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2761  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: April 22, 2015, 06:06:58 AM
How did gravity even become a thing? Who decided there needs to be a gravitational power to keep us grounded? Did the earth decided itself?

Oh for fuck's sake, are you genuinely this ill-educated or just pretending to be?

Try going to a museum

The 'Creation Museum' doesn't count, by the way, Xtians.
2762  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: April 22, 2015, 05:20:48 AM

Are you saying all the planets, the stars, the universe which we know 0.000000000001% about just came out of thin air?     

No, there must be a creator, there are other unexplained things beyond the average mind who can only pull out just a dumb science card

Look, I know you lot love to play your game of pretending-real-hard in order to convince yourself and each other of the validity of your 'facts', but please don't make statements like "there must be a creator", when the fact is there doesn't have to be a creator at all, a CREATION EVENT, yes, in terms of how this Universe came into existence, but it is a whole 'nother thing to fallaciously conclude that, because we don't know yet, then . . .god.

Put it this way, ANYTHING posited as a possible mechanism by which this Universe came to be is more likely than simply dreaming up some omnipotent deity, ANYTHING.

Seriously, to make a statement centered around our level of scientific advancement, by way of "we can't do [xxxx] so . . .god" is fallacious.

To make a statement centered around, "we don't know . . . therefore god" is fallacious.

Using your imagination to assert something as factual isn't just fallacious, it's utter bollocks.

2763  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW / Josh Garza discussion. Paycoin XPY CoinStand Mineral. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :) on: April 21, 2015, 03:09:32 PM
Really?  So in your crack legal analysis, all coin ICOs must be public, open to all?  You cannot limit for accredited investor status?  You cannot limit participation by criminals?  You cannot simply pick your friends?  This is a new legal idea, the ICo must be open to all.  Please enlighten us on the laws which require such.

No, that is not what I said at all. Nice try though.

What I said is that if it is not 'open to all' then there must be a qualifying set of conditions, which are defined by a governing body. It is this instance that then exposes the 'governing body' to liability for the project by way of them asserting their authority over the coin project.

Which is ENTIRELY different from declaring that all ICO's *must* be open to all.

Your legalese kung fu is extremely weak.
2764  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW / Josh Garza discussion. Paycoin XPY CoinStand Mineral. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :) on: April 21, 2015, 02:45:02 PM
Consider this:  If instead of hard forking, the same folks get together and create a new coin called Paycoin Redux (PAX).  They do an ICO in which any holder of XPY can obtain equivalent value pro rata percentage of PAX coin by exhanging their XPY for PAX; except Josh and any person or entity that can be identified with Josh as an affiliate or family member is banned from ICO participation.  The XPY exchanged is destroyed.  The result of this would be exactly the same as a hard fork, but you cannot possibly claim anything morally, ethically or legally wrong with that.

Oh Em Effing Gee! Do not go making statements you are clearly unqualified to make.

The establishment of a group responsible for determining the legitimacy, or otherwise, of those seeking to trade one coin for another confers the notion of authority and, as such, ownership of the project. If there is anything that the owners of a cryptocurrency project can be charged with, in terms of breaching various national or international laws, the governing body of the project would be held accountable.

I don't think I'd sleep particularly well at night putting my nuts on the line to try and keep this monstrosity alive for 'the sake of the community'.

If it isn't 'open to all' then the governing body is taking responsibility for vetting those who it is open to.

One word: Minefield.

2765  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW / Josh Garza discussion. Paycoin XPY CoinStand Mineral. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :) on: April 21, 2015, 01:02:28 PM

Cynical and obvious schtick is cynical and obvious.
Stuart Fraser of Cantor Fitzgerald

Text messages and emails between Garza and Stuart Fraser reveal a friendship dating back an unknown number of years. Seeing him as the father he never had, Garza texts Fraser:

Just wanted to thank you for all your have done. Much of who I have become today is because of you. I did not have much of a father growing up, and you have very much been that for me throughout much of my life. Love you buddy, josh

More than love, Garza comes across as desperate for the admiration and respect of his mentor. Not only does Garza buy Fraser a car for Christmas, but the two have financial dealings which see Garza selling a 41% share of his operation to Fraser as well as organising various loans.

