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1  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 11, 2017, 09:56:26 AM
My cold storage is at nearly 500% profit if you take into account what I have invested.
Only 500%? What went wrong?
2  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: May 11, 2017, 09:14:56 AM
"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Smiley

Yes you need to experience God in order for you to believed but still no scientific proof that God exist but we believe in God.

How do you know what you are experiencing is god and not an illusion, how do you know it's not the ''devil'' from another religion that is trying to deceive you and why would god only reveal himself to a bunch of people.
God has never "revealed" himself to anybody.
3  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Should Atheist, Muslims etc that doesn't believe in the Bible be beheaded? on: May 11, 2017, 09:12:00 AM
Here is my fellow mate opinion regarding people who doesn't believe in the Bible and God.
The bible clearly states, with 100% crystal clear clarity, that the earth is flat and only ~6000 years old.
So no, I don't believe people that believe in flat young earth should be beheaded.

4  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ‘Merciful’ Church Forgives HIV-Infected Catholic Priest Who Raped 30 Children on: May 11, 2017, 08:45:01 AM
what do you recommend them on doing with that so called "priest"?
Everyone is innocent before proven guilty, even pedophiles. So lets put him before a public jury, the same as everyone else would be.

5  Other / Archival / Re: Crazy shit Bible says, crazy shit Christians say on: May 10, 2017, 11:02:59 PM

Strong faith in God and weak faith in bullet proof glass?


Weak faith in God and strong faith in bullet proof glass?

6  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ‘Merciful’ Church Forgives HIV-Infected Catholic Priest Who Raped 30 Children on: May 10, 2017, 10:58:12 PM
Perhaps children should not be allowed to visit Catholic priests without an accompanying adult.
Any responsible parent wouldn't let their children anywhere near a Catholic priest in the first place.
Even if they don't get physically raped, they are going to get mentally raped via brainwashing.

7  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you believe in god? on: May 10, 2017, 10:47:16 PM
But science DOES prove the existence of God. Peruse these links, and then back it up with Internet searches:
<links to self posts>  Huh Huh Huh

Okay, finished, all done. Internet searches say "pseudoscience".
8  Other / Archival / Re: Crazy shit Bible says, crazy shit Christians say on: May 10, 2017, 10:38:17 PM

There is no scientific proof for any age beyond about 4,500 years. There might be a lot of circular evidence, a lot of science theory, but there is no proof.

This means that, according to science fact, the earth is only about 4,500 years old. We can assume that it is older. But we don't know from science.

The Bible record might be a religious thing, but strong traditions among the Jews is the Biblical timeline of about 6,200 years, in their Old Testament, the Tanakh. They are a living race of people, not some dead race that cannot speak.


Nailed. Science is just a product of the curiosity of the stupid people like all of us anyways. Science cant even explain what are the creatures under water yet scientists believe that there is really a life form underwater how come that they dont believe on the creator(god). A crazy stupidity that acts like a geniuses

Yet, your trust in science is way, way, way stronger than your trust in God.

Picture the scene.
You've been in a terrible accident, and you're losing blood fast.
Thankfully, the ambulance has arrived, but because of the poisonous Jehovah's Witnesses's rhetoric of not donating blood, the ambulance crew has exhausted it's supply.  Angry
So where do you ask the ambulance crew to drive you to?

A) Hospital, as they have a good chance of more blood supplies.
B) Church. Best place so you can pray for God for help.

See. Your trust in God is a tiny atom of unimportance compared to your huge trust in medical science.
So you see, don't knock science too much, you trust it more than you care to admit. Waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy more.......
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

And your trust in God is way stronger than your trust in science. Whenever you do something, you trust that the standard physics of life and the universe are in place to allow you to do it. God holds the physics of life and the universe in place. So, you are really trusting in God.

Yay, just what I wanted to hear. Even more reason not to go round the houses with the hospital time waste, just go direct to church. Cut out the third party.

Oh, wait... you still wouldn't....  Cheesy

Top life tip: "Watch what people do not what they say."
Only then will you understand their real intentions and thoughts.

Top tip!!

