Yes I connected.
Can you write a comand line how to increase fan speed to decrease the temperature?
thank you in advance.
I think that I connected now.
Try this:
After you connect via ssh...
Type: ls
hit enter
(you should see nothing, no files in the current directory)
Type: cd /
hit enter (this takes you to root directory)
Type cd config
hit enter
type: ls
hit enter ( this list all files in current directory)
(you should see a list of files one of them being cgminer.conf) We need to edit this file.
type: vim cgminer.conf
hit enter (you are now in the editor)
hit the "i" key to enter insert mode
use your arrow keys to move to the last line then enter these two new lines:
"A1Fanspd": 30,
"A1Fanmode": 0
** You can change 30 to whatever you want the fan speed to be.
** Make sure the above two new lines are above the closing }
When done hit ESC key
Then type: :wq!
Hit Enter
Exit program
You can then type: vim cgminer.conf again
just to look and make sure your changes saved. Exit program-> :q!
P.S. If at any point you mess something up just exit the program (ESC :q!)and start again. Nothing is saved until you enter :wq!
***Someone else verify the above please, I just woke up with hay fever and my eyes are watering***