Firstly, he didn't buy Stuart a car for Christmas, he said he'd gift his Tesla to him in an attempt to get him off his back about the amount of money owed, then changed his mind and said Stu could buy it off him for a good price, before finally giving in shortly before Xmas day and awkwardly presenting it to him, still with 'Garza' vanity plate, as though he were doing him a huge favour. Trouble is he still has plenty of outstanding payments due on it!

From what I can gather, Homero owes EVERYTHING to Stu, who was clearly being tapped for large amounts of capital over the preceding years on the basis of whatever bullshit Garza was routinely spinning him at a place he references as Mt Snow

It strikes me that Stu was being fed non-stop techno-babble that sounded like it was the sort of 'innovation' which could lead to 'The Next Big Thing' and he was suckered into helping Homero finance his business ventures which apparently required the use of expensive cars long before he moved into fractional-reserve 'virtual mining', otherwise known as a Ponzi scheme.

Going foard, here is what I am thinking, we will create a equal partnership (50/50) in our holding company "Geniuses At Work Corporation", you can have the voting power (I dont care). I will put in everything I have built:

– My equity stake in CP
– Any patents Joe or I create
– My entire voice platform
– The new App system (the one we talked about at Mt snow)
– smart-tech
– GAW Labs
– Joe deal (I know you probably figure this is assumed, but the equity in GAW Labs (voice system) is how we are doing the deal)

In other words, I would split every deal and every system I have developed with you.

Here is what I would like:

– 10k per month investment paid to Geniuses at Work Corporation for 24 months (to pay myself with). I have coninued to lower my salary over the last few years (not complaining about)
– Forgive the hillcrest debt (around 230k)
– Allow me to live down the investment you made in GAW in the past. I feel so bad every time its brought up. I will still/always continue to try and recoup your losses.
– The 150k that you have already agreed to, per the term sheet we reviewed at your house. But I would like for this to only be a "*one time*" infusion. On other words, its *not* perpetual, and there is *no* exsepction of farther investment
– Help with Howard on CP

What Homero Joshua Garza was thinking was that he'd get to consolidate some of his debt into a new structure where he'd be giving Uncle Stu even more share capital in a bunch of useless companies, while also requiring that several hundred thousand dollars of previous debt be forgiven because, you know, he's just sick of hearing about it all the time, right?!
2766  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: April 21, 2015, 07:21:11 AM
If any one reads the Phoenix Journals, then invariably s/he will choose to conclude that the Journals are the WORD. Then, one will understand that GOD IS. MAN PLACES LIMITATIONS--GOD HAS NONE! Here are some highly relevant quotes:

Oh wow, I hadn't even realised quite how unhinged you truly are Jag! So some delusional lunatic posts about how he is an inter-dimensional being and you, what, just believe him?

Is that how it works or are you claiming there's actual evidence that he is an inter-dimensional galactic commander?

2767  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW / Josh Garza discussion. Paycoin XPY CoinStand Mineral. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :) on: April 21, 2015, 05:37:25 AM

So because GAW never established any checks and balances, any corporate polices on behavior everyone got to do what ever they liked.  Customer Support did not exist because there was no policy for it.  It was up to the individual support rep to decide how they treat a customer unless they are told by management to fuck em.

Well, they were able to sniff out that taylan unal employee that stole from them, so that's some kind of oversight, at least.

Oversight? Did you read that particular email exchange? I believe it went something like this:

GAW1: Hey GAW2
GAW2: Ummm, yeah?
GAW1: One moment
GAW2: OMGOMGOMGOMGOM I'm so sorry I don't know what I was thinking I just started using some of the discount vouchers and I was going to pay it back honestly but it just kinda ran away from me I can't believe I did this I am crying so hard that snot is dribbling down my chin please don't fire me I hate myself . . . .
GAW1: Huh? Wut? I mean, *cough*, yeah that was what I was going to speak to you about, you're in serious trouble young man.

2768  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Miracles of Bible... on: April 20, 2015, 03:19:27 PM
Wasn't the whole point about this thread being created in response to the now-closed-because-the-damn-atheists-wouldn't-stop-disproving-our-claims-about-the-koran-itself-being-evidence-of-miracles thread, so that the Xtians could prove their 'holy' book was also evidence of the miraculous?

