included in the studies. yet based on the dates of the studies of january 1st to march 1st. peru was not even having hundreds or thousands of patients with covid. thus even then having a list of patients on ivermectin that had covid would be even more impossible to have. and thus impossible to then join any factual studies.
it was later found that these numbers were just made up.
the lies went as far as to suggest those not taking ivermectin were dying far far more often then other countries average death rate who also were not taking it. which was another insulting lie to try to push just to allow pill mill doctors to make money on peoples hopes
and this goes to show how stupid tash and badecker have become by not even researching the script they promote.
do badecker and tash even realise they are being duped into pharma promotion
do badecker and tash realise they should do their research outside the cultish sites they follow.

i dont think they do. and i dont think they are willing to finally try to do some research

tash and badecker do not understand the difference between pill mill doctors and real hospital medical doctors.
tash and badecker pretend to be anti-pharma but have as this topic shows continually been advertising these false hope products made by pharma
9772  Other / Politics & Society / Re: COLORADO RESTAURANT RAIDED BY POLICE on: December 14, 2020, 08:03:06 PM
^^^ You sound like you never heard of re-invoicing. Banks and lending companies re-invoice all the time every month when the send people their monthly statement.

laws are not services.
having to follow a law is part of your membership agreement of being a citizen. its called 'public duty' and under the terms of a countries law they dont have to pay you. infact if you disagree and not obey to a law. then you break the law which makes you then have to pay a fine or be put in prison

its not a service that you can just object/refuse.
maybe you are one of the idiots that cant tell the difference between a door-to-door sales man vs a police officer.

just because both knock at your door does not make them the same

in a situation of a restaurant being raided.
if the police illegally raided the restaurant.
EG proof the restaurant was not disobeying the law.
then the restaurant can file for damages.

but if there is a law. and the resturant did disobey. then the restaurant cant invoice them
the restaurant will end up paying the fine or the resturant owner will be put in jail.
9773  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? on: December 14, 2020, 07:55:03 PM
You would think nearly every healthcare worker in the NYC area would have antibodies for this thing already. Hard to imagine healthcare workers that have been on the front lines for 9 months would not have gotten the disease yet.

you would think...
.. with about 30% of healthcare workers with co-morbidities told to isolate at home and take furlough/break
.. with only a small number of healthcare workers actually being trained in ICU/critical care.
.. with them wearing more PPE that average people

that the number of healthcare workers that have been exposed is actually lower.. then YOU think

EG a colon cancer doctor would not even be allowed in the sectioned off area dedicated for covid patients
EG a 64yo nurse with heart and diabetic issues would be put on 6-9 month break from work or put on duties away from the covid ward
9774  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think of this? Cutting away from Trump's press conference on: December 14, 2020, 07:35:15 PM
while trump fangirls are complaining about news not showing their idol enough. they are not realising the real news is the terms of trumps 'make america great again' campaign has 75% of funds to be given to trump to do as he pleases and only 25% goes to the RNC

so for all the fools pretending to be republican. but instead acting like trumpettes.
just realise that trump is getting rich off your idolisms

$200m = $150m in trumps pocket.
he is very happy for your donations.
9775  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Benefit of the Covid Pandemic on: December 14, 2020, 07:28:16 PM
Laws are made by people for people. People are people whether or not they make any laws. When the laws that some people make become repugnant to other people, why shouldn't the other people remake the laws into laws that they like for themselves? Because franky1 wants to keep them in slavery?

Realize that it is seldom that the lawmakers keep their own laws.

if those that cant make the laws dont like the laws. then they can and should do things to not cause the laws to be strengthened.

by disobeying a law will make that law become more restrictive.
EG gun control would not be an issue if people were not stupidly walking down a street waving a gun around screaming 'im open carrying coz republic'.. if they instead just kept their gun secure and only used/handled it when actually needed/appropriate. basically in places where it wont frighten other people.. then they woud find that they would not be questioned about their handling of their gun

its like the common sense is to not pull down your pants and do a crap in the middle of the street.
if idiots then started crapping in the middle of the street. laws would be strengthened to make that act a criminal offense.

however if people just didnt do it. out of respect for their fellow citizens. then it wont be an issue
but we all know badecker will now start pushing out his feacal matter in public just to cause chaos to those watching and to the street and to cause new laws to be enforced about doing a crap in public.
9776  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Benefit of the Covid Pandemic on: December 14, 2020, 07:20:27 PM
Viruses are deadly. But looking at COVID-19, it doesn't seem like it's very active. The government is deceiving us with this. Look at your environment, how many people have died or been infected as a result of COVID-19. I saw the hospital doing business with it. I had a fever and tested for Covid, which was positive. But it was not affected by COVID-19. Really ridiculous.

the real government scam is not that covid is fake.

its that hospitals only have 200 beds per 100,000 people
if the government invested more money to secure healthcare, by giving it more support than 'normal' those 200 beds per 100k would be 400 or 1000 or more. meaning a hospital can cope by 2x-5x and not need to then worry about overloading the healthcare system as much,,,,,, thus not needing to lockdown

lessons to learn. more hospital beds more medical equipment

even without covid people on both medicare and medicaid end up having to coerce doctors to do tests. not because doctors are evil but because they have limited resources

9777  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Benefit of the Covid Pandemic on: December 14, 2020, 06:56:40 PM
^^^ As usual you have it backwards. Churches and pubs were closed because in some towns people ignored accepted the ADVICE to keep a distance.

