April 11, 2013, 07:38:41 PM |
What would happen if you don't reach 1000 pre-orders? Do you have to reach a minimum quantity of pre-orders to begin mass production?
The same that will eventually happen if they do... they'll vanish with whatever profit they were able to scam.
CedarTec (OP)
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
April 11, 2013, 11:08:27 PM |
Dear bitcointalk users,
we will produce so many asics as ordered, our limit is 1000 asics. Every left asic of the 1000 will be sold after the shipment is done, but not every asic of the left asics will be pre-produced. We will think about the details when it is nearer the time, first we must finish the pre-orders.
With best regards,
Your CedarTec Team.

Activity: 182
Merit: 10
April 11, 2013, 11:53:18 PM Last edit: April 12, 2013, 12:10:58 AM by DarkPunk |
Not that I think these guys are legit, but 3 possible reasons: It's a dev baord provided by the ASIC manufacture, so it just covers all the bases. RF Antenna is for Wifi, the PCI-e x1 is for a low-power video card for readouts (this board would suggest a self-contained miner, no PC required). It's a dev board they had laying around and placed / photoshop'd chips on top. The 40-pin chips could be PICs/AVRs, I can think of a dozen reasons why they might want microprocessors running along side the ASICs. Nothing is really proven anyway.
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
April 12, 2013, 12:09:52 AM |
i've seen that picture somewhere before, i think. so what I suggest... take a second picture of that same persons finger and post it for me, and i'll make my decision
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 12, 2013, 12:35:33 AM |
Not that I think these guys are legit, but 3 possible reasons:
Nothing is really proven anyway.
All of your answers are reasonable, and similar to what I was thinking. However, I wanted to see how/if they responded. Not that it would have proved anything at all as you mention. But it could have given some useful red flags if they said something blatantly wrong or stupid like - the RF connector is chaining units together or something. Oh well, back to waiting to see if something believable comes out of these guys or kncminer.
Phinnaeus Gage
Activity: 1918
Merit: 1570
Bitcoin: An Idea Worth Spending
April 12, 2013, 12:40:31 AM |

Activity: 182
Merit: 10
April 12, 2013, 12:42:27 AM |
Not that I think these guys are legit, but 3 possible reasons:
Nothing is really proven anyway.
All of your answers are reasonable, and similar to what I was thinking. However, I wanted to see how/if they responded. Not that it would have proved anything at all as you mention. But it could have given some useful red flags if they said something blatantly wrong or stupid like - the RF connector is chaining units together or something. Oh well, back to waiting to see if something believable comes out of these guys or kncminer. They probably would have just avoided the question if they thought they couldn't answer it correctly.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 12, 2013, 03:46:00 AM |
Using or not using photoshop is not proof of nothing. Like Avalon previous to the shipment, there is not way to know if they are honest. The Cedartec team has answered many questions in this forum, and they sound convincing. Then I have decided take the risk and pay for pre-order. I hope that it will be a good decision. I will write to this forum about any news.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 12, 2013, 08:35:49 AM |
Then I have decided take the risk and pay for pre-order. I hope that it will be a good decision. I will write to this forum about any news.
You're braver than me... Good luck, please update us with what happens.
April 12, 2013, 08:45:33 AM Last edit: April 12, 2013, 09:20:43 AM by nathanrees19 |
Almost all of the new ASICs are scams.  This makes me sad.
April 12, 2013, 09:38:16 AM |
Dear bitcointalk users,
we will produce so many asics as ordered, our limit is 1000 asics. Every left asic of the 1000 will be sold after the shipment is done, but not every asic of the left asics will be pre-produced. We will think about the details when it is nearer the time, first we must finish the pre-orders.
With best regards,
Your CedarTec Team.
Do You Accept Credit Card and Paypal? Do You accept Escrow if paying by bitcoin? if you do maybe they is more credibility in your business?
April 12, 2013, 10:47:39 AM |
Using or not using photoshop is not proof of nothing. Like Avalon previous to the shipment, there is not way to know if they are honest. The Cedartec team has answered many questions in this forum, and they sound convincing. Then I have decided take the risk and pay for pre-order. I hope that it will be a good decision. I will write to this forum about any news. YOU WERE WARNED ONCE .... They dindn't anser any questions of value. Most like BFL...
April 12, 2013, 11:17:56 AM |
Using or not using photoshop is not proof of nothing. Like Avalon previous to the shipment, there is not way to know if they are honest. The Cedartec team has answered many questions in this forum, and they sound convincing. Then I have decided take the risk and pay for pre-order. I hope that it will be a good decision. I will write to this forum about any news. Used the same site above and inserted a picture taken straight from my phone...said it was photoshopped as well...not trying to back these guys up, but just saying that this program is not that reliable.
Helping stop scammers by giving negative trust thats visible. Tips always accepted - BTC 16BebiEjTEoZrd4MNyiHKyfEz9UMSeNoGH DOGE DKrXgYyrw4cNfv4sKkWs7oyTXaXVCqP23X
Minor Miner
Activity: 2576
Merit: 1020
Be A Digital Miner
April 12, 2013, 03:57:51 PM |
Almost all of the new ASICs are scams.  This makes me sad. Currently the vast majority of old asics appear to be also.
April 12, 2013, 05:21:58 PM |
Like already said, we will take photos from a other perspective/angle and will show you that everything on the pcb is real.
Can you photoshop them like you did with the other photo? Oh please, can you? Photoshops are the best asic!
April 12, 2013, 05:29:40 PM |
On the picture of the PCB you posted - what are the through hole DIP chips, and why the heck would you be using through hole components:  This picture clearly shows that all asic 'chips' have exactly the same reflections and surface deformation. This is impossible in real life. Every chip should have had a different pattern of light and dark surface areas. But they have identical patterns. There is no doubt whatsoever that this is a fake photo and cedartec are liars.
April 12, 2013, 05:31:17 PM |
Note in particular the square around the mounting hole in the lower right versus the circle in the lower left around the same area. Based on the FAQ below, that indicates the image was manipulated in at least the lower right, if not both. I know mounting holes are not important, I just mention the mounting holes because they are so blatant and easy to explain. Look at the top of the ASICs and other areas as well, same is true. The image is 600x400, surely no camera takes pics at that low res. Simply post the original high res version, put this to rest. Forensics starts with actually using your eyes...
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
April 12, 2013, 06:03:16 PM |
Forensics starts with actually using your eyes...
Not sure what the implication of that statement is. Are you saying I needed to post commentary on the original image before I posted commentary on the image error level analysis? If so, I didn't have anything useful to add to what was already said. Or are you implying that the original image is so obviously faked that the error analysis is superfluous? If so, I disagree because I think it adds some easily seen evidence. Or is it something else?