Simply spouting text from the stories about supposed miracles that took place isn't the same thing. The Muslims claimed that their text contained knowledge that COULD NOT have been known at the time by mortal man, albeit, these claims were rapidly shot down in flames as the absurd string of fallacious arguments they were, but their thread was at least about the claim towards trying to show their book as being more special than yours, Xtians.

So you can't just roll out a list of 'miraculous' events, as this is not the same thing as showing your eclectic collection of highly-edited-over-the-centuries cherry-picked old-and-new testament fables possess within them a quality which, by the mere fact of inclusion, serves as evidence that your book is moar speshul.

At this point it looks like you're losing. Come on Xtians! Make an effort here otherwise your book will, too, simply end up looking like it is, in fact, just a collection of highly-edited-over-the-centuries cherry-picked old-and-new testament fables.

2769  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW / Josh Garza discussion. Paycoin XPY CoinStand Mineral. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :) on: April 18, 2015, 08:19:15 AM
Josh ignores Dan's advice

holy shit ... seriously ... wow.

I know, right? People were trying to get him to reign things in and understand how he was exposing everybody to potentially serious criminal charges and he just kept on swinging at his detractors and calling it a 'conspiracy' of FUD.

2770  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Miracles of Bible... on: April 17, 2015, 04:01:47 PM
Are you forbidding me from talking about what I want in the thread I created?


By all means, Willy, talk about Communism if you like, just change the title of the thread to not be "Miracles of the Bible" unless you can somehow tie in Stalinism with a bronze-age eclectic collection of myths and fables.
2771  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Miracles of Bible... on: April 17, 2015, 03:47:45 PM
Well, this is only your belief. So, it is your religion. In a test of religions, I wonder whose would show true strength?

BADecker, you are a psychotic troll who either is incapable of forming an intelligent argument or you refuse to. Even other theists see how unhinged and bizarre your assertions are.

My assertions are not a 'belief' they are well-reasoned and supported logical arguments. Atheism is to religion like 'Off' is a TV Channel.


What is it about theism that encourages so much dishonesty? Don't bother answering that, it is patently clear why it does because it is fundamentally about being dishonest otherwise it cannot survive.

2772  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Miracles of Bible... on: April 17, 2015, 03:37:00 PM
Not all atheists are communists, far, far from it. But if you do not belong to the liberation theology mindset, and you are a communist, then you cannot believe in any deity. It is that simple.

Yet we are all wired to believe and trust as social creatures. That is why you have a delicatessen disguised as a mausoleum  with a mummified piece of green meat deity inside, still worshiped by millions...

A strawman is a strawman is a strawman and communism is still a cancer, even for atheists... No miracle cures for that fact. Not even in 2000 years.

Why the fuck are you still talking about communism? What has communism got to do with this discussion? We are talking atheism and theism, Christianity and Islam's 'holy'books, and you appear to be so afraid of a rational discussion involving objective reasoning that you keep derailing the thread to make multiple posts about communism.

If you want to talk about communism, make a thread for it.

2773  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Miracles of Bible... on: April 17, 2015, 03:26:04 PM
They are the most prolific atheists in history. Naturally everybody associating atheism with Communism.

Communism isn't just a social system it's a full featured ideology with it's own moral and ethics, basically a kind of religion.

That still does not excuse the repeated attempts to create the dishonest association between Communism and Atheism. The Communists also ate bread, does that mean everybody who eats bread is a communist and a discussion about bread should, in fact, be about Communism instead?

They did not dictate that atheism be the norm in order to promote atheism as an intellectual position, they dictated atheism be the norm because they did not want to lose control of the people to the Russian Orthodox Church.

To question those at the top of any powerful organisation is to be a threat to that organisation.

The Chinese, for example are predominantly atheist, yet they still believe no end of superstitious nonsense because their atheism is not one borne of rejecting theism as an unsound premise because, if that was the case, they would also reject their superstitious claptrap too.

