January 27, 2017, 07:03:03 AM |
i want stop gambling if lost until zero but can play again but stop forever for gambling if total profit and my balance can reach 1000 bitcoin
I don't get the whole meaning of your statement but that's true, some gamblers stops when their bankroll is empty already or if they are already having a problem financially. But some stops just before everything like that happen, in short they listen and look at how others do their gambling activity and follow the same rule. But that is already a delusion to wait that long to reach 1000 bitcoin before stopping, that is almost impossible to achieve in gambling. 
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1107
Enjoy 500% bonus + 70 FS
January 27, 2017, 07:38:56 AM |
I stop when I have something else to do or when my balance is zero. I have a rule to never deposit again in the same day, if I lost that's it, no "recovering". It's when people are trying to recover they lose the most.
Are you playing all your money and you don't save them? For real i never waste my money into gambling till my balance became zero lol limit your self not to play in this way i swear in you will regret it for sure how if you had kids already and still playing gambing ? Stop while you can. maybe she is addicted person in gambling so it makes her to hard to stop and only want to continue playing gambling until her money is empty. this is not good for her and i think she will need to get out from gambling while its not to late to stop and quit gambling and maybe she need other person to help her to stay away from gambling. I agree with you, you better know how to stop to avoid losing all of your money, even you say you're already addicted you must better to stop it if you want to save your money, I suggest to you that avoid all gambling sites and find activity that you can enjoy and relax, wasting money is not good unless you are filthy rich How can you stop gambling when you are already addicted to it? It kinda a impossible job unless you have some support from your family and your friends. At least you should give him some advice how to stop gambling for good, not just tell him to quit without any guides. However, if you can turn gambling into a fun activity, it will be very great because gambling can help you to relax and brings happiness to you
January 27, 2017, 07:48:50 AM |
Knowing when to stop in gambling is hard if you dont have set any goals. You should limit your time on playing gambling per day or you should set points when you need to stop. Losing streak can make you stop, or if you got big amount of money, you can call it a day
Activity: 1862
Merit: 1046
January 27, 2017, 07:55:54 AM |
i want stop gambling if lost until zero but can play again but stop forever for gambling if total profit and my balance can reach 1000 bitcoin
I don't get the whole meaning of your statement but that's true, some gamblers stops when their bankroll is empty already or if they are already having a problem financially. But some stops just before everything like that happen, in short they listen and look at how others do their gambling activity and follow the same rule. But that is already a delusion to wait that long to reach 1000 bitcoin before stopping, that is almost impossible to achieve in gambling.  It's really impossible to get 1000 bitcoin from gambling, whereas you only play gambling with a small amount? even I have long been in this forum and I have never seen someone get 100 bitcoin from gambling. you better change your mindset, or you will continue to lose if it hopes to get 1000 bitcoin from gambling.
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Mr. Big
Global Moderator
Activity: 2478
Merit: 1185
While my guitar gently weeps!!!
January 27, 2017, 08:01:08 AM |
Knowing when to stop in gambling is hard if you dont have set any goals. You should limit your time on playing gambling per day or you should set points when you need to stop. Losing streak can make you stop, or if you got big amount of money, you can call it a day
You don't need to reach euphoria before you stop gambling, a small win and small loss is enough for you to decide if you are going to continue, that is why aside from your bankroll limit, your time limit should also needs to be followed... I my self I did a lot of mistakes on time before, I do gambling before at about 8 hours a day and I was wrong, I wasted my time too much, until the time I learned to bet YOLO on first attempt and leave... 
January 27, 2017, 02:58:14 PM |
When do you stop? Do you have a daily limit or something?
most of the gambler they stop in the games because they don't have in their pocket or balance of bitcoin. tendency, they lose. it should have a discipline in gambling, like if you will limit yourself at least you will see if you are winning or not.
