It's a floating issue. Sometimes it happens, sometimes doesn't. So it's possible to have windows 64 bit build working correctly.
If you have no synchronization issues (i.e. your wallet is on a top of the best chain), then it's generally OK. But you can get modifier checksums for some blocks and compare it with values you've got from another client... Some values, for example:
# 72837 "modifierchecksum" : "8378242b",
# 72834 "modifierchecksum" : "0816d578",
# 72830 "modifierchecksum" : "cafd1f98",
# 72810 "modifierchecksum" : "aab46337",
If your values are different then there is a problem. Use getblockbynumber RPC command, it's quite helpful for such cases.
I think that we'll find a reason in the next few days.
Aw crap think that might have might have been a problem that I had with the 4.4.7 64 bits Windows. From both of my wallets on two separate boxes they had POS stakes generated for only 40% / 55% of the wallets balance, whereas before it has been POS block proportional to 100% of the balance. Was that the issue?
Nope, that's normal behavior.