So, yet again, we are back at this situation where you are desperately still trying to make excuses for your false insistence that atheism should be associated with Communism simply because you want it to be in order to paint it as negatively as possible rather than actually being honest enough to acknowledge that Atheism is simply the rejection of the theist assertion, "There is a God", on the basis that said assertion is baseless.

Where does the rejection of a fallacious assertion equal sociopolitical ideology? I'll answer that for you - It doesn't.

Are you ready to be honest about your 'Holy' book's origins yet?

2774  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Miracles of Bible... on: April 17, 2015, 02:06:38 PM
Why can't communism be communism without a centralized daddy like figure to guide its people? Because communism needs sheep to slaughter. That is what history has told us thus far, with millions of dead sheep as proof... Way more than any free, any free market driven societies...

Again with the forced association of atheism with Communism, why?

This is not a discussion about communism, this is about theism and atheism, why are you repeatedly bringing in a social system that is nothing to do with atheism and everything to do with communism?

2775  Economy / Digital goods / Re: Buy games with Bitcoin|400 Games in stock|Delivered in 2 minutes| on: April 17, 2015, 01:00:10 PM
Yeah I'll chip in with my opinion, too. Recently used this site to buy an Origin game key and the transaction was completed in seconds.

Very clean and straightforward process with no messing about.

I ask that anyone who uses BTC to purchase anything online to find the associated thread for that provider here, there will usually be one, and rate the service. It's only fair to take a small amount of time to let other members know of reliable places to spend their coins and you can help these fledgling businesses to survive and grow.

2776  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][BITS][BITSTAR] POS ★ MULTIPOOL ★ ANON ★ superNET core coin ★ ATM soon on: April 17, 2015, 06:25:37 AM
The ticker could always be changed to 'XB*' and the units referred to as 'Bstars' or just 'Stars'

If this BTC renaming convention is going to be an issue, that is.

2777  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW / Josh Garza discussion. Paycoin XPY CoinStand Mineral. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :) on: April 17, 2015, 06:13:57 AM
Hey Homero, quick, recoup all your customers losses through this DRK/DASH exploit whilst the going is still good.
How to get free Bitcoin by exploiting a DASH InstantX

Problem solved, everybody happy! No?

2778  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Miracles of Bible... on: April 17, 2015, 05:55:42 AM
Commies, in fact were atheists. I'm not saying that all atheists are commies. What I'm saying is some atheists are acting pretty similar way as religious fanatics at their best when someone talking about God in their presence.

Make up your mind which point you're trying to make here. I don't think anybody claimed that Communists were not Atheists, but there is a massive distinction between being told that religion is forbidden by the State and having the intellectual capability yourself to recognise the multiple fallacies required to maintain a religious 'belief' based on dogma.

As for your "I'm not saying that all atheists are commies", why bring it up then? Atheism is, by definition, *solely* a position held by a person which rejects the theist position on the basis that it is a logically fallacious assertion.

Communism is absolutely some else entirely, but I get that theists like to, as RodeoX quite rightly pointed out, attempt to demonise-by-association a word which has long since lost its negative image as more people have gained the intellectual capability to properly understand what it actually means.

Atheism is a religion like "Not collecting stamps" is a hobby.

If you encounter the same harmful behavioural pattens several times from some ethnic groups then you will naturally form preconceptions.

That's called prejudice.

But you need to understand the major difference between the fact that knowing somebody is a theist, from which you can reasonably apply a set of values that person must have without ever meeting them, and knowing somebody has, say, black skin, from which you cannot reasonably assert any values as skin colour does not tell you a single thing about the type of person they are.

Quote from: Snail2
Yet as social creatures humans need a figure to worship.

That's a baseless assumption you are attempting to imply is a fact in order to bolster your position. Being 'social creatures' does not correlate with 'needing' a figure to 'worship'.

The two things are unrelated.

2779  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Miracles of Bible... on: April 16, 2015, 04:32:00 PM

Again, it appears you are implying that the Communist practice of forbidding religion is equal to the Atheist position of rejecting the theist assertion for the fact it is a fallacious argument.

Care to explain why?

2780  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Miracles of Bible... on: April 16, 2015, 03:44:27 PM
For what you call "racism" some IRL experience used to be enough Smiley.

I don't understand what you mean by this, could you expand on it?

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