March 05, 2015, 09:33:48 AM |
Hello, Nice work! now, we have pool with workers, it's realy good. Thx Nonce-pool for this new CPU pool. We have 3 cpu pool now : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=657601.0#post_PoolsViz Beta CPU Pool: 2% fee -min diff 4.5 Cestballot CPU pool faster then beta pool / more uptime: or pool.cestballot.fr 2% fee -min diff 3.5 Nonce-pool CPU pool : http://csd-cpu.nonce-pool.com multiworkers options, 2% fee ?? min diff 3.5 ?? KK will update op with your pool next step is GPU pool. I'll work with Viz to have gpu pool and new web UI  best regards. CestBallot
March 05, 2015, 02:02:33 PM |
Thanks for the reply viz
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1000
March 05, 2015, 02:43:06 PM |
Does the pool cpu miner work or a special miner for your pool?
Your help says to add the -u and -p but not in your bat example.Got it going.
If you are going to leave your BTC on an exchange please send it to this address instead 1GH3ub3UUHbU5qDJW5u3E9jZ96ZEmzaXtG, I will at least use the money better than someone who steals it from the exchange. Thanks 

Activity: 81
Merit: 10
March 05, 2015, 02:59:01 PM |
WIN7 I only use 4 threads, and how to set up
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1000
March 05, 2015, 03:03:36 PM |
WIN7 I only use 4 threads, and how to set up Just add a number 4 at the end of the example bat with a space after your user name and the cpu will only use 4 threads/cores.
If you are going to leave your BTC on an exchange please send it to this address instead 1GH3ub3UUHbU5qDJW5u3E9jZ96ZEmzaXtG, I will at least use the money better than someone who steals it from the exchange. Thanks 
March 05, 2015, 03:10:52 PM |
Does the pool cpu miner work or a special miner for your pool?
Your help says to add the -u and -p but not in your bat example.Got it going. Oh yes there is no password, your worker.1234... id is sufficient.

Activity: 81
Merit: 10
March 05, 2015, 04:10:40 PM |
WIN7 I only use 4 threads, and how to set up Just add a number 4 at the end of the example bat with a space after your user name and the cpu will only use 4 threads/cores. Thank you 
March 05, 2015, 04:21:23 PM Last edit: March 06, 2015, 06:47:37 AM by starblocks |
You said the right thing: Thank You  We are trying to make the world a better place, and if enough people join in we can do it  Viz. I will always respect you for that one 
Activity: 868
Merit: 1058
Creator of Nexus http://nexus.io
March 05, 2015, 04:38:56 PM |
We all deserve freedom and peace from the slavery of the system This is made possible when we all work togetherThank You,Viz.
[ Nexus] Created by Viz. [ Videlicet] : "videre licet - it may be seen; evidently; clearly"
March 05, 2015, 05:26:45 PM |
I can't find option in the new miner pointing it to specified IP and port. It's useful to me ...
Me too! My wallet is on another machine, how do we get this version to point to a different machine? Where do we put the conf file? Putting the IP in the bat file does not seem to work? Hi sorry all. I have been very sick for the past week and a half. Turns out I have mono ... apparently you can get it as an adult. I've been in and out of doctors offices and hospitals and just finally found out yesterday. So, now that I'm well enough to come online: You can still set the connection through the .bat file or you can use the miner.conf file. The miner.conf file now exists in your App Data folder, on windows. In Linux it will be in SKMiner's install directory in a hidden ~/.skminer directory. In the search bar type %APPDATA% and hit ENTER and look for the SKMiner folder.   
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
March 05, 2015, 05:31:33 PM |
Thanks for the hint bitslapper , i'll test it and give some feedback...
March 05, 2015, 08:08:24 PM |
Thanks Bitslapper, hope you make a speedy recovery.
I'm a Nvidia miner but I kept a couple of 280X's just incase a new algo comes out that favors AMD and because they (280's) make such good room heaters! I could not get the bat file to work, keeps trying to mine to Will have a look in the appdata folder later.
What have you got planned for the Nvidia miner?
Activity: 1036
Merit: 1000
March 05, 2015, 09:18:18 PM |
feel better buddy I can't find option in the new miner pointing it to specified IP and port. It's useful to me ...
Me too! My wallet is on another machine, how do we get this version to point to a different machine? Where do we put the conf file? Putting the IP in the bat file does not seem to work? Hi sorry all. I have been very sick for the past week and a half. Turns out I have mono ... apparently you can get it as an adult. I've been in and out of doctors offices and hospitals and just finally found out yesterday. So, now that I'm well enough to come online: You can still set the connection through the .bat file or you can use the miner.conf file. The miner.conf file now exists in your App Data folder, on windows. In Linux it will be in SKMiner's install directory in a hidden ~/.skminer directory. In the search bar type %APPDATA% and hit ENTER and look for the SKMiner folder.   
March 06, 2015, 12:56:35 AM |
CPU pool : pool.cestballot.fr or stat : 1650 block found ! 400-2200 users News : web UI coming soon, probably this weekend  using Viz web API  Best regards Cestballot
March 06, 2015, 01:56:25 PM Last edit: March 06, 2015, 02:41:40 PM by cbuchner1 |
I have been very sick for the past week and a half. Turns out I have mono ... apparently you can get it as an adult. I've been in and out of doctors offices and hospitals and just finally found out yesterday.
Hi! I've had the pleasure to deal with mononucleosis in adulthood as well. Liver and spleen suffer (the spleen will grow quite a bit) and it will lead to weeks of fever and feeling generally miserable. For me the first acute infection lasted 5 weeks. And the most lovely bit is that you can fall back into sickness later on because that sucker virus stays inactive in your body for the rest of your life - ready to hit you again when you least expect it (e.g. after exhausting activity like sports). The second time it hit me this lasted 3 weeks. yay. I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery. Christian
March 06, 2015, 09:02:55 PM |
Still no open source am I correct?
Activity: 868
Merit: 1058
Creator of Nexus http://nexus.io
March 06, 2015, 10:21:30 PM |
Some components are in my Github, such as the Beta Pool which includes the Lower Level Protocol, Basic Lower Level Database, etc. Thank You,Viz.
[ Nexus] Created by Viz. [ Videlicet] : "videre licet - it may be seen; evidently; clearly"
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
March 07, 2015, 05:14:14 PM |
Hey Viz , when do we expect the new release of the wallet, with the new features... 