1. Who has the private keys of the premine? Is it only Rijk or also you/Waterloodown? I never expect somebody to dump the premine but god forbids if it happends then we know who had the private keys. (no need for real names just nicknames is enough).
All of our full real identities are public knowledge, pretty much the entire community knows or has been exposed to them at some point in time or another - my name for example is sprinkled all over our source code.
I don't comment on premine details.
I will say that if it were going to be dumped it would probably have already happened, it would have been dumped a few months ago when the price was high, and we would all have then run away to an island somewhere. I don't think the behaviour of anyone involved is suspicious at all and I think that should be enough for people, if it isn't then I'm afraid there is nothing I can do to change that
2. Who are in the dev team that can actually code? Buerra, you and C_E_D? Not sure if Rijk and waterloodown can code (i believe Rijk is the visionary/graphic designer and waterloodown is like a community manager).
Buerra is not part of the dev team he is part of Nocks, Nocks is a seperate company. The majority (almost all) of the code for the core wallets is currently done by myself, but there is no reason that this might not change in future, c_e_d assists with specific parts of the code, especially delta. Rijk and Waterloodown are roughly as you describe, though they do a lot more than you might think, there is a lot of decision making even at the code level that I involve them with for instance, and testing and so on and so forth - I certainly could not do what I do alone without the rest of the teams help. But yes we are not a massive team at this point in time.
3. Gulden has been marketed as a dutch coin with dutch roots. I heared that Rijk is dutch and a co founder. What happend to the other dutch co founder? Was he also the original developer of Gulden? Why did he leave? Did he wanted to scam and exit? How is he related to Rijk and does Rijk still have contact with him?
That is a lot of questions, you'll have to ask the people directly involved, but in short no not a scam or anything like that, sometimes people just move on... (There can be many reasons for this - personal commitments, life changing events, marriage, kids, death, illness)
4. Are you, C_E_D and waterloodown dutch by any chance? Just curious how dutch this coin really is.
No I 'm not Dutch, but that does not make the coin not Dutch, the majority of the community is Dutch, if you were to come onto the Gulden slack (which now has around 2000 people on, mostly talking in Dutch) perhaps you would understand this better. A good dev team is of course super important but a coin is more than this, without the great community we have we could never have made the 1.6.0 release a reality.
To put it slightly differently using an example, if 2000 Dutch people get together, raise funds and hire someone from another country to work on something, does the fact that the person they have hired is not Dutch suddenly make the entire affair not Dutch? Or if a Dutch company hires an offshore programmer is their product now not Dutch? I do not think having a non-dutch programmer on the team really affects the identity of the coin in any way.
5. What is going on with
www.reddit.com/r/gulden ? If i go there i am forwarded to the litecoin subreddit. What am i doing wrong?
We did not have a very active reddit community in the past, and at some point (roughly 6-7 months ago) through a sequence of unfortunate events, a 'reddit request' to take over an 'inactive' reddit was granted - (without any warning) to a moderator from Litecoin who took it upon himself to steal our sub and is now pointing it at the litecoin one.
I'm not a huge reddit user myself so I don't fully understand why this was allowed, I think some loophole was abused (possibly to do with the fact that my account has very little karma and that the original mod decided to make me the only mod without me realising this.
Anyway, the Litecoin people seem intent on being childish and clinging onto it so not really much we can do for now, I don't know why they would behave in such a way (very childish), but I can only guess they must be really scared or desperate or something to have to do these sorts of things?
6. Some digibyte friends of mine are saying that Gulden asked Digibyte help for development and consulted Jared for multialgo. Is this fud? What is the truth? They say that Gulden were begging for developers a time ago and now Gulden is being hypocrite by saying that Gulden will not help others with development. If it is true, why would you consult a con man as you say?
At the time I joined Gulden there was a lot of external pressure (I believe a lot of it probably came from trolls) on the dev team to adopt 'multi algo' as a solution (or at least the community thought it was a solution) to an issue Gulden was facing with lots of long block times, at some point in time (apparently) they met with Jared to discuss how it works, I can't comment on any of that as it was before I joined, there was a lot of politics and in fighting in the community at that time so it was a rather complicated situation - you'd have to research historical threads of the coin yourself if you really want to know more I guess.
I can only comment from my perspective as I am not worried about the past but only focused on the future.
From my perspective one of the first things I did upon joining Gulden was to analyse both 'multi algo' as well as various other possible solutions, and after looking in depth at 'multi algo' I had no choice but to reject it due to being what I can ultimately only describe as a flawed and inadequate 'solution', and to instead recommend a completely different path forward, one that we are still following and that I think is more and more starting to be seen by others to have been a good decision.
I personally have never ever had any dealings with Jared or Digibyte, other than a somewhat constant factor of their trolls harassing us and/or making ridiculous suggestions that I should work for them, and some attempts by some of their 'prominent' community members to hire me. I've certainly never consulted them, though I have assessed their code.
Why the other/previous team members 'consulted' him, well I can only speculate, but from what I understand the community asked them to do so, so they did it. What they knew then (In terms of Digibyte as well as various other things including block chains) is substantially different from what they know now, I doubt they would do it now - but I can't speak for anyone else.
In short, I really don't think that other team members having had brief discussions with someone in the past has anything to do with my opinion in the present, and I stand by my opinion.