So everyone knows what I've been up to. Working out a variable weighted average difficulty equation to provide more consistency in difficulty adjustments, this will be applied to nPoS, CPU, and GPU channels. Reason for this development is the volatility of the current difficulty adjustments due to inherent randomness in work calculations from being targeted every block. Once I complete this adjustment I will release a public testnet so we can get the nPoS, CPU, and GPU difficulty up to ensure that block production is kept properly timed. I will work towards getting this public testnet up by Monday. If all goes smoothly
[which means more testers == better data == I can verify faster == release sooner] then we can move to the full release with time-lock on the main net.
Here is the equation I am implementing for the new Block Version 4 difficulty adjustments:
This will start n at given blocks back from current, and increase the weight of the timed average to give higher weight to the average on more recent blocks, but still allow previous blocks included to influence the difficulty adjustment.
Thank You,Viz.