I'm confused as to why these are being shipped, wasn't a refund requested for batch 2?
Normally I'd not be bothered by Steve's absence, but right now it goes without saying that we need an update on this situation of the batches.
No refund was requested (I guess) because it was combined with the other euro groups. Deals have been done, of which we have no information.
JohnK has confirmered a refund was not requested for this batch 2 and zefir has confirmed communication with Steve, Steve has sent zefir shipping instructions and zefir
will ship them.
Maybe Steve is planning to refund from his own pocket and keep the chips himself - I really just don't no...
This is a cluster of clusterf#cks now..
EDIT ________________Looking through the block chain it would appear that the address listed on Steve's profile has received a refund of 140 BTC on the 12th, Group 2 total was about 216 BTC but about 80 BTC was from the web store.
So the good news is it looks like Steve
has had (35 btc withdrawn)our coins for Batch 2 minus the webstore ( he probably has a separate address for that).
The Bad News is he is awol and the coins do not look to be in Escrow anymore they are with Steve.
I really hope am missing something here, am gonna ask John to comment.