First, let me preface this by saying i'm a big supporter of this coin, primarily due to the media attention and the apparent marketing strategy to roll this out to the general public. I think this has been a fantastic approach thus far. But since yesterday things are feeling rushed and (in my opinion) some pretty big mistakes are being made. Below are some points i'd like to make (and will try sending to the devs directly). This comes from 10+ years of web/online product development:
1. Pick a single websiteRight now things are getting split up between and ... getting confusing and will hurt the newbies in finding the correct starting point and knowing which is the "official" site.
One problem already is that this site: does not have the same wallet as this site: find a way to have people download from the official site, again it's about perception and mega will throw newbies off as to WTF am i downloading from this site.
2. Explain CryptocurrenciesThe final site definitely needs a "What is Cryptocurrency, What are Wallets, Etc." section. You need to assume that people only know that Bitcoins exist and have a vague idea of what they are. Explain how you can buy/mine them, hold them on their computers, etc. and how they can use them.
You can also take this opportunity to show that cryptos have legit fiat value. Point them to the major exchanges where they can see BTC vs. US/Euro, etc.
There are many sites where this information could be copy & pasted from, but they need to reside on the COINYE site, not just as links.
3. Better Explain Downloads/Using Wallets & MinersRight now the wallet resides here: and has a link to a pastebin page for nodes. This is too "insider" and only people who mine would get/trust this. Again make a page explaining what the wallet is, why they need/want it (this is where you'll store your "investment"). explain receiving/sending via addresses, etc.
Adding nodes needs a step-by-step guide on the site (with screenshots) explaining the whole coinyecoin.conf process, what it does, etc. Otherwise a lot of people would get scared randomly putting random IP addresses into a file on their machines.
4. Buying BitcoinsListing to me is a bit too insider to have this as the only option. Compared to the process of something like Coinbase it's bit daunting. Especially when part of it refers people to potentially buying "face-to-face" can be perceived as an illicit transaction/seedy.
Make a page on "How to buy Bitcoins", include the major/trusted exchanges with a brief description of the different processes and give users choice.
5. Explain false positives in the wallet software regarding some anti-virus/malwareAgain, if the target audience isn't people like me in this forum, you need to hold their hands and explain that certain anti-virus will flag this as malware and tell them what is happening and why.
Overall, great job promoting I hope some of these suggestions get noticed and the coin continues to grow.
COYE: 5TMe41cRcufXdA4xf8YeEYDgCWwnCVi29Y