January 27, 2017, 03:59:11 PM |
Knowing when to stop in gambling is hard if you dont have set any goals. You should limit your time on playing gambling per day or you should set points when you need to stop. Losing streak can make you stop, or if you got big amount of money, you can call it a day
That a good point you have there sometimes we enjoy so much the game and we never realize that we already lost or win enough maybe next time when we gamble we should consider to put some goals to our games and when we already hit it we then stop
January 27, 2017, 04:13:36 PM |
Knowing when to stop in gambling is hard if you dont have set any goals. You should limit your time on playing gambling per day or you should set points when you need to stop. Losing streak can make you stop, or if you got big amount of money, you can call it a day
You don't need to reach euphoria before you stop gambling, a small win and small loss is enough for you to decide if you are going to continue, that is why aside from your bankroll limit, your time limit should also needs to be followed... I my self I did a lot of mistakes on time before, I do gambling before at about 8 hours a day and I was wrong, I wasted my time too much, until the time I learned to bet YOLO on first attempt and leave...  Rule no. 1 Quit when you are winning. That is the first indication that you need to quit. Rule no. 2 All in and quit just as what I qouted said. Rule no. 3 If you have depleted your bankroll quit. Never to deposit again it will get you into trouble  Well that definitely the push button to quit gambling for the day 
January 27, 2017, 04:41:20 PM |
There is no clear answer but it is a good idea to set limits for yourself. It's also a good idea to only gamble for fun rather than to make money.
January 27, 2017, 05:18:19 PM |
There is no clear answer but it is a good idea to set limits for yourself. It's also a good idea to only gamble for fun rather than to make money.
Absolutely. Setting a limit for your gambling period is a good thing which might force you to stop gambling once you have crossed the limit you have set for yourself. Though there is not guarantee that someone will do that because of the addiction of gambling which does not let you stop at the first place.
South Park
January 27, 2017, 09:49:51 PM |
Hoping to recover it with larger bankrolls.
Do you think that you are going to win this time? I can totally assume from your post that you are quite depressed to lose some amount from the site and wants to recover everything back. Advice for you, dont gamble. It just seems to me that you cant afford to lose this bankroll therefore dont gamble with things that you cant afford to lose. You should know it best that it is time for you to stop a person who is addicted to gambling will not accept any advice to stop gambling. rather you can advice him change his planing about gambling, he can reduce the amount of money he is investing in gambling. he can change the type of game he usually play gambling with he can also reduce the gambling timing. but still these things also need a lot of hard work and determination. No doubt, we should need determined ourself on the right time to stop the gambling. Only few gamblers stop himself and majority of the addicted gamblers, they couldn't stop himself, because they don't want to stop even you advice them or not. Exactly, no matter what we read or how many advise we take or share experiences been through. The decision will always on us , and some will still for sure choose to continue gambling not maybe until they experience worse on themselves. You're right. Most gamblers needed to learn their lessons the hard way and the sad part of it is that some would already have their lives ruined beyond repair when they realize this. I think if you're the kind of person who finds it hard to control yourself when you get involved in things, be it gambling, or smoking, or alcohol or any vices, you should be responsible enough to avoid these addicting ventures. And the problem is as they realize they have ruined their lives with their actions then instead of trying to get back their life on track they will take the easy way out and continue on their path of self destruction, that is why we must do our best effort to say away from becoming addicted to gambling or drugs.
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1023
January 28, 2017, 12:43:25 AM |
There is no clear answer but it is a good idea to set limits for yourself. It's also a good idea to only gamble for fun rather than to make money.
Absolutely. Setting a limit for your gambling period is a good thing which might force you to stop gambling once you have crossed the limit you have set for yourself. Though there is not guarantee that someone will do that because of the addiction of gambling which does not let you stop at the first place. But I think even if you set a daily limit and if you have a bigger bankroll sometimes it is quite hard to stop when you wanted it because of greediness. So I feel better to load amount which can afford to lose for that session and play the games without any pressure, and you can enjoy games as well.
January 28, 2017, 06:44:47 AM |
There is no clear answer but it is a good idea to set limits for yourself. It's also a good idea to only gamble for fun rather than to make money.
Absolutely. Setting a limit for your gambling period is a good thing which might force you to stop gambling once you have crossed the limit you have set for yourself. Though there is not guarantee that someone will do that because of the addiction of gambling which does not let you stop at the first place. i think it is one of the most difficult job to follow the rules or plan in gambling. specially when you are playing gambling and reach to your limit. so at that time controlling your well is the most difficult job. but if you have strong control on your well then you are a lucky person and can follow your plan easily.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1000
January 28, 2017, 01:34:49 PM |
But I think even if you set a daily limit and if you have a bigger bankroll sometimes it is quite hard to stop when you wanted it because of greediness. So I feel better to load amount which can afford to lose for that session and play the games without any pressure, and you can enjoy games as well.
