May 22, 2018, 03:24:50 AM |
i didn't get some a week withdrawal (((
I have no idea what you mean. Would you care to elaborate?
why do I write like this? Is it certain that my mail provider does not accept emails? "Your email provider seems to be rejecting our emails. We recommend that you change your email address to one that is able to receive emails from us (by clicking on the PROFILE button in the top bar) so that you can receive password reset emails and payment notifications from us in the future." means an email we sent you bounced back as undeliverable.

Activity: 156
Merit: 10
May 22, 2018, 11:00:50 AM |
i didn't get some a week withdrawal (((
I have no idea what you mean. Would you care to elaborate?
why do I write like this? Is it certain that my mail provider does not accept emails? "Your email provider seems to be rejecting our emails. We recommend that you change your email address to one that is able to receive emails from us (by clicking on the PROFILE button in the top bar) so that you can receive password reset emails and payment notifications from us in the future." means an email we sent you bounced back as undeliverable. i did withdraw few a week ago from freebtc and i didn't get that btc
May 22, 2018, 11:04:43 AM |
i did withdraw few a week ago from freebtc and i didn't get that btc
Please PM me the details in the confirmation email we would have sent you. If you have 2fa on and email notifications off then the tx id from your personal stats page will do.

Activity: 156
Merit: 10
May 22, 2018, 01:48:56 PM |
i did withdraw few a week ago from freebtc and i didn't get that btc
Please PM me the details in the confirmation email we would have sent you. If you have 2fa on and email notifications off then the tx id from your personal stats page will do. User 'THJ' is a newbie, but your options are set such that you cannot receive PMs from newbies. Therefore, you cannot send PMs to newbies, either. general , who are u?
May 22, 2018, 01:56:16 PM |
User 'THJ' is a newbie, but your options are set such that you cannot receive PMs from newbies. Therefore, you cannot send PMs to newbies, either.
My PMs are open to Newbies. general , who are u?
Have a look at my trust page and click the link to see untrusted feedback. User wetsuit (the OP of this thread and owner of has left his endorsement there.
Activity: 22
Merit: 1
May 22, 2018, 04:47:45 PM |
I wrote to the support team, that's what they answered me - the original: Пoжaлyйcтa, oбpaтитecь в cлyжбy пoддepжки caйтa и пoпpocитe иx пpeдocтaвить cлeдyющyю инфopмaцию: пoлный тeкcт oтчeтa o нeдocтaвкe пиcьмa или пoлный лoг SMTP (жypнaл paбoты пoчтoвoгo cepвepa) ceccии oтпpaвки пиcьмa пoчтoвым cepвepoм oтпpaвитeля нa Baш aдpec. Translation: Please contact the support service of the site and ask them to provide the following information: the full text of the non-delivery report or the full SMTP (log of the mail server) session sending the message to the sender's mail server to your address.
Turtle on the beach
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
May 22, 2018, 06:44:30 PM |
Hi Guys,
Has anyone won the lottery prize lately ?? or in 2018 ?? pls share it
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
May 22, 2018, 07:59:42 PM |
Hello, why did I suddenly get the following message: "Sorry, this IP address has been blocked. If you are using a proxy, VPN or anonymization service, please turn it off before claiming free bitcoins". Almost a year I use this IP address without any problems and suddenly this. I hope a quick solution to this problem.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
May 23, 2018, 01:11:42 AM |
My wife and I are blocked as of 5/22/2018 morning (Arizona) My User ID: 271644 Wife's User ID: 620012 IP address: This time, we both were at our work places, first roll was successful -- second roll was blocked. These rolls were more than 1 hour and 2 minutes apart...fine all yesterday and early this morning before work... Same for our accounts: My User ID:'s User ID:
May 23, 2018, 05:04:46 AM |
If you get the "Sorry, this IP address has been blocked." message it means you have triggered our abuse detections systems. They think that the way you use the faucet indicates you may be either using a bot or multi-accounting so either your account and/or IP has been blocked.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
May 23, 2018, 05:44:37 AM Last edit: May 23, 2018, 05:54:52 AM by jbrereton |
If you get the "Sorry, this IP address has been blocked." message it means you have triggered our abuse detections systems. They think that the way you use the faucet indicates you may be either using a bot or multi-accounting so either your account and/or IP has been blocked.
