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February 14, 2025, 07:21:46 PM *
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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.8%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.9%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.3%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (20%)
>$100K - 84 (57.9%)
Total Voters: 145

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26733093 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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April 17, 2023, 12:01:21 PM

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bitcoin retard

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April 17, 2023, 12:26:31 PM

I somewhat think "what do I care" but out of interest:  Bitcoin is dumping harder than shitcoins..

Any explanation?

Mine would be

1) people are stupid

2) fake Bitcoiners buying shitcoins to prepare for shitcoin pumps

Bounty Turd
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April 17, 2023, 12:56:26 PM

Running bitcoin

Sauce: halfin
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April 17, 2023, 01:01:18 PM

Who is John Galt?
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April 17, 2023, 01:37:46 PM

It depends on whether the deluded fools who still trust the banks and the government will continue to keep their money there. Anyone with at least a little brain should immediately withdraw their money from the small banks and put it in the big ones with a guaranteed deposit, with a significant part invested in bitcoins.

And what has fundamentally changed since previous crises, what should have forced conservative supporters of the banking system to change their views so radically? People are very inertial in their behavior, so they will carry deposits in banks for a very long time. Bitcoin gives them a choice, but they have to make that choice themselves. And most will almost certainly stay with the banks for decades to come.
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April 17, 2023, 02:01:17 PM

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Far, Far, Far Right Thug

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April 17, 2023, 02:03:15 PM
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

I somewhat think "what do I care" but out of interest:  Bitcoin is dumping harder than shitcoins..

Any explanation?

Mine would be

1) people are stupid

2) fake Bitcoiners buying shitcoins to prepare for shitcoin pumps

Yes people are stupid.

Look at the ridiculous low interest paid on savings accounts WHILST interest rates are at 15 year highs.

Banks don't give a crap about the retail sector since daddy government ensures they can take any risk and will be helped out and thus need to offer no reward, and that is after many of them had to be bailed out using taxpayers' precious money in 2008.

"Fuck 'em all" was the answer Bitcoin provided. Yet, people still don't get it and rather stay with big daddy poisonous, parasite banks and have replaced religion with big daddy government.
El duderino_
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BTC + Crossfit, living life.

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April 17, 2023, 02:05:53 PM
Merited by OROBTC (2)

It seems that for now the feds have succeeded in convincing people that the money in their US banks is safe and prevented a massive bank run. But this may only be apparent, and the truth is that this process continues and will intensify with time. So I expect that after a certain time, new banks will go bankrupt and again the shares of the banks will become 0, because for no coverage. Ironic, isn't it? How many fat-necked bankers  ranted against Bitcoin that it had no cover and was going to 0. Lo and behold, their stocks went to 0, and Bitcoin thrived in a bear cycle, peeling away from stocks in an emphatic way.

Nothing can now save the banks and the USD from another historic collapse, accompanied by a severe economic crisis and high inflation. At the same time, there are no more crooks like FTX to print paper bitcoins and thwart the natural deflationary process. So we'll probably see a price above 40K soon, and it's entirely possible that by the end of the year we'll approach or surpass ATH. It depends on whether the deluded fools who still trust the banks and the government will continue to keep their money there. Anyone with at least a little brain should immediately withdraw their money from the small banks and put it in the big ones with a guaranteed deposit, with a significant part invested in bitcoins. I believe that this process has already started, but it is still under the surface, hidden by the banks, who are trying their best to prevent Bitcoin adoption. But they don't know how to do it because there's no way they can hit bitcoin exchanges and banks without collapsing their own economy and that boosting bitcoin even more. And accordingly they will not succeed.

Very very 180 degree opinion as a few weeks back

Liking this way more Smiley Smiley
Bounty _BOX
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April 17, 2023, 02:09:27 PM

I somewhat think "what do I care" but out of interest:  Bitcoin is dumping harder than shitcoins..

Any explanation?

Mine would be

1) people are stupid

2) fake Bitcoiners buying shitcoins to prepare for shitcoin pumps

Friend you are right. Shitcoin is not pumping in the current market. Just pumping and dumping bitcoins. But I think shitcoins will be pumping ahead.
Bounty _BOX
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April 17, 2023, 02:32:44 PM

Very very 180 degree opinion as a few weeks back

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Today the highest temperature recorded in my country is 41.5 degree. A very high temperature makes it very difficult for everyone to fast.
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Activity: 1666
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Far, Far, Far Right Thug

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April 17, 2023, 02:45:12 PM
Merited by sirazimuth (1), Gachapin (1)

Very very 180 degree opinion as a few weeks back

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Today the highest temperature recorded in my country is 41.5 degree. A very high temperature makes it very difficult for everyone to fast.

Yeah but the big old sky daddy will love you for your effort, right?

