how many DRK does everyone hold? only 110 here.
When they reach 10$ each, that will buy some nice anonymous butt plugs in the mail.
'think it will get that high?
Well in my mind they can reach 5$ easily once darksend is implemented,if the developers stick to it and reach their goals, who knows after that. The best thing would be for this bitcoin situation with MTGOX to be resolved for people to regain a feeling of trust in cryptos. You can see the reactions of people holding coins like vert, they know their coin is only marginally better than other clones out there in terms of features. They have a nice logo and some nice devs, good to have for sure but they offer nothing more than other cryptos.
Look at this post by a guy called David Seaman, holding his fair share of vertcoin and doing his part to hype it.
"Let DarkCoin take the shady creeper nicher" he says. The same shady creeper niche that bitcoin had a while ago ? Much higher ambitions? I mean come on, vert is amongst the better clones since they do take themselves seriously, but their main feature is still ASIC resistance... that does nothing for me, it's so easily implemented in various ways. In reality they see darkcoin gaining on them without even trying and are now declaring themselves to be 'clean' money for the regular people.
Here's maxcoins graph
Here's vertcoin
Pump it up enough and people dump it like any other crap.
Now look at darkcoin
It had almost no hype and when it did get a bit, it found a new floor really quickly and is continuing to grow steadily. It will get another bump soon and everytime is likely to find a higher floor unlike max and vert for example. People may really believe in vert (or max?) but in reality it feels like most of the userbase is in it for the money grab and will dump asap.
This is my opinion, not fact. Thanks.
There are also fundamentals in place regarding minting which hint to the price dynamic even if one doesn't know what the chart looks like...
276.480 Maxcoins per day vs 4.475.000 MAX = +6.17% inflation per day
28800 VTC per day vs 2.000.000 VTC = +1.44% inflation per day
12000 DRK per day vs 3.430.000 DRK = +0.35% inflation per day
DRK = 17.5 times less inflation than Max
DRK = 4.1 times less inflation than VTC no surprise really that their charts are the way they are.