Again, how can the two of us be blocked when we use these sites for years with no change is our usage??? At one time, the site had us enter our Mobile phone numbers to distinguish us apart! Today, we both were at two different work places, 50 miles apart! I use my work WiFi, wife uses hers...both triggered on second try this morning...something changed on your site's side for this to have happened AGAIN!
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
May 23, 2018, 05:47:32 AM |
If you get the "Sorry, this IP address has been blocked." message it means you have triggered our abuse detections systems. They think that the way you use the faucet indicates you may be either using a bot or multi-accounting so either your account and/or IP has been blocked.
Basically I use three IP addresses: the one in the work, the one of the mobile operator and the WiFi at home (now all three are blocked). Sometimes I change them during the day, it depends how and where I had to turn. As I said above, I have been using the site for almost a year. In the same way I turn to the site, and there I have no problem. And as the colleague wrote above: There is no change in the way the site is used.
May 23, 2018, 05:49:00 AM |
Today, we both were at two different work places, 50 miles apart! I use my work WiFi, wife uses hers...both triggered on second try this morning...something changed on your site's side for this to have happened AGAIN!
So it must be the faucet abuse detection system. The way you claim the faucet must be a very similar pattern to the way the botnets do it.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
May 23, 2018, 06:03:05 AM |
Today, we both were at two different work places, 50 miles apart! I use my work WiFi, wife uses hers...both triggered on second try this morning...something changed on your site's side for this to have happened AGAIN!
So it must be the faucet abuse detection system. The way you claim the faucet must be a very similar pattern to the way the botnets do it. This makes NO Frikin sense! If "IP IS BLOCKED" -- then it should work on any OTHER IP are blocking our USER IDs!!!
May 23, 2018, 06:13:38 AM |
This makes NO Frikin sense! If "IP IS BLOCKED" It confuses the botters.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
May 23, 2018, 06:27:40 AM |
This makes NO Frikin sense! If "IP IS BLOCKED" It confuses the botters. I understand the need for blocking BOTs...we are not BOTs but husband and Wife...check our balances, piddly crap...
May 23, 2018, 06:33:03 AM |
I understand the need for blocking BOTs...we are not BOTs but husband and Wife...check our balances, piddly crap...
PM me like you did last time and I'll see what I can do. The fact that you've both been banned for abuse before and now coincidentally both managed to get banned again at the same time does make your behaviour look a little automated.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
May 23, 2018, 07:16:25 AM |
I understand the need for blocking BOTs...we are not BOTs but husband and Wife...check our balances, piddly crap...
PM me like you did last time and I'll see what I can do. The fact that you've both been banned for abuse before and now coincidentally both managed to get banned again at the same time does make your behaviour look a little automated. I work at (NewsCorp) bought us. We do IP Blocks as well.. errors do occur...we set the blocks for 1 hour on minor ocurrances..4 hours on more frequent ones...24 hours for hard core -- permanent for known sites...we always have the means for asking to white-list this IP
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
May 23, 2018, 07:23:21 AM |
I understand the need for blocking BOTs...we are not BOTs but husband and Wife...check our balances, piddly crap...
PM me like you did last time and I'll see what I can do. The fact that you've both been banned for abuse before and now coincidentally both managed to get banned again at the same time does make your behaviour look a little automated. Hi, Please check my case too, because with jbrereton at the same time we blocked and the cases were similar. My ID number is 7941968. Thanks P.S. I try to send PM but not sure it was sent.
May 23, 2018, 07:24:23 AM |
I work at (NewsCorp) bought us. We do IP Blocks as well.. errors do occur...we set the blocks for 1 hour on minor ocurrances..4 hours on more frequent ones...24 hours for hard core -- permanent for known sites...we always have the means for asking to white-list this IP
As I've explained the block is on the accounts for faucet abuse not the IP address.