 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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bitcoin retard

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April 17, 2023, 02:51:46 PM
Merited by vroom (5), JimboToronto (1), sirazimuth (1)

Very very 180 degree opinion as a few weeks back

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Today the highest temperature recorded in my country is 41.5 degree. A very high temperature makes it very difficult for everyone to fast.

If anyone forces you to fast, better stay away from these psychopaths.

And if you think you must fast (no drinking at 41°), better check if you haven't been brainwashed since you were young.

There are many toxic ideologies out there that wanna have power over you...  better be cautious...
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Activity: 1352
Merit: 2300

a Cray can run an endless loop in under 4 hours

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April 17, 2023, 03:00:17 PM
Merited by El duderino_ (15), Gachapin (1)

Very very 180 degree opinion as a few weeks back

Liking this way more Smiley Smiley
Today the highest temperature recorded in my country is 41.5 degree. A very high temperature makes it very difficult for everyone to fast.

If anyone forces you to fast, better stay away from these psychopaths.

And if you think you must fast (no drinking at 41°), better check if you haven't been brainwashed since you were young.

There are many toxic ideologies out there that wanna have power over you...  better be cautious...

while fasting itself is not bad at all:
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April 17, 2023, 03:01:21 PM

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All good things to those who wait

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April 17, 2023, 03:10:00 PM


Very very 180 degree opinion as a few weeks back

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The transition of institutions investing in Bitcoin falling like domino to the bank system collapsing in USA is the 180 degree change. This is denititely a black swan event which nobody could have predicted several weeks ago. I'm just trying to be realistic with no emotions involved and no selling based on emotions. I feel we need more post like that here. So, what looked like 4-5% probability reaching 48K in May now is way higher, probably above 40%. But then again nobody knows what the next black swan event would be. I feel that more bank filing for bankruptcy in US and Europe is coming in the next months and this will be very good for Bitcoin.
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Activity: 1190
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bitcoin retard

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April 17, 2023, 03:22:46 PM
Last edit: April 17, 2023, 03:36:35 PM by Gachapin

Very very 180 degree opinion as a few weeks back

Liking this way more Smiley Smiley
Today the highest temperature recorded in my country is 41.5 degree. A very high temperature makes it very difficult for everyone to fast.

If anyone forces you to fast, better stay away from these psychopaths.

And if you think you must fast (no drinking at 41°), better check if you haven't been brainwashed since you were young.

There are many toxic ideologies out there that wanna have power over you...  better be cautious...

while fasting itself is not bad at all:

Absolutely.  I'm doing intermittent fasting myself (only eat once in a day).  
But not drinking at 41°C has definitely nothing to do with healthy fasting.
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April 17, 2023, 04:01:17 PM

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April 17, 2023, 04:24:31 PM

It seems that for now the feds have succeeded in convincing people that the money in their US banks is safe and prevented a massive bank run. But this may only be apparent, and the truth is that this process continues and will intensify with time. So I expect that after a certain time, new banks will go bankrupt and again the shares of the banks will become 0, because for no coverage. Ironic, isn't it? How many fat-necked bankers  ranted against Bitcoin that it had no cover and was going to 0. Lo and behold, their stocks went to 0, and Bitcoin thrived in a bear cycle, peeling away from stocks in an emphatic way.

Nothing can now save the banks and the USD from another historic collapse, accompanied by a severe economic crisis and high inflation. At the same time, there are no more crooks like FTX to print paper bitcoins and thwart the natural deflationary process. So we'll probably see a price above 40K soon, and it's entirely possible that by the end of the year we'll approach or surpass ATH. It depends on whether the deluded fools who still trust the banks and the government will continue to keep their money there. Anyone with at least a little brain should immediately withdraw their money from the small banks and put it in the big ones with a guaranteed deposit, with a significant part invested in bitcoins. I believe that this process has already started, but it is still under the surface, hidden by the banks, who are trying their best to prevent Bitcoin adoption. But they don't know how to do it because there's no way they can hit bitcoin exchanges and banks without collapsing their own economy and that boosting bitcoin even more. And accordingly they will not succeed.

Very very 180 degree opinion as a few weeks back

Liking this way more Smiley Smiley

Two good observations.  Seems that the 3% or so dip to $29,350 may be a gift (just read that BTC may lose 12% more though).  <== That's why we're here at W.O.  Who knows?
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April 17, 2023, 05:01:18 PM

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April 17, 2023, 05:56:43 PM

An explanation for today's move:
Schwab came out with earnings and they "only" lost 30% of their deposits in the last 12 mo, which is already reflected in their, no Armageddon yet.
That said, the Rube Goldberg machine of the financial sector always seems to find some balance, which is amazing.
On the other hand, State Street lost 10-11% today, so something is still brewing.

Since bitcoin gained quite a bit on bank's troubles, it is logical for it to lose a bit once those "troubles" are deemed (rightly or wrongly) as "diminished".
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