Activity: 38
Merit: 0
September 05, 2018, 07:12:03 PM |
Good evening, Just tell me please, do you plan to put a counter on the site so that everyone can see how many tokens have already been sold? And if yes, when are you going to implement this? Thanks

Activity: 196
Merit: 10
TACHAIN Entertainment and Transportation Synergy
September 05, 2018, 07:25:21 PM |
We glad to announce that we have passed KYC procedure and have been highly rated by ICO Bench experts. Thank You all who support us. Let's keep moving forward! https://icobench.com/ico/tachainWow! Great news Tachain team! You are really doing a good job team, Keep it up and make this project more successful! Good luck to the project and the team behind it. Congrats tachain, never knew project had to pass kyc before getting listed on ico bench. This would surely give them some confidence. Congratulations Tachain team. 4.6 out of 5 really not a bad rating. This all credit are goes to tachain team. Its indeed a very good rating. I checked it just today and it appeared in my facebook page. Very nice job done by team. Now fingers crossed for them to raise more money and proceed with the further development. thats fantastic news! What concerns me however is I can't see any new tokens getting issued on the tachain cabinet. Is this normal?

Activity: 728
Merit: 11
DocTailor IEO on Zloadr
September 05, 2018, 07:45:14 PM |
We glad to announce that we have passed KYC procedure and have been highly rated by ICO Bench experts. Thank You all who support us. Let's keep moving forward! https://icobench.com/ico/tachainCongratulations. Nice rating on the there; weird how 4 was given for the app though. So the KYC is for ICO Bench? or was it for something else? ICobench carry out KYC for owners of project to establish the truth behind their information so as to eliminate the possibilities of reviewing scam projects, so ICObench becomes one of the best to go review site cos of the importance they place on verification
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September 05, 2018, 08:09:38 PM |
Good evening, Just tell me please, do you plan to put a counter on the site so that everyone can see how many tokens have already been sold? And if yes, when are you going to implement this? Thanks
I agree the team should notice this and at least give us an answer because it is always good as a supporter of the project to watch how much they have made so far.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
September 05, 2018, 08:16:12 PM |
Well a certain amount of regulations and procedures is a good thing, it ensures that plan and our investments have some kinda a guarantee that they will offer the value for our money.

Activity: 672
Merit: 11
September 05, 2018, 08:44:55 PM |
We glad to announce that we have passed KYC procedure and have been highly rated by ICO Bench experts. Thank You all who support us. Let's keep moving forward! https://icobench.com/ico/tachainWow! Great news Tachain team! You are really doing a good job team, Keep it up and make this project more successful! Good luck to the project and the team behind it. Congrats tachain, never knew project had to pass kyc before getting listed on ico bench. This would surely give them some confidence. Congratulations Tachain team. 4.6 out of 5 really not a bad rating. This all credit are goes to tachain team. Its indeed a very good rating. I checked it just today and it appeared in my facebook page. Very nice job done by team. Now fingers crossed for them to raise more money and proceed with the further development. Yea, they seem to be doing something right, even though sometimes i'm a bit rigid when it comes to the results received by rating sites but its evident that they are flowing well with the community, i will love to see them engage the community more often, their social pages are doing well but will love to feel their presence on this channel on a constant basis

Activity: 420
Merit: 11
September 05, 2018, 08:48:48 PM |
We glad to announce that we have passed KYC procedure and have been highly rated by ICO Bench experts. Thank You all who support us. Let's keep moving forward! https://icobench.com/ico/tachainWow! Great news Tachain team! You are really doing a good job team, Keep it up and make this project more successful! Good luck to the project and the team behind it. Congrats tachain, never knew project had to pass kyc before getting listed on ico bench. This would surely give them some confidence. Congratulations Tachain team. 4.6 out of 5 really not a bad rating. This all credit are goes to tachain team. Its indeed a very good rating. I checked it just today and it appeared in my facebook page. Very nice job done by team. Now fingers crossed for them to raise more money and proceed with the further development. thats fantastic news! What concerns me however is I can't see any new tokens getting issued on the tachain cabinet. Is this normal? It seems to be normal. We have already asked several times if they can add a progress bar on the ICO page. Up to now, they haven't add a counter.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
September 05, 2018, 08:57:56 PM |
Smart contracts add additional risks, which are not in most of the agreements fixed in the text:breaking the contract, unintentional program errors in the code or protocol. Why your smart contracts better than others??? ?
September 05, 2018, 10:12:59 PM |
you add more specific information about this plan, it will be easier to make a decision. i mean,for example, what people get of invest? Hoping the bounty campaign will be announced shortly. Can not wait to promote this plan!
I think the bounty campaign is already started if I am not mistaken  i saw somewhere the campaign is to run till the end of the ICO which I can't quite understand the logic behind it Bounty campaign is ongoing. Just 4 weeks to go for the completion of the token sales. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4597358Check this out for bounty.. Thanks for sharing, I wasn't aware that Tachain was doing a bounty to be honest. I might see if I can catch the tail end of it and I thought that bounty has finished. It's still going on that's a great news. Thanks for the information. honestly i never had idea their bounty program is still running this is really informative thanks by the way am gonna check it out right now Because there are so many newbies on the way, I already thought that there is a bounty campaign. But I see no task that requires to post here in the forum. Is there maybe another campaign?
Full Member
Activity: 546
Merit: 106
September 05, 2018, 10:15:30 PM |
Not sure it’s just how bi Cointalk is lately especially on newer projects it’s interesting to see the kind of community that grows around projects on here
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
September 05, 2018, 10:26:06 PM |
Hello, im kinda in a hurry to get rich as those loan sharks i used to get the money to buy these coins seem very understanding and nice but i dunno
Full Member
Activity: 504
Merit: 106
★Bitvest.io★ Play Plinko or Invest!
September 05, 2018, 10:34:53 PM |
Hello, im kinda in a hurry to get rich as those loan sharks i used to get the money to buy these coins seem very understanding and nice but i dunno
Mate i hope this is a joke, that is a very silly decision if that is true. Do not borrow money to invest in crypto that is a terrible idea. Only invest what you can afford.
Full Member
Activity: 546
Merit: 106
September 05, 2018, 11:35:55 PM |
Hello, im kinda in a hurry to get rich as those loan sharks i used to get the money to buy these coins seem very understanding and nice but i dunno
Mate i hope this is a joke, that is a very silly decision if that is true. Do not borrow money to invest in crypto that is a terrible idea. Only invest what you can afford. Lol I’m really hoping so he’ll buying crypto even on a credit card is pretty stupid especially when rule one is invest what you don’t mind loosing
Jr. Member
Activity: 574
Merit: 1
September 05, 2018, 11:53:40 PM |
Hello, im kinda in a hurry to get rich as those loan sharks i used to get the money to buy these coins seem very understanding and nice but i dunno
Mate i hope this is a joke, that is a very silly decision if that is true. Do not borrow money to invest in crypto that is a terrible idea. Only invest what you can afford. yeah, very sound advise it very important you don't incur extra charges when investing in crypto you should know anything can happen and bet me most times it not all rosy

