End of month is near someone will take a praise!?
What do you think about creating promotional video in which you can explain closely about KMD and its features..For a newbie this is much confusing. This do not requires much time and efforts and can improve KMD visibly on YouTube. If such videos already exists please open my eyes with links..
We have prepared a campaign that will answer all questions an investor would have. We are now making it pretty and will get it translated. We don't want to advertise it too heavily though, as we are biased in our own research (obviously). The campaign will have two main goals:
1) inform the existing KMD investors about how great product we have, and place trust in word of mouth marketing
2) inform the journalists / investment newsletters / traders about what we are up to. We provide a large investment report that they can use to get information about Komodo Platform.
More info when we launch the campaign.
Somebody knows why on my komodo wallet i'm staking some coins but in kmd explorer the final balance staking is not present? So i've a different total coin in wallet vs kmd explorer
The new wallet still doesn't work with send transactions
The explorer doesn't show the interest.
If anyone is having problems with the Wallet do the following
1. download the new release github.com/SuperNETorg/Agama/releases
2. follow the instructions in release notes (important!) and launch the wallet
3. do an alternative Basilisk Send (see release nodes / guide linked here) or use Komodo in Native Mode (recommended option)
When using the Native Mode please remember to backup the wallet.dat file regularly.
We are quite confident this will work. Moreover, jl777 fixed a bug today that will make the Basilisk Servers function correctly. It will take some time for all the Notary Nodes to update though.