Me again. Pardon my paranoia but I think that if it is important for this category of sites to be provably fair, then it's reasonable for us users to doubt the fairness of these websites.
While going through the log I started to keep (less than 2 months ago) of free rolls I noticed that the server seed hash was different from the one originally in the pop-up before the roll for one of my free rolls. Has the server changed its original seed because this one led to a good number? Maybe I made a mistake when noting down the value, but I doubt it because I tend to be careful, and also, the values before and after match, and this particular value does not resemble any other value in my list. I'll continue to log these values and check them, will keep you posted if I notice this again for any of my previously logged values or values in the future.
Folks, if the site says it's provably fair it doesn't have to mean the site really has to be fair. I wonder, how many people check their rolls? How many people use their own client seeds? What is the probability that when someone rarely goes to check a roll, that it's really that one good free roll the server might want to fake? And how many users check that the server seed hash in the "previous roll" section is the same one originally shown (because if they don't the server can freely change its seed if it doesn't like the outcome, but the section will still check out with the roll verifier)?
I don't believe there should be any problems with the multiply rolls - there, the house's part is clearly cut and it doesn't have to cheat because it always wins on average, but it would be rational (if dishonest) - from a profit maximizing perspective - for this to be the case for the free rolls.
Improvements to the site to prevent this from being possible:
* Maybe log the values (if the user requests this) to some place which is not under the control of the server (like for example sending the values controlled by the server which are to be used for the next roll to the user, by email), like so: after each roll, send the user an email with this data:
1.) client seed, server seed, nonce, server seed hash AND the corresponding rolled number generated
2.) server seed hash, nonce, server seed that are to be used for the next roll, and which the user will be able to find in his next email (together with the server seed and the resulted rolled number)
* Make a code (maybe a JS the user can paste in the browser inspector so that it will be under the user's control) that will automatically check all rolls for a user. It should also be made to check the pre-roll vs post-roll values because if the server decides to change its server seed, then the "previous roll" section will check out, just that it will not be fair because the original server seed might have led to a good number...
These should be IMO more important than having a nice design.
It's very nice of you to make this website. But a lot still need to be improved, just keep up
What improvements would you suggest ?
A nicer UI.
The current look does not reflect its awesomeness.
Very bland.
PM me if you want a new design