Activity: 630
Merit: 10
September 05, 2018, 11:54:29 PM |
Hello, im kinda in a hurry to get rich as those loan sharks i used to get the money to buy these coins seem very understanding and nice but i dunno
That's not a good way of investing buddy, I really hate loan sharks because they will keep following you until you can't give anything back except one important things from you. It's either you will lose your house, car, family etc.
Full Member
Activity: 546
Merit: 106
September 05, 2018, 11:59:22 PM |
Hello, im kinda in a hurry to get rich as those loan sharks i used to get the money to buy these coins seem very understanding and nice but i dunno
Mate i hope this is a joke, that is a very silly decision if that is true. Do not borrow money to invest in crypto that is a terrible idea. Only invest what you can afford. yeah, very sound advise it very important you don't incur extra charges when investing in crypto you should know anything can happen and bet me most times it not all rosy Yep no matter how good a project and team is theirs a possibility of failure mainstream businesses die every day so you really have to manage your exposure and risk well
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
September 06, 2018, 12:01:19 AM |
What do you check fistful when invest money in new plan? I check team. Ethereum have the best team on crypto market. Anything else you need to hear?
September 06, 2018, 04:45:50 AM |
Hello, im kinda in a hurry to get rich as those loan sharks i used to get the money to buy these coins seem very understanding and nice but i dunno
Mate i hope this is a joke, that is a very silly decision if that is true. Do not borrow money to invest in crypto that is a terrible idea. Only invest what you can afford. yeah, very sound advise it very important you don't incur extra charges when investing in crypto you should know anything can happen and bet me most times it not all rosy Yep no matter how good a project and team is theirs a possibility of failure mainstream businesses die every day so you really have to manage your exposure and risk well It is very foolish and stupid to borrow because you want to invest in crypto. You will just get yourself frustrated, and accumulate enough debt.

Activity: 630
Merit: 10
September 06, 2018, 07:00:44 AM |
Hello, im kinda in a hurry to get rich as those loan sharks i used to get the money to buy these coins seem very understanding and nice but i dunno
Mate i hope this is a joke, that is a very silly decision if that is true. Do not borrow money to invest in crypto that is a terrible idea. Only invest what you can afford. yeah, very sound advise it very important you don't incur extra charges when investing in crypto you should know anything can happen and bet me most times it not all rosy Yep no matter how good a project and team is theirs a possibility of failure mainstream businesses die every day so you really have to manage your exposure and risk well It is very foolish and stupid to borrow because you want to invest in crypto. You will just get yourself frustrated, and accumulate enough debt. Yeah, It's really not a good move, He will really going to in debt more to that loan sharks if the market will not going to recover on the time that they gave to him to pay his debt.

Activity: 490
Merit: 10
September 06, 2018, 07:20:10 AM |
Hello, im kinda in a hurry to get rich as those loan sharks i used to get the money to buy these coins seem very understanding and nice but i dunno
Mate i hope this is a joke, that is a very silly decision if that is true. Do not borrow money to invest in crypto that is a terrible idea. Only invest what you can afford. Lol I’m really hoping so he’ll buying crypto even on a credit card is pretty stupid especially when rule one is invest what you don’t mind loosing To many the current market situation is crappy given they got it at a high price; on the other hand for investment (new ones) this is a great time to jump in given the drop in prices of ETH and many other coins based on it.