Okay lets set a target for EduCoin at Mintpal (currently 78 votes).
We should definitely beat
Offerings to Cthulhu in the next day or so people! Come on! Stop whatever you're doing. Go here
https://www.mintpal.com/voting Register to this exchange, which by the way has a really nice interface, and vote.
Then here are the next targets to beat:
SochiCoin - 3692 votes = The Olympics are OVER people.
PopularCoin - 8137 votes = Really? You named it Popular?
PremineCoin - 15509 votes = This will not end well.
Grumpycoin - 46646 votes = For a coin that insults your mother?
EduCoin is a coin that is not premined, will make your mother proud, will be popular, and will one day educate future Olympians people.
Get. Out. The. VOTE.