FAIL was born on 8 March 2014 6PM GMT as an answer to the hundreds of new coins launched with no purpose, and because of those
who were created to benefit few people, and to FAIL the rest. We think that such actions are hurting cryptocurrencies in general, because they forced many people
to just give up on them. Nowadays trust in a coin is "building" by using fancy threads/images, features and giving false promises. Each and every day we are seeing
numerous coins popping up. They promise you "the Moon", but at the end they are leading you to another failure. These people are doing it only because
of the money involved and they just don't care about what will happen tomorrow or after 10 years from now. These people don't care if cryptocurrencies will exist
in future, they just want to steal your trust, time, money, coins and move on to another scheme. That is why so many good coins and their developers are struggling.
There are still good and honest people who are involved in cryptocurrencies not only because of the profits, but also because of the future possibilities they can provide.
We are trying to be among these people and we will use our knowledge and community to make our cryptoworld a little bit better than it is now.

Algo: Scrypt Hybrid PoW/PoS 2.0
Initial block reward: 12 coins
PoS interest: 3% anually
Block time: 64 seconds
Difficulty retarget: Every Block
Min transaction fee: 0.0001 FAIL
Fees are paid to miners
Confirmations: 10, maturity: 50 Blocks
Min stake age: 8 hours, no max age
P2P port: 15646, RPC port: 15647
Premine for Swap: 20,000,551 FAIL
Burned coin amount: 4,374,111.7303088 FAIL
Total initial supply: 15,626,440 FAIL
Sample conf:rpcuser=user
Block reward halving schedule:
First 888 blocks are with 0 reward to prevent instamine.
888 - 492,750 (~1st year - 6 coins)
492,750 - 1,478,250 (~3rd year - 3 coins)
1,478,250 - 2,463,750 (~5th year - PoW is over)
FAIL future ~supply (including premine):
PoW/PoS ~supply: 39,689,357 coins after 5 years
6th year: 40,880,038 10th year: 46,011,067 14th year: 51,785,863 18th year: 58,285,447 22th year: 65,600,786
7th year: 42,106,440 11th year: 47,391,400 15th year: 53,339,439 19th year: 60,034,011 23th year: 67,568,809
8th year: 43,369,842 12th year: 48,813,142 16th year: 54,939,623 20th year: 61,835,032 24th year: 69,595,874
9th year: 44,670,938 13th year: 50,277,536 17th year: 56,587,812 21th year: 63,690,083 25th year: 71,683,751
"We can't force you to mine, buy, sell or support FAILCoin in any way.
We are begging you next time you're faced with a choice about
buying or supporting some cryptocurrency, do the right thing.
It hurts everyone less in the long run."
We have failed and scammed number of times, because we are trying to be honest and we believe in humanity.
The result is not always good though. FAIL will start as a simple PoW/PoS coin and our goals will be:
1. Building strong network and community.
2. Working hard on adoption.
3. Stick around and not run away.
Our team will support FAILCoin with personal funds and it's own profits from other coins.
We will be open to discuss our future as a cryptocurrency with all the people who show
interest in it and give their suggestions. We are not going to lie though - this will take time.
That is why we will almost never give ETA about anything which leads to FAIL development.
Androidicus batesresearch LordPaco pnoch spartak_t COMMUNITY MANAGERS:
devnullius mellon Moze retnods
Nowadays many people are asking for PoD (Proof of Developer), which has proved that it is not working, but still some of you continue to ask about it.
For your convenience we decided to present you PoF (Proof of FAIL). We hope that it will satisfy your demands: