Testing... Testing... Anyone still here ?
I-am-not-anonymous:"Imagine the following Scenario:
A Man walks into a liquor store--he strolls up to the counter and stares the clerk right in the face, but says nothing. The man has a pocket, in his pocket is a cell phone or other mobile device, on this device is the latest BITCOIN App (in the future, his mobile device might even have on the fly encryption, who knows).
In the Clerk's pocket is the very same App.
The cell phones identify one another and trigger a bitcoin transaction!
The Clerk takes a bottle of Jack Daniels off the shelf and hands it to the man.
"On the house" he says.
The Clerk does not record the exchange as a sale, in fact, he writes it off as a loss Grin
The man is pleased that he was able to purchase his booze cheaply without the annoyance of sales and sin taxes.
The man returns to his place of work, he is a high-level engineer and yet his salary is only $6000 a year! barely enough to tax!
However, every other Friday he receives a a large donation of BITCOINS from an anonymous "secret santa" that may or may not be his boss. He then buys more liquor, and, in the same manner, hemp bedsheets, and organic groceries! His tech-saavy landlord takes bitcoin as rent and as a result, does not technically own an 'apartment complex" but rather a large private home filled "roomates" who stay there for "free". This of course is suspicious and attracts attention and one of the phony "tenants" even breaks down and confesses the whole thing to the cops. Problem is, even with all his bitcoin data they can't trace his transactions back to the landlord and thus have no evidence of wrongdoing other than one witnesses testimony and circumstantial evidence.
Suddenly tax evasion is about as dangerous as internet piracy.
I also have an idea that the number of panhandlers will explode. You see, let's say you need some bitcoins but all you have is cash. You go down to the park and see a bunch of homeless people begging. You come near the homeless people and suddenly your phone vibrates, alerting you to some bitcoin activity! A message from bitcoin appears on the screen, it is a randomly generated string of words:
"The Color Blue's frangibility is a necessity"Suddenly, one of the homeless beggars (who seems oddly well-dressed) shouts "the color blue's frangibility is a necessity!" To onlookers, it sounds like just more crazy homeless talk, to you it sounds like you want to put a 100 dollar bill in his tin cup. He takes the bill and pushes some buttons on his cell phone. You are alerted to a fresh batch of bitcoins (the equivalent of 100 dollars) dropped into your account by yet another 'secret santa". This might also happen with people "e-begging' for paypal money.
These are the revolutions bitcoin, or programs like it, will bring upon us. "