I was thinking about this, what if the US Dollar crashes like speculated by many renowned economists around the world?
What will be it's affects on the beloved currency, BTC?
It is possible, but through what process is the question
Currency's value comes from demand, when economy goes bad, people desperately want more currency, that's why currency will never crash during a recession, they strengthen instead. FED printed 5x more USD without crashing its value, just because exploded demand for USD after financial crisis
So the only possibility that a currency will crash is during hyper inflation. That is also not possible, since banks are holding most of those newly added money supply, they watch inflation carefully and strictly restrict how much money flow into the economy to avoid inflation
Another possibility is that people find some other alternative (for example bitcoin), thus give up using USD. That's also not very likely to happen since most of the people's income is received in the form of USD, unless USD is in a state of hyperinflation, they will keep using USD
Currently we have a huge bond bubble, if those bond can not be paid back and default, it will crash the bond price, cause large loss for investors, but again, that will trigger a shortage of USD, gives bank more reason to create more USD
In a disasters scenario, people will always chase USD, which is the most liquid format of asset, so it is not likely it will crash in any foreseeable future