it just like other coins from coinmarket.io value is 3 times cheaper than it was on peak
Unfortunately this is what happens when crypto coins get to an exchange.... People with large hash rates and no interest dump for the early profit. You should see this as an opportunity to pick up some cheap coin(O)

However, the real test of a coin is how well it stands up after this. Most coins will be dumped for the little BTC people can get, and if the community passion dies, so does the coin.
The thing with Coin(O) is that the early community (see early post to see what I mean) is quite passionate about this coin. It was a GREAT launch for a new alt coin and the upside of this is that a LOT of the coins being dumped are already being bought up by the early adopters here, myself included.
Just stick around for a while and try to feel the buzz being generated, the negative comments have only just started to appear over the last couple of days and that is to be expected from new entrants trying to test the waters and find out what the big deal is. The reality is that "fast transaction times" is not the differentiator some would like it to be. Alt coins will never be used at the checkout of a supermarket without a HUGE investment and the backing of the big players like Visa.
There will be some great announcements regarding this coin over the next month or so, at least one of them from myself. But you'll have to commit a bit and stick around

You have to remember that this coin is only 14 days old and the market is just beginning to settle. Once the market finds it's natural low we, as a community, can start to really build on the Coin(O) brand and infrastructure and only after this will it be a possible contender for one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies out there. So far, so good.
The devs have done a great job, the forum is active, most of the pool owners are engaging and helpful and most questions get answered pretty quickly. Quite a few of the forum posters are helpful, and more to the point they are positive and polite.
I agree with other comments here that it would be a positive move for the "German Marketing Company" behind Coin(O) to come forward, but hey, if they want to remain in the shadows, so be it. NOBODY knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is and look at Bitcoin....
So now you have to make you choice !!!! Do you want to stay for the long haul ? or do you want to haul outa here ?