Does chipmixer planning to share some information publicly?
We share full information how mixer works, why it works and how it ensures fungibility.
How many coins have been mixed?
We do not disclose this information.
chips sources?
Our funds and users funds. Withdraw before deposit, chip sizes and mixer receipts ensures that any chip you withdraw from ChipMixer have no link with deposited funds.
Plan if there is a government decision against it?
Which government?
How long will keep advertising here?
We do not plan to stop.
Future plans?
Reddit / Google ads: we are looking for a person to handle this
Our wallet software: chip based wallet that handles wallet separation and fakes chip creaton
LN deposits and LN vouchers: "chips" that do not leave LN but are fungible outside of LN
Is there any plans on making a more mobile friendly version of the site?
There are no plans for that. We do not advise to use mobile devices while mixing.
Is there any possibilities somebody used my private keys after i imported to my wallet?
You could have used "sweep" option and import private keys anyway. This is the only option to have your private keys used by somebody else (our bot).
After the private keys was imported to my wallet, i deleted the session.
Edit: in my transaction history shows no incoming nor outgoing transaction in the last 24 hours.
If you have seen that chips were prefunded and now transaction is gone then it means you have imported your private keys into another wallet.
I have not heard back from your email. I just need some support with my session before it closes
Our email:
chipmixer@protonmail.comSession expires after 7 days. If we did not reply to your email after two days - send us another one.