Activity: 1
Merit: 0
January 27, 2014, 02:46:28 PM |
Hello together,
I guess I am too late for the 60 SMC giveaway, right? If not, please tell me how to participate.
Thanks in advance, J
SMC: SSjBE5EHaZDvADHsyxd9mc8RwXVhK2eX3y
January 27, 2014, 02:49:25 PM |
Just got my 50th coin! 
Activity: 3248
Merit: 1072
January 27, 2014, 02:51:07 PM |
i have any

Activity: 110
Merit: 10
Should be a really good sho-ooo-oo-ooo (Ed Simian)
January 27, 2014, 02:53:09 PM |
Just got my 50th coin!  You must have a deep blue super computer in the back room. 
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
January 27, 2014, 02:55:08 PM |
Hello together,
I guess I am too late for the 60 SMC giveaway, right? If not, please tell me how to participate.
Thanks in advance, J
SMC: SSjBE5EHaZDvADHsyxd9mc8RwXVhK2eX3y
Same here please. SMC: SWKcrS5aQZYcAsKVGhmmgrXmtWpYJP8yGm
January 27, 2014, 02:58:57 PM |
smartcoin - please provide an OS X wallet! I have too many coins to be held at mining pools by now.
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Activity: 83
Merit: 10
January 27, 2014, 02:59:28 PM |
I give this one a go too. Could y pls send me some (if offer stil stands) to: SRf5qFSkvhRVPJ34MkCoEZpM3isPLDMSbh I'm mining it right now too 

Activity: 94
Merit: 10
January 27, 2014, 02:59:39 PM |
I can understand those 1SMC blocks, it has a purpose. Like all of us, ended up with 0,3SMC after first 7h digging.. Seems better now, I have whole 3SMC  But, wallet sync wont work, even after upgraded conf file with new nodes... Sj33Vq1LmGPP56sWF68HuQhPtBATHsR1mR
January 27, 2014, 03:00:37 PM |
Anyone who signed up for the 60 free coins via email pre-launch: Have any of you received your email instructing where to send your address for these coins yet?
January 27, 2014, 03:02:55 PM |
I can understand those 1SMC blocks, it has a purpose. Like all of us, ended up with 0,3SMC after first 7h digging.. Seems better now, I have whole 3SMC  But, wallet sync wont work, even after upgraded conf file with new nodes... Sj33Vq1LmGPP56sWF68HuQhPtBATHsR1mR Do you have some connections? If not maybe router or firewall block port wallet. Maybe enable UPNP in router or forward port.
January 27, 2014, 03:04:19 PM |
https://smc.hash.so have around 80% of Network hash! Please close registrations and spread around hash! I'm not sure if it's at 80%, but probably well over healthy 50%. Closing registrations isn't really an option as I share users between my pools. I haven't been advertising my pool at all for a while. I think there other pools are gaining hashing power, while my pool is staying at around 850Mh/s. I guess I did a good job with the pool  Edit: And obviously thank You miners! It has been fun! Didn't get much sleep last night, it was just too fun to watch the pool and optimize stuff so it wouldn't break. Sadly had to disable live dashboard, I was hoping it could handle the load but sadly it did not, needs more optimizations. there is nothing way over healthy 50%. We did fork coins b4, and its not fun. Not for you, not for the coin......
January 27, 2014, 03:08:07 PM |
Hi, my wallet don´t sync. Have i forgot something?  Wallet wont sync even edited .conf file to add the extra noes still does not sync (1 connection was made but was ended) so im at a loss as to what to do next
Same here. Was working fine but 1 hour ago stopped receiving incoming coins (was getting deposits every few mins from pool) and now no connections available. 
Age Of Mars | GameFI Virtual colonization of Mars
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
January 27, 2014, 03:10:36 PM |
only 20smc after 12 hrs. of mining T_T
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
January 27, 2014, 03:13:25 PM |
only 20smc after 12 hrs. of mining T_T
Something must be wrong with me... Because I don't even have 1 mined coin yet. I'm feeling disappointed at my first day/try mining with not too bad of a GPU. Any donations are veeeery appreciate.
January 27, 2014, 03:15:24 PM |
Hello all, some one want to spare some coins ? for the doggies at http://savegreyhound.hol.es/ smc: SaV6pYxfX12iV4vK8dmFLpBrPMhzf3Bdt7 / Galgo Support *** Your support is highly appreciated ***
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
January 27, 2014, 03:16:43 PM |
..launch is rocky...wallet wouldn't sync after I encrypted it...seems fishy...won't sync and coins are staying in the pool...I'm thinking this is some over-hyped crapcoin again...dropping connections too
January 27, 2014, 03:18:51 PM |
My wallet just reconnected, finally. Not many connections though, we need some more.
Age Of Mars | GameFI Virtual colonization of Mars

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
January 27, 2014, 03:20:43 PM |
I can confirm that one of the premium pools is a scam, I mined at smc.hash.so for 2.5 hours at 5 m/h, today I have a total of 0.00000000 coins confirmed/unconfirmed there, never got one satoshi of s coin, THAT IS A SCAM POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 27, 2014, 03:21:34 PM |
I can confirm that one of the premium pools is a scam, I mined at smc.hash.co for 2.5 hours at 5 m/h, today I have a total of 0.00000000 coins confirmed/unconfirmed there, never got one satoshi of s coin, THAT IS A SCAM POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've made 150+ coins from there since this morning with 5MH. They're already in my wallet.
Age Of Mars | GameFI Virtual colonization of Mars
January 27, 2014, 03:22:06 PM |
Now is a good time to join the pool at http://smc.nicemining.pw , where things are running smooth since launch and all we need is a bit higher hash rate to get more constant rewards! Spreading the network hash rate between as many pool as possible ensures a healthy coin, so don't just mindlessly join the bigger pools! Note that a lower hashrate on a pool does not get you less coins, it just distributes them more randomly over time(not getting any for a couple hours then suddenly getting a ton). Hope to see you there!
NicEMining Québecoin, Slothcoin, Primio, Wincoin and Supercoin! No fees, no frills, no nonsense, just Simple, Stable, Nice Mining!