Let me rephrase this, you set a limit of how many will you "lose" in a day? thats pretty much lame. I dont know why you are setting such limit, if you just think that you will lose then you should not be gambling at all. Whats the point of setting limit each day just for you to lose? it doesnt make sense at all
January 28, 2017, 01:54:05 PM |
Gambling is a distraction for me, fill the time when there is no activity. So, I can stop at any time. Sometimes if in the weekend, I spent my time on gambling. But it's time weekday then I quit. I think, the most important is the mind control. When we can control the mind, of course everything will be fine.
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1000
January 28, 2017, 02:14:11 PM |
Gambling is a distraction for me, fill the time when there is no activity. So, I can stop at any time. Sometimes if in the weekend, I spent my time on gambling. But it's time weekday then I quit. I think, the most important is the mind control. When we can control the mind, of course everything will be fine.
I suggest you to find another form of distraction if you think that you need it badly, gamebling is not suitable for distraction because you are probably going to lose your money just by distracting yourself with it. Even if you actually spend few dollars on it, it still will be much better for you to not lose anything at all and you might not be able to stop one day
Copper Member
Hero Member
Activity: 2366
Merit: 609
🍓 BALIK Never DM First
January 28, 2017, 02:29:41 PM |
Gambling is a distraction for me, fill the time when there is no activity. So, I can stop at any time. Sometimes if in the weekend, I spent my time on gambling. But it's time weekday then I quit. I think, the most important is the mind control. When we can control the mind, of course everything will be fine.
You should find an activity that you can relax and fun in every weekend, try to avoid any related to gambling and you must control your mind because fi you don't control it there is a chance that you can lose your money again.
January 28, 2017, 02:50:40 PM |
But I think even if you set a daily limit and if you have a bigger bankroll sometimes it is quite hard to stop when you wanted it because of greediness. So I feel better to load amount which can afford to lose for that session and play the games without any pressure, and you can enjoy games as well.
Let me rephrase this, you set a limit of how many will you "lose" in a day? thats pretty much lame. I dont know why you are setting such limit, if you just think that you will lose then you should not be gambling at all. Whats the point of setting limit each day just for you to lose? it doesnt make sense at all Sorry but it does make sense it seems you misunderstand the meaning of what you qouted. Setting limit, if you follow that limit will save you from financial problem. Those who do not want gambling can ignore this but to those who are aching to play gambling game can make this as guide. Set your bankroll limit to the money you can afford to lose. If it depletes then stop.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1000
January 28, 2017, 03:20:23 PM |
There is no clear answer but it is a good idea to set limits for yourself. It's also a good idea to only gamble for fun rather than to make money.
Absolutely. Setting a limit for your gambling period is a good thing which might force you to stop gambling once you have crossed the limit you have set for yourself. Though there is not guarantee that someone will do that because of the addiction of gambling which does not let you stop at the first place. At first, setting a limit will be so hard especially if we already addicted but we have to force it. Gradually it will become a habit and hopefully we can decrease the chance to lose so fast and able to enjoy every games we make.
January 28, 2017, 03:46:29 PM |
There is no clear answer but it is a good idea to set limits for yourself. It's also a good idea to only gamble for fun rather than to make money.
Absolutely. Setting a limit for your gambling period is a good thing which might force you to stop gambling once you have crossed the limit you have set for yourself. Though there is not guarantee that someone will do that because of the addiction of gambling which does not let you stop at the first place. At first, setting a limit will be so hard especially if we already addicted but we have to force it. Gradually it will become a habit and hopefully we can decrease the chance to lose so fast and able to enjoy every games we make. Well thats a good idea and let me just add that it would be nice as well that you have another person with you when you gamble instead of doing it alone. Sometimes even if you set a limit, your self control would not be enough to stop you from gambling especially if you're having so much fun. So take a responsible person with you whenever you gamble so that you'll have someone to tell you , dude that's enough lets go. Just make sure that the person you're tsking with you is not a worse gambler
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