I dig that perspective, mind if I use this in my arguments from now on? I like the inclusiveness, despite rejection.
It's a weak argument at best, for obvious reasons. More like teetering on the edge of question avoidance. That's because BADlogic agrees with me, but of course, he would never actually admit to that on here. Oh dear me no.  Smiley

Seems to me, the ones doing the rejecting are the ones who would choose the hospital out of the two.  Cool

The opposition uses my stuff all over the place.

I highly doubt the truth would use your "stuff".  Roll Eyes
9  Other / Archival / Re: Crazy shit Bible says, crazy shit Christians say on: May 10, 2017, 10:42:03 AM

There is no scientific proof for any age beyond about 4,500 years. There might be a lot of circular evidence, a lot of science theory, but there is no proof.

This means that, according to science fact, the earth is only about 4,500 years old. We can assume that it is older. But we don't know from science.

The Bible record might be a religious thing, but strong traditions among the Jews is the Biblical timeline of about 6,200 years, in their Old Testament, the Tanakh. They are a living race of people, not some dead race that cannot speak.


Nailed. Science is just a product of the curiosity of the stupid people like all of us anyways. Science cant even explain what are the creatures under water yet scientists believe that there is really a life form underwater how come that they dont believe on the creator(god). A crazy stupidity that acts like a geniuses

Yet, your trust in science is way, way, way stronger than your trust in God.

Picture the scene.
You've been in a terrible accident, and you're losing blood fast.
Thankfully, the ambulance has arrived, but because of the poisonous Jehovah's Witnesses's rhetoric of not donating blood, the ambulance crew has exhausted it's supply.  Angry
So where do you ask the ambulance crew to drive you to?

A) Hospital, as they have a good chance of more blood supplies.
B) Church. Best place so you can pray for God for help.

See. Your trust in God is a tiny atom of unimportance compared to your huge trust in medical science.
So you see, don't knock science too much, you trust it more than you care to admit. Waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy more.......
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

10  Other / Archival / Re: Crazy shit Bible says, crazy shit Christians say on: May 07, 2017, 05:20:12 PM
I am a Christian i do not read bible.
Of course. If you read the bible properly you wouldn't be Christian.

All the holy books contain verses which are not compatible with the current cultural ethos. The bible is not an exception. Similar verses can be found in the Quran, the Bhagvat Geeta, and the Tripitaka.

Regarding the Bible, it's about time that people step up out of the quagmire of their stupidity, and start believing what it says, and then living what they learned to believe from it.

I fail to see the obvious benefits of people believing in flat young earth.  Huh Huh Huh
11  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Christianity is Poison on: May 06, 2017, 03:48:32 PM
If someone doing wrong or harmful deeds against heman being with the name of religion then the responsibility doesn't go to that religion.
Just stop and think about this misformation you just posted.

If, like your say, religion cannot take responsibility for any wrong doing,
you must also accept that religion cannot take responsibility for any good doing as well.

So then you're stuck in a position where religion doesn't influence anybody with anything, good or bad.
So then what's the point of having the religion in the first place?

The truth is religion(s) do influence people and must take the share of the blame or praise.

12  Other / Archival / Re: Crazy shit Bible says, crazy shit Christians say on: May 06, 2017, 08:39:39 AM
I am a Christian i do not read bible.
Of course. If you read the bible properly you wouldn't be Christian.
13  Other / Archival / Re: Crazy shit Bible says, crazy shit Christians say on: May 06, 2017, 06:35:04 AM
Actually, believing in Jesus salvation is the ONLY way to make it to Heaven.

Trouble with that is heaven only gets filled up with brown-nosed Christians. Spending enternity with them, is the opposite of heaven, so it isn't heaven.
If only Christians are allowed in heaven, it isn't heaven. See, you've contradicted yourself.
Just one of the many, many, many reasons the savation thingy falls flat on it face.

Anyway, not that it matters, that's not something any rational person worries about anyway.

Heaven will get filled with people who lover perfection, starting with loving God.