When are you going to understand that, even in most civil law countries, the government isn't a dictator. Even if government has to force closure, the people are still accepting the forcing, willingly, if they don't use the law to prosecute government people for messing with their rights?

get out of your own basement and see the wider world

in many countries they have a tiered system. by which if people do willingly follow the advice the cases stay low they dont have restrictions applied to them. but when its seen that the number of people are not following the advice. the laws are strengthened (raised to a higher tier of laws)

i know you live in a small world of thinking its a 'all or nothing' 0 or 10 situation. but the actual reality is not like that.

take your own state.. you thought your states golf courses were closed. but they were not.
because smart golfers actually respected personal space. thus the state did not restrict golf courses

but if cases rose in the golfing community where by its seen that the virus was spreading in hotspots at golf courses then they would make a law to close the golf courses. because obviously golfers were not following the advice.

in some places churches are open. fully. but if a virus spread hotspot occurs due to church visitors spreading the virus by disrespecting personal space. then restrictions would be added
in some places churches are open but with limitations. but if people disobey and abuse the limits. the restrictions would be tightened further

when you realise the virus has no arms or legs and can only be spread by humans.
when you realise the virus has no eyes or ears and is not spread purely due to laws

you realise that people are the cause. and its people that need to change habits to reduce the spread
and when they disobey/ignore. then laws are applied to people.

when laws are made its not a situation that people can carry on as normal and somehow the virus will take on the legal changes and the virus obeys/disobeys.
its actually the people that need to change habits via volntary advice.. or if ignorant. in enforced laws.
9778  Other / Politics & Society / Re: An american Civil War is invitable here is why on: December 14, 2020, 06:44:56 PM
the funny thing about america. is that for centuries it has always been diverse.
but idiots think its binary (2 option)

women did actually work from the colonial times right through to modern times
yep they did

blacks walked on american land for as long as whites did.
infact mexicans and native indians walked on american land far longer

anyway the variations of ideals have always existed
there's the californian mindset (freeliving surfer dude lifestyle)
there's the newyork mindset (business/capitalist rat race lifestyle)
there's the texas mindset(cowboy/country music lifestyle)
there's the washington mindset(politics, elitist upperclass lifestyle)
and so on

there is the californian/texas states that love their libertarian/socialist views
there is the washington/NY states that love their capitalist/political views

but there are other states in the middle wishing and praying and fangirling inbetween

its people like trump that actually causes chaos by playing one off the other. pretending to be liberal by telling people to liberate their state. but then being political by sending in troops against the liberators

a true next leader of america should not be acting like a puppet master. but instead act as a secretary/administrator supporting those he works for.
EG if one state needs more supplies/access/resources he supplies it.
unlike trump who gets reports that states dont have x or y. and then tries to blame them and treat them like crap.

but hey. its more likely we will just see idiot american citizens fight each other because some celebrity tweeted
9779  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? on: December 14, 2020, 06:04:18 PM
How about: Ten year study shows that UNVACCINATED are far healthier than their vaccinated peers who suffer from more respiratory infections, asthma, allergies, etc. -

funny part is the 'unvax' crowd are the ones complaining most how they are screwed up by government
mostly they suffer from paranoia and are in receipt of disability social security for long lists of ailments

another funny thing is the 'unvax' group dont trust doctors so by default wont take them to doctors for yearly check-ups.
'unvax' group instead go to pill mill unregistered quacks for their herbal remedies and to write reports how their kid has autism so they can claim social security.

so yes obviously the 'unvax' children wont have as many formal doctors visits as normal kids. and their meical records will be blank

its like saying basement dwellers are less likely to die in a plane accident or car accident. not because they are safer drivers or only take flights with airlines with good maintenance programs. but simple because they never get out of their basement

its also like saying badecker cant play gold this year.. but reality is that golf resorts were open this year in badeckers state. but he cant play golf because he never left his basement to visit a golf resort
9780  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Benefit of the Covid Pandemic on: December 14, 2020, 05:59:11 PM
churches and pubs were closed because in some towns people ignored the ADVICE to keep a distance. and so they then needed to ENFORCE it.

if people just used common sense and their own will to not spread the virus by keeping distance under their own concept of common sense. then it would not need to become enforced.

if everyone actually respected others personal space under their own will. there would be no reason to make it into a law.

those advertising for people to mingle and spread the virus are their own worse enemy that causes the rules to become enforced.

jetcash is one of those idiots trying to get people to mingle and spread the virus. hence where jetcash lives he sees rules for those he knows being enforced due to those around him not following the advice on their own.
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