Building a Decentralized Workforce Platform a Decentralized Workforce Platform
Moonlight takes an alternative approach to the mechanic used for project staffing, realization, and compensation to create a distributed workforce that is capable of fulfilling the needs of the current blockchain ecosystem while also tackling some of the issues presented in the conventional product development space as well.
In the project announcement for Moonlight, we outlined some of the fundamental goals of the project:
Accessibility of critical project resources
Verifiable organizational skill-sets
Improved project success rates
While these aren't the only goals of the project, they are certainly some of the more important ones. If you missed the project announcement, you can find it here.
Over the next few months, leading up to the formal whitepaper and ICO, we will be releasing a series of announcements that will provide some conceptual information about how Moonlight is being designed to meet the project's goals. These announcements are meant to seed the community with some of the Moonlight concepts in the hopes that we can fine-tune the project using community feedback.
In this article, we are going to cover some of the terms used in the Moonlight ecosystem as well as a concept for the Moonlight system token. We believe this information will be valuable for the community and helpful for understanding concepts presented in the next article which will cover the project definition and analytical project management components of the ecosystem. All of the concepts presented here will be presented in extended detail in the whitepaper.
Moonlight Terminology:
In Moonlight, organizations are the entities which generate content. An organization can be an individual or group of individuals. Organizations can also be made up of other organizations. They have the ability to generate tasks in the ecosystem and also resolve them.
Organizations can act in one of the following roles during task resolution:
Issuer: The organization that creates a task in the system.
Resolver: The organization that fulfills a task in the system.
Moonlight provides a number of mechanisms to track organizational competency:
Skills: Every task completed by an organization is published to the blockchain. The skills required for each completed task are logged to the organization and can be used to represent the domain-specific capabilities of an organization.
Reviews: After a task has been completed, the participating organizations (Issuer and Resolver) are prompted to review eachother. Organizational reviews are published to the blockchain. This review represents the overall quality of interacting with the organization.
Bid Accuracy: When acting as a Resolver, organizations place bids on tasks (see bidding). The accuracy of these bids relative to the actual completion duration are also logged as a tool to indicate the organization's bid quality for tasks. The skills associated with the tasks are taken into consideration when evaluating bid accuracy within the system...........