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No my partner managed to lose more than 100000 usdt in sfx.
my thoughts on holding usdt are it is supposed to be 75% backed by US t-bills
so why trust usdt you may as well trust t-bills and cut out the middle man.
t-bills pay half assed interest but if it is a small amount of btc you cash.
10percent of your coins in your case seems okay. t-bills are pretty safe.
I have I bonds and silver and a lot less btc than you.
plus the home is paid off.
You are back to pumping Tbills and Ibonds? Ibonds lock up your liquidity for a period of time, especially if you want to earn the interest that they proclaim that you are going to get at some point. So, maybe UnDerDoG81 might be worried about such liquidity. I am not sure how easy it is to get in and out of Tbills or how the interest works with that.
Of course, in most cases, USDT does not pay interest or yield, but as I suggested earlier AquaWallet seems to at least allow for the holding of USDT without exchange risk... and maybe guys have other options for holding USDT.
I don't give that many shits about USDT in terms of pumping it, but just talking about it as a dollar pegged (stable coin), it is not just backed up by T-bills, and it seems to be over-collateralized, so it holds other assets besides T-bills.. (including bitcoin, dollars in banks and probably some other assets that you can look up with their attempts to try to be a bit somewhat disclosing with aspects of their collateralization efforts)..
JJG, I miss your (lengthy) discussions. I was here a little before you, I recall your sim swap loss. I think tech support has gotten better since then. No matter how tight the physical and technical aspects are, plain old social engineering can get to many humans. Even though it is a matter of inconvenience, if I am calling tech support for anything, I am glad to see them re-verify some of the basics, if the call is passed to someone upstream.
My loss was near-total. I had quit smoking, and DCA my cigarette expenses into BTC for ten years. I had a good job, and was already spending the cig money on killing myself slowly. I told myself for years, that even if BTC somehow got 51%-ed into nothing, I have still done a better thing for my life, by quitting smoking. I am fortunate that BTC let me pay off my mortgage, buy a couple of old vehicles, replace windows/doors in my old house. Too many people have debt until they are 100 years old, this is obviously not sustainable on the long-term.
When this happened, I was caught up in many emotions. That is when I disappeared here. I was so guilt-ridden, I didn't even feel I could read here. Now I am culling excess physical things from my life, selling what I can to keep buying BTC. I've got a few old guitars that I don't play, and a few old cars that I don't drive, so flipping them to BTC where I can. I am old, but hope I can live through another halving or two.
A lot of that sounds gruelling, yet somehow we have to figure out ways to live with any negative things that might have had already happened to us without letting them break us into some kind of self-destructive mode - if possible.. and surely some people do end up falling into self-destructive mode.. so if you can see some ways forward that likely are not going to put you back where you were earlier, then at least there could be some way to salvage something out of the carnage, even if it might only be knowledge and further building of character.. if that can even be possible with elders.. since so many of us can become more and more disgruntled as we get older since there are a lot of challenges that come through the aging process, and some folks have more challenges than others in terms of health and/or various misfortunes.
Another thing is identifying bitcoin as a place to store some value and then staying with that conviction, and hopefully you at least have another 4 years or more in front of you, even though we never know, which can be one of the challenges if we put too much value into something like bitcoin if we are wanting to have some liquidity, too... so if we overinvest into bitcoin, we could end up needing some of that capital (liquidity) at a time that is not of our choosing.. especially if we are elderly.. including maybe not sure if we have more than 4 years as our new investment timeline... which from my perspective, if we do not know if we have 4 years as our investment timeline, then that would mean underinvesting rather than overinvesting as someone in their youth might more easily be able to justify doing.
Now? I'm pretty good. I have a few aches and pains, go to the gym several mornings a week, but am healthier than I have been in years.
There is the
push-up challenge too, even if you are not able to do full push-ups or get up to 100 per day. They seem to have helped me quite a bit, even though I have been sore for the last 35 days since I started.. but still getting stronger and no major injuries from it, so far.
I personally am thinking that resistance training is better than cardio for the elderly, even though there could be justification for both, there is a problem of loosing muscle mass, and so ever since I started this push-up challenge, I have realized that I had been doing too much cardio and probably not sufficiently preserving my muscle through resistance training (to be fair, I did increase my resistance training about 6 months prior to the push-up challenge, but the push ups were a great addition, since it is so easy to do them almost anywhere at any time, even though sure there could be some places where it might be a little embarrassing to see an elderly doing 10 pushups in the parking lot)
Getting by on a small retirement. I live way out in the country. My wife and I love each other. If I had $MILLIONS that could not buy the good things, that I already have.
We know that money does not buy all the good things in life, but surely we likely realize that if we have any kind of fixed income, it is not keeping up with the increases in prices and/or the various debasements of fiat, so surely that remains part of the justification for keeping some value in bitcoin and being able to defer spending it while it is building up to a certain appreciable size.. or whatever you can, if your timeline might not be long enough to really build it in any grand way.
EDIT: Grand Funk 1974
I don't need a whole lot of money,
I don't need a big fine car.
I got everything that a man could want,
I got more than I could ask for.
I don't have to run around,
I don't have to stay out all night.
'Cause I got me a sweet... a sweet, lovin' woman,
And she knows just how to treat me right.
Well my baby, she's alright,
Well my baby, she's clean out-of-sight.
Don't you know that she's... she's some kind of wonderful.
Seems that no one can really buy the solid relationship kinds of things.