Perfect is boring, thus heaven would be boring, thus your heaven cannot be heaven. You've contradicted yourself yet again.  Roll Eyes

Since you aren't close to perfect, how would you know?    Cool
Since you aren't close to heaven, how would you know? Cool
14  Other / Archival / Re: Crazy shit Bible says, crazy shit Christians say on: May 06, 2017, 05:43:21 AM
Actually, believing in Jesus salvation is the ONLY way to make it to Heaven.

Trouble with that is heaven only gets filled up with brown-nosed Christians. Spending enternity with them, is the opposite of heaven, so it isn't heaven.
If only Christians are allowed in heaven, it isn't heaven. See, you've contradicted yourself.
Just one of the many, many, many reasons the savation thingy falls flat on it face.

Anyway, not that it matters, that's not something any rational person worries about anyway.

Heaven will get filled with people who lover perfection, starting with loving God.


Perfect is boring, thus heaven would be boring, thus your heaven cannot be heaven. You've contradicted yourself yet again.  Roll Eyes

15  Other / Archival / Re: Crazy shit Bible says, crazy shit Christians say on: May 05, 2017, 08:13:51 PM
Actually, believing in Jesus salvation is the ONLY way to make it to Heaven.

Trouble with that is heaven only gets filled up with brown-nosed Christians. Spending enternity with them, is the opposite of heaven, so it isn't heaven.
If only Christians are allowed in heaven, it isn't heaven. See, you've contradicted yourself.
Just one of the many, many, many reasons the savation thingy falls flat on it face.

Anyway, not that it matters, that's not something any rational person worries about anyway.

16  Other / Off-topic / Re: Would you kill your own children if God commanded you to? on: May 03, 2017, 02:06:38 PM
OP clearly mistakes "God" for Satan or some abortion clinic.

Does it really make that much difference to the question if God or Satan asked? If Satan asked then God must be giving the thumbs up because he allows it.

God asked
Satan asked, and God allows it, so he's okay with it.

Not really much difference between the two. Your splittng hairs.

17  Other / Off-topic / Re: Would you kill your own children if God commanded you to? on: May 03, 2017, 01:57:08 PM
Would you kill your own children if God commanded you to?
A perfectly valid legit question.

Please no attempts to derail the thread with nonsense like "God would never say that" or "God would never change the rules with murder" etc....

I would rather try to kill God than to harm my children, I must protect my children.


Glad I am not the only one who thinks this way.

LOL.  I'd kill God first before I would harm any human being.

Nowhere in New Testament does God ask his children of anything even remotely similar to harming their offspring.

I never said it did.
NIce strawman argument.  Smiley
18  Other / Off-topic / Re: Would you kill your own children if God commanded you to? on: April 28, 2017, 08:38:22 AM
Would you kill your own children if God commanded you to?
A perfectly valid legit question.

Please no attempts to derail the thread with nonsense like "God would never say that" or "God would never change the rules with murder" etc....

That's strange though, why would God do that? It depends on the consequences obviously. You need to mention that.

Who knows. Perhaps the child would grow up to be the next Hitler.

God works in mysterious ways.

19  Other / Off-topic / Re: Would you kill your own children if God commanded you to? on: April 28, 2017, 08:37:01 AM
It should only be a "no", don't mix up things such as i know better than god either.

There's no mix up. Think about it, if God ask you to kill someone, you only have two possible options to choose from, yes or no.
You either obey the command or you don't.

If you choose yes, then your saying "Yes God. I trust you completely and will follow through with your instructions. I have complete faith in you."
If you choose no, then your saying "No God. I don't trust you have made the correct decision. My decision in not doing your request is the correct one, so I know better."

There's no other options to choose from.
20  Other / Off-topic / Re: Would you kill your own children if God commanded you to? on: April 28, 2017, 08:30:58 AM
Would you kill your own children if God commanded you to?
A perfectly valid legit question.

Please no attempts to derail the thread with nonsense like "God would never say that" or "God would never change the rules with murder" etc....

If someone kills his/her own child and tells you that god asked for it. What would you say?
If you witness such a thing would you believe him/her or go and call a police?

This is a little bit of a fallacious question here. I would phone the police regardless of if I thought God had told the person to do it or not.
But you never gave me that option.

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