a lot of stuff happening in
https://forum.thesupernet.org/index.php?board=14.0 and ##supernet IRC:
[16:02] <jl777> on one server I see {"requestType":"publishPservers","NXT":"10694781281555936856","Pservers":["", "", "", "", "", "", ""],"firstPserver":0,"Numpservers":7,"xorsum":2198144725}
[16:03] <jl777> and {"requestType":"publishPservers","NXT":"13434315136155299987","Pservers":["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],"firstPserver":0,"Numpservers":9,"xorsum":3355436066}
[16:03] <jl777> so this is very good! I have some MGW code to do and tonight I hope to make progress on making the propagation work reliably
[16:51] <jl777> OK, MGW code is being tested. back to the routing issues.
[16:51] <jl777> the third server only sees {"requestType":"publishPservers","NXT":"8894667849638377372","Pservers":["", "", "", ""],"firstPserver":0,"Numpservers":4,"xorsum":3867160699}
[16:51] <jl777> and I see the dreaded error: got ("error":"no np or global udp for sendmessage || destnp->mypeerinfo.srvnxtbits == 0"})
[16:52] <jl777> yesterday, I had some infinite loops where one server responded to another server, which caused another command sent, etc.
[16:52] <jl777> sort of like infinite recursion
[16:53] <jl777> I was just hardcoding an implicit statemachine by the code for each API
[16:54] <jl777> but clearly this is not workable for any complicated logic, so I need to generalize some simple ACK and ACK ACK protocol in a generic statemachine so the majority of API calls can just use a default statemachine
[16:54] <jl777> does anybody see a flaw with this approach?