NOW LAUNCHED - EarthCoin Website: EarthCoinDo we REALLY need another ALT?
*It's happening, they're everywhere! Nothing is stopping anyone from
launching their own project/coin/crypto.
However, due to the recent cluster* in the market we're all seeing developers
and teams try to bring something to market that will last, and all we get
are quick short lifecycles and 20 more coins before your portfolio can even
mature from last weeks launches...
Our goal isn't to compete, as much as compliment, create balance, and
not divert into launching 9 more coins because we can. Instead, we'd like to
see what kind of actual substance and value we can create with a coin that
represents us all. No matter what race, age, ethnicity, we're all a part
of this beautiful planet, and who knows maybe this tiny lil' grass roots
idea might be enough to unite some/many of us!
EarthCoin is a new generation scrypt coin that is a descendant of Litecoin.
Like Litecoin - it uses scrypt as a proof of work scheme.
EarthCoin uses a 365 day period. It will start with 10,000 coins per block,
and it varies in a sine curve with amplitude of 2,000, with a period of
one year (like the Earth moving around the Sun).
This means that you start with 10,000 coins, and it adjusts at each block,
reaches a maximum of 12,000 coins per block after about 3 months, then
it will descend gradually to approx 10,000 coins per block again at about
6 months. Then a new minimum of 8000 coins per block at about 9 months.
Then we reverse that - to climb and return to 10,000 coins per block at
one year, before finally cutting the payout in half. 14 days there will be one day with X2 payout.
Every 31 days there will be one day with X5 payout.Day 1 - Day 3 are special super rewards days to celebrate the launch
of the coin, and provide incentive to the early adopters.Day 1: X5 payout
Day 2: X3 payout
Day 3: X2 payout
Premined 2% for promotions, giveaway, bounties, dev and long term support.
Other Specifications:
- 60 seconds block target
- Difference retargets each block
- Total coins will be 13.5 billion coins
- 5 confirmations for transaction
- 50 confirmations for minted blocks
- support transaction message
- normal block on average 10000 coins per block, varies seasonly
- The block payout will be halved every year, minimum payout 1 coin per block
- The default ports are 15677 (Connect) and 15678 (RPC)
Giveaway thread will be created later. Bounties will be announced too.Mining PoolsMining Pool
Proportional Payouts
Mining Pool #2http://earth.scryptmining.comstratum only
prop payouts.
Mining Pool #3 stratum
only 0.75% fee!
Downloads:Windows Client Downloads:!40V32DKR!Fl9-Wh9MYeq9FtPI0AOY8h_tvEs8zhmqpr2mgsvw0ZESource Code Download: to StartUsing the following nodes to join the network:
Sample .conf File: earthcoin.conf
How to Solo Mine1. Start up earthcoin-qt, wait for it to load, then exit.
2. Put earthcoin.conf (see sample file above) in your c:/users/**yourcomputername**/AppData/Roaming/EarthCoin
3. restart earthcoin-qt, and you should connect and sync.
4. For solo mining, launch cgminer or the mining program you use and begin mining.
cgminer ex: cgminer.exe --scrypt -o localhost:15678 -u **yourusername** -p **password** (without **)* The developer is here to stay - he's one of the dev's behind one of the most popular
alts and has been down this road before. Second time to market with a proper team
usually means great things to come.
* The things that matter most for all involved have been taken as a priority - Pools/Miners
are going to love this, end users/investors/speculators are going to love this, the lifecycle
will (hopefully) be long with many incentives along the way to help ensure it sticks around.
* Branding and marketing are being taken seriously, who knows where this ends up or how
far we go - we don't want to be caught off guard, called a jokecoin/scamcoin, or have a
quick run and that's it.
We're extremely excited to actually see the project officially be put into the communities hands
and see what happens with it.
Thank you kindly in advance bitcointalk, miners, pools, people, patient wives (lol), for joining
us on this exciting journey into unchartered waters - let's meet for a drink on the moon in 2014!
(SH*T HAPPENS CLAUSE - I ALWAYS PUT THESE, because just when you're about 99% done
your fancy new project, SH*T HAPPENS! Hoping we're smooth sailing from here though)
Feel free to ask questions, drop feedback. There's only two of us doing online support for this, and
it IS the crazy season IRL - so we'll do our best to try to juggle and be here as needed.
Let's go!