Somebody actually have a working block explorer for this coin? ( NDL )
Not that I know of.
I want to put one up, but just don't have the time.
i'm still running that i put up months ago.
just a simple ABE explorer.
it does have a bad habit of hanging/stalling. but it generally is there trundling along...
I have not been able to connect to it for a while. I figured it was dead.
Is it a server issue (lack of CPU / RAM / something else), or another issue?
probably 'other', ABE itself or the SQL server perhaps. i've not had time or brain energy to look into it. i work a summer seasonal job 6 days a week. winter months are my play with the computer months. i've done an ABE --rescan and it made no difference.
default-loader = blkfile
dbtype MySQLdb
connect-args {"user":"abe","db":"abe","passwd":"secret :)"}
port 40023
datadir = [{
"dirname" : "/home/ndl/.noodlyappendagecoin",
"chain" : "NoodlyAppendageCoin",
"conf" : "noodlyappendagecoin.conf",
"loader" : "blkfile",
"policy" : "Sha256Chain", # not coins algorithm, but chain format used
"code3" : "NDL",
"address_version" : "u0305", # hex value of base58.h PUBKEY_ADDRESS
"magic" : "u0f0bu0c00u0b06u0d0b" # main.cpp uchar pchMessageStart[4]
if [ "x$1" = "x--init" ]; then
python -m Abe.abe --config abe.conf --commit-bytes 100000 --no-serve
elif [ "x$1" = "x--rescan" ]; then
python -m Abe.abe --config abe.conf --rescan --no-serve
python -m Abe.abe --config abe.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 &
and according to my notes i had done this:
mysql -u root -p
create database abe;
CREATE USER 'abe'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
grant all on abe.* to abe;
i run the explorer under the ndl login user that